London Trade Card - William Bull, Musical Instruments - trumpets, kettledrums, French horns, speaking trumpets, hearing horns for deaf people, powder flasks
One Kind of Picnic - Another by H. M. Bateman 2 of 2A group attempt a countryside picnic but are beset with problems ranging from angry wasps to an irate landowner
Coach party having lunch in a pubA coach party stops for lunch in a pub. circa 1950s
The Humorist Easter Number 1938The Humorist Easter Number front cover illustrated by William Heath Robinson featuring two exhausted cyclists sleeping off a picnic lunch, unaware that somebody is riding away on their tandem bicycle
Chaucer, Doctor O PhysicThe Doctor of Physic holds up a flask to the light
Kentish Cider DrinkersAfter a hard morning ploughing, two Kentish farm workers take a well earned break and pour themselves a mug of cider from a pottery flask
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Illustration by Edmund Dulac to the 12th Quatrain
Native American man of Peru, 16th century. He wears a headband, tunic decorated with flowers and birds and checkered design, holds a flask and palm-wood farming tool. Hommes de Perou
Chemist holding up a flask at a table in a laboratory. With mortar and pestle, flasks, pots, furnace and still
Portrait of Commodore Hawser Trunnion from Peregrine PicklePortrait of Commodore Hawser Trunnion, misogynist seaman in Tobias Smollett's picaresque novel The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, 1758
Decorative front cover with vignette of woman at her toilette, RDecorative front cover with calligraphic title and vignette of woman holding a flask of perfume at her toilette with fairies holding a mirror and garlands of flowers
A corpulent woman sits on a public weighing machine, ParisA corpulent woman sits sadly on a public weighing machine, Paris. A foreigner with lorgnette laughs at the dial, while a perfume seller offers her some flasks. The chair cost two sous
Norman weaponry: lance 212, Gisarma or halberd 213, Bipennis or double battle axe 214, battle axe 215, 226, 227, spear 216, jousting spear 217, cross-bearing orb or Reichsapfel 218-220
The Flask Inn, Highgate, London, early 1900s Date: early 1900s
The Flask Inn, Highgate, London Date: early 1900s
Still Life, They also serve who only stand and wait, WW1Still Life, They also serve who only stand and wait - George Robinson, Special Constable. Date: circa 1916
Bushells AdvertisementAn advertisement set of illustrations for Bushells, producers of tea and coffee, founded in 1883. One image shows a man enjoying a cup of Bushell's tea, with his little girl holding the flask
Women picnic on route of royal weddingTwo women picnic amongst litter on the route of the royal wedding of Princess Margaret and Anthony Armstrong-Jones. Date: 1960
Soldiers stopping to replenish their water bottles, this could be filled at certain fixed stations brought in by flexible pipes. Date: December 1917
A late middle-aged couple enjoying a picnicinsertcaption Date: circa 1920s
Persian woman in dance costume. Illustration by Mounier from Guillaume-Antoine Oliviers Travels in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt and Persia, 1801
Greek and Campanian clay pottery: Greek amphora 1, two-handle cup or diota 2, wine jug or oenochoe 3, vase or lecythus 4, flask or guttus 5, and jug or hydra 6
Musket parts including rest, bayonet, bandileerMatchlock musket, lock and bayonet from the Tower of London 1-3, bayonet 4, musket rest and bayonet 5, musket rest 6, bandileers and powder flask 7, wheel lock 8, 9, and spanner 10
Asian battle axe, dagger, cresse and powder flaskAsiatic arms: battle axe 1, dagger 2, Rohilla battle axe 3, Indian cresse or kris 3, and eastern powder flask 5, 6
Dance of the indigenous people of Chile. Men and women dance in a circle around a drummer, a man holding a standard, and flasks of wine
Various types of chemical stillsAlembic still with cucurbit flask and stil-head, alcohol still, and subliming aludel or Hermetic vase
Artwork by Florence Auerbach, flask of red wine, dated Florence, 1882. Date: 1882
An old lady in a bath chair relaxes with a younger female companion outside The Flask public house, a hostelry dating back to 1767, Highgate, North London, England. Date: built 1767
WINTER PICNIC SETThe picnic season is not entirely over with the coming of winter. A waterproof ground sheet, leather cushions, a foot warmer and a thermos flask will all come in handy! Date: 1930s
PICNIC FOR ONE 1930SSmiling woman, wearing finely striped dress, bangles & sandals, enjoys bread & butter alfresco from a picnic hamper. The food & tea flask is laid out upon a gingham cloth. Date: 1930s
Tea on Overcombe beach near Weymouth, South Devon - served hot from a Thermos flask in a very swanky tea hamper Date: 1938
The Loan Collection Exhibition - South Kensington: (left to right from top) Largest Known Pearl, Silver Flask, Silver-gilt Spoon, Coffret in Gilt Metal, Silerv-gilt Reliquary, Double-bulbed Cup
Anti-German cartoon, Made in Germany, WW1Made in Germany, an anti-German First World War cartoon, showing a long-legged Kaiser Wilhelm II running from France to Germany with a flask of wine
The Ashanti War (1873-74) - Ashanti implements and weaponsA. Sanko, musical instrument B. Cushion C. Ashanti Ministers state bag D. Fantee stool, cut out of solid block of cotton wood E. and F. War Greegrees or charms made of leather and straw worked in G
South Grove and Flask Tavern, Highgate, North London. Date: circa 1900s
Old Flask Inn, Highgate, North London. Date: circa 1930s
