Louis Wain - flute player and mouse. circa 1900s
Joseph Richardson, FluteJOSEPH RICHARDSON flautist from Leeds, reckoned to be one of, if not THE leading flute player of his day. Date: 1814 - 1862
Caricature of Cora Cardigan, flautistCaricature of Cora Cardigan (Hannah Rosetta Dinah Moulton, 1860-1931), virtuoso flautist who worked mainly in theatres and music halls. She also played the violin. 1883
Music at home - sketches from life of amateur musicians, 189Music at home - sketches from life of amateur musicians by T.W Couldery. Date: 1894
Copy of Etruscan wall painting. Tomb of the Shields. c. 350Etruscan Art. Copy of Etruscan wall painting. Tempera on canvas 1900. Tomb of the Shields. Tarquinia, Italy c. 350 BC. Velhur Velcha and his wife, Ravnthu Aprthnei. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Denmark
Indian man playing the flute, IndiaIndian man playing the flute, with a water gourd at his side. Date: circa 1930
Troops destined for the Dutch colonies in India. 19th centurColonialism. 19th century. Holland. Rotterdam. Troops destined for the Dutch colonies in India. Kellenbach Engraving for The Artistic Illustration, 1886. Colored
Annunciation of the angel to Joachim. Codex of Predis (1476). Royal Library. Turin. Italy
Roman Art. Woman Playing double fluteRoman Art. Woman playing double flute Aulos. Relief. Detail of sarcophagus. Vatican Museums. City of the Vatican
Two frogs with flute and ladder on a New Year card. Date: circa 1890s
Frog playing flute on a New Year card. Date: circa 1890s
Flautist Lucas Vorsterman, the Old. Circa 1640. Dayton C. Miller Collection
Peruvian music: mass accompanied by native instrumentsMusic of north Africa: Berber mountaineers at a marriage feast. A curious ensemble, including a a pipe player, who appears to have sheep heads slung on to his belt, and a child drummer
A beautiful female Annamite flautist - VietnamA beautiful female flautist from the Annamite region (and former kingdom) of central Vietnam on the South China Sea between Tonkin and Cochin China. Date: 1907
Flautist of Osuna. Iberian art. Relief on rock. Proc: SPAIN. Osuna. Date: 4th-3rd century BCE
Music at home - young musicians practiceTwo boys practice their cello and flute. The boy on the left is Bill Marriott, who became a flautist with Halle symphony orchestra. Practice makes perfect! Date: c.1908
Performers at an amateur concertActors and musicians performing at an amateur concert in the 19th century
A Piper and Flautist of FranceFrench territorial army soldiers playing the ancient, national instruments of the Breton race - the Biniou, a species of flute, and the Bombarde, a form of bag-pipes
Marsyas and ApolloThe satyr Marsyas reckons hes a better flautist than Apollo, but after he loses a contest, Apollo flays him alive : nymphs mourning him make a river with their tears