ST ELISABETH FLAGELLATEDSaint Elisabeth of Hungary, after death of husband, devotes herself to pious works and penance, is regularly flagellated by her confessor circa 1230
FLAGELLANTS OF COIMBRAThe Jesuits of Coimbra, Portugal, notorious for their high life-style, do public penance for their sins, flagellating themselves through the streets. Date: circa 1560
Jacques BoileauJACQUES BOILEAU French churchman and theologian at the Sorbonne, ecclesiastical historian, author of Histoire des Flagellants. Date: 1635 - 1716
FlagellantsFLAGELLANTS roamed western Europe periodically from the 11th to the 16th centuries, scourging themselves in a quasi-ecstatic state
Religion / FlagellantsA man flagellates himself as penance for his sins
Religion / Flagellant / 1553A disciplinary or devotional practise found among many religious groups
Feast or FlagellationWhile those who live for the moment feast and frolic, others who recognise the seriousness of our life on Earth flagellate themselves to the greater glory of God
Medieval FlagellantsProcession of flagellants during the Middle Ages
Flagellants of TournaiA procession of flagellants at Doornik (now Tournai), Belgium : collective hysterias of this kind are a recurring feature of medieval popular religious activity
Flagellants of CoimbraThe Jesuits of Coimbra, Portugal, notorious for their high life-style, do public penance for their sins, flagellating themselves through the streets. Date: circa 1560