Trade catalogue of mens shaving equipment 1911Trade catalogue for Harrords department store, showing a page selection of shaving equipment. 1911
Four people in a car outside a Post OfficeFour people sitting inside a car outside a Post Office with their picnic things set out. Date: circa 1930s
Advert for Thermos flasks WW1Jolly advertisement for Thermos Flasks, an essential accessory to deal with trench life during the First World War
1960S PICNICMum is about to pour the tea from the flask and Dad is adjusting his daughters Alice band in this jolly picnic scene
A lady in Sunday best and Monday work clothes - North West England. Date: circa 1907
Advert for Dickins & Jones soldiers & sailors comforts 1914Selection of Christmas gifts for soldiers and sailors. 1914
Advert for J. C Vickery wind screen for match box 1914Electro-plated or polished lacquered brass, easy to use works in the must strongest winds patent match box screen. Flat silver pocket flask. 1914
Greetings card in the shape of a picnic basketGreetings card in the shape of a wickerwork picnic basket full of delicious food. Date: circa 1890s
Sterling silver goods, Plate 207, showing bells, a trowel, bouquet holders, whistles, a dram flask, cutlery and other items. Date: circa 1880s
Greek art. Grave monument of Archippe in the form of a lekythos. About 390 BC. The seated dead woman, a woman (Xeno) with child. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany
Greek Art. Munich Lekythos. Grave monument in the form of an oil flask (lekythos). About 370 BC. As a sing of their attachment the couple reach out their hands to each other. Gyptothek. Munich
Polychrome limestone reliefs depicting essences and perfumes vessels offering. Temple of Hatshepsut. Eighteenth Dynasty. New Kingdom. Egypt
Advert for H. W. Koehler - vacuum flask 1912" Autotherm", vacuum flask, maintaining heat for 24 hours and keeps liquid cool for days. 1912
Winston Churchill hunting wild boar, drinkingThe Duke of Westminster and Winston Churchill hunting wild boars at Foucarmont, in the forest of Eu. Here Winston Churchill has a drink from a hip flask before the start of a hunt
French Theatre -- La Condamnacion de BancquetLa Condamnacion de Bancquet, a morality play against gluttony attributed to Nicolas (or Nicole) de la Chesnaye
Tramp asleep on a Balham street, SW LondonA tramp asleep on a bench on a Balham street in SW London. The various bags and papers appear to belong to him. Date: circa 1960s
Itinerant seller of tissane with flask and cups.. Handcolored copperplate engraving by M. S. from Benjamin Rotchs Manners and Customs of the French, London, Sotheran, 1893
German table items from the early 16th century.. Chromolithograph from Jakob Heinrich von Hefner-Altenecks Costumes, Artworks and Appliances from the Middle Ages to the 17th Century, Frankfurt, 1889
Egyptian sea captain in turban and robes smoking a pipe.. Handcolored lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsches Complete Gallery of Peoples in True Pictures, Meissen, circa 1835-1840
Ascot race plate: Queen Victorias gift of a gold vase, 1874The Queens gold vase, given by Queen Victoria as a prize for one of the Ascot races in 1874. A large gold flagon in the style of Queen Annes time, made by R. & S. Garrard & Co. Date: 1874
Picnic For Two by Muriel Dawson -- a little boy sits on the grass, giving his pet dog a drink from a bowl. Date: 1946
Two men enjoying a hilltop picnic during a day out walking
Advert for Beatl picnic basket 1930No more breakages, no soggy paper plates and cups. Bright and colourful Beatl picnic basket. Date: 1930
Advert for Icy-Hot vacuum flasks 1916Keeps contents ice cold for 72 hours; hot for 24 hours, comes in container enameled in leather effect, with nickel-plated shoulder and drinking cup. 1916
Ladies CampingTwo rather smartly dressed young ladies, probably more accostomed to the town than the country, avoid roughing it by making tea with a very shiny modern vacuum flask! Date: late 1950s
Women Motor CyclistsTwo young women motor cyclists, who appear to be accepting a drop of drink from a man with a flask, non- alcoholic, we hope. Date: early 1930s
POLICEMENs PICNICTwo laughing policemen, captured on camera enjoying a picnic, or perhaps just a flask of tea and a bite to eat, next to a tent! Date: early 1930s
Whisky Glass RevolverAn Al Capone cut glass hip flask revolver for holding whisky, ideal for the perfect shot! Date: early 1930s
CAGNACCI, Guido (1601-1681). Flowers in a Flask. mid. 17th c. Baroque art. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Forl쮠 Civic Pinacotheca
Advert for Kodak - faster, truer snaps
Camping EquipmentCamping equipment, comprising of a bed and tent in one, with head support, a comfortable canvas chair, a wash bowl on a stand and a rucksack and water flask - luxury! Date: 1935
Picnic by the seasideA couple have a picnic by the seaside, using a fishing boat as a shelter from the stiff breeze (possibly!)... Date: circa 1940s
Picnic by the roadsideHaving a picnic by the roadside - tucking into a thermos of hot tea!
Pocket flask and napkin ring from Titanic1. A silver pocket flask belonging to Florence Ware, a second class passenger who survived the Titanic disaster. It was given to her by the bandmaster, Wallace Hartley. 2
Sketches of Hampstead, London, 1886Engraving showing a serices of scenes around Hampstead, in London, 1886
The Dog in WarA Canine member of the German Red Cross, seen with two orderlies, equipped for field service with a flask, cup and first-aid case
MEAL TIMETwo women enjoying a meal- whatever is in that box must be very tasty
Bismarck / Rohling / Page 29Bismarck offers soldiers a drink from his brandy-flask