Hands Full. Southbank Middlesbrough 1970s 1970s
Chimneysweep / Mayhew 1864Back bent by the weight of his brushes, a young chimneysweep stands before the grate
Abscess from a gunshot wound in the forearm, 1815Abscess in a sailor's forearm from a musket-ball wound in a naval battle, 1815
Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt - 11Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt. A view of some of the makeshift buildings that have grown among the rubbish tips. This is where the better off Zabballeen people live circa 1995
Dirty Father Thames 1848Dirty Father Thames stands in the river water hooking detritus and rubbish that's floating there: old shoes and boots, dead fish, bottles, dead mice and rats
Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt - 10Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt. A man catches a pig. It will be eaten. There is little time for religious niceties among the poverty and filth of the rubbish tip
Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt - 8Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt. A cart pulled by two donkeys stops in the rubbish-strewn streets Date: circa 1995
Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt - 9Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt. A man catches a pig by the leg. It will be eaten. There is little time for religious niceties among the poverty and filth of the rubbish tip
Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt - 6Zabbaleen children on the rubbish tips of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt. A small girl child dodges past a donkey cart in the rubbish-strewn streets Date: circa 1995
Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt - 7Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt. A cart pulled by three small donkeys carries rubbish and three men from the tip Date: circa 1995
Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt - 5Zabbaleen children on the rubbish tips of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt. Three young girls sift though the smoking rubbish Date: circa 1995
Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt - 2Zabbaleen children on the rubbish tips of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt. A femae child wearing what might once have been a pretty pink dress. It is now ragged and filthy Date: circa 1995
Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt - 4Zabbaleen children on the rubbish tips of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt. A small boy carries a tin can into which he will put small metal items he finds among the rubbish Date: circa 1995
Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt - 3Zabbaleen children on the rubbish tips of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt. A small boy scrabbles in the rubbish with his bare hands. More children work behind him Date: circa 1995
Zabbaleen of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt - 1Zabbaleen children on the rubbish tips of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt. A ragged child finds a piece of bread among the rubbish and offers it to her sister, who clings to her brother Date: circa 1995
Filthy streets, Mokattam, CairoThe filthy street of Mokattam in the middle of the rubbish tips of Cairo, Egypt Date: circa 1995
Rubbish tip Zabbaleen children, CairoZabbaleen children on the rubbish tips of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt Date: circa 1995
Rubbish tip Zabbeleen children, CairoZabbaleen children on the rubbish tips of Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt Date: circa 1995
slum child with dogA dirty, barefoot boy eats a biscuit while standing on the doorstep of his slum home with a dog. Brinksway, Stockport Cheshire Date: circa 1970
Slum child eatingA small, dirty, barefoot boy on the doorstep of his slum home in Brinksway, Stockport Cheshire Date: circa 1970
Slum childA small fair-haired dirty boy wipes away tears with his thumb as he looks at the camera. Brinksway, Stockport condemned housing. North of England slums Date: circa 1970
German caricature of Russian soldiers, WW1German caricature of Russian soldiers in 1914 at the beginning of the First World War. Date: 1914
Path of a DrunkardThe path of a drunkard is a story of degradation from polite civility to filthy clothes and unruly behaviour. Date: 1866
Its My Turn. Stockton-on-Tees 1970s 1970s
The London Bathing Season, filthy River ThamesThe London Bathing Season cartoon
Boy drying his face on a towelA boy looks up rather guiltily, having been caught drying his face and hands on a towel when they are not properly clean. The water in the sink is filthy. Date: 1953
Comment on Mixed bathing from two dirty London trampsIn the Bars and Streets. Cartoon drawing by Phil May depicting a vagrant couple giving their opinion on bathing
A London dust-yardA pig rummages in a London dust-yard, while a man digs through the rubbish and women sieve the dust hoping to find things of value
Orphan in Bath 1925A filthy Russian orphan is given a thorough bath
Shoeblack (Petherick)London characters: a SHOEBLACK wearing the uniform of the London Shoeblack brigade, who polish gentlemens boots in the filthy streets of London
Working Mens Bar, ParisA working mens bar, Paris
Faraday & Filthy ThamesFaraday giving his card to Father Thames