Fashionable people playing the party game of Guess the KisserFashionable people at a party play the game of Guess the Kisser, a parlour game where a blindfolded girl has to guess who is kissing her on the cheek
Comic postcard, Woman chats to fireman at window Date: 20th century
Comic postcard, Doctor on home visit to woman Date: 20th century
Advert for Eau de CologneAdvert for 4711 Eau de Cologne, made with a secret recipe since 1792. Date: circa 1939
Comic postcard, cockerel and hen flirtation Date: 20th century
WW1 era - Saucy French postcard" Why do you keep your helmet on?" " Its because I hope to go scouting." !!! Date: circa 1915
Comic Postcard - Suggestive poster and girlHumorous Postcard - a satire on the play The Girl who took the Wrong Turning (Theatre Royal)
Estelle Lingerie Glamour Wear - Backless Bra, Easy Tights. 1971
Flighty by Harold Earnshaw, WW1 cartoonThree officers of the Royal Flying Corps (RFC), later the Royal Air Force (RAF) flirty with a young flapper girl