Woman selling new potatoes at Middlesex Hospital, London, 1805Woman selling new potatoes at Middlesex Hospital. In bonnet, fichu, dress and petticoats with wheelbarrow of potatoes. Gate and gardens of Middlesex Hospital, built in 1755 and demolished in 2017
Woman in a ball gown with mask, 1788Woman in a ball gown, with chapeau topped with a pouf decorated with ribbons and laurel leaves, fichu, corset in English taffeta, and blue taffeta petticoat
Two fashionable women on an autumn stroll, WWI.. In wool two-piece belted suits with wide-brim hats, one with rosary, one with fichu
Pin-makers manufacturing pins in a workhouse. A woman in bonnet and fichu uses a foot-powered machine to cut wire into pins, while a man draws wire on a frame
Peasant woman of the Paris region, 1820. In bonnet with ribbon, high-waisted gown with fichu, puff sleeves and apron. Paysanne des environs de Paris
French women's fashion of the year of the Revolution, 1789. She wears a large plumed hat, hair in ringlets, blue dress with large white fichu, belt, frilled sleeves, white petticoats
Woman in petticoat and Mamluk overdress, Paris, 1804Woman in petticoat and Mamluk overdress, decorated with twisted trim. She wears a cap tied with a fichu kerchief, and a long scarlet shawl with embroidered ends
Woman working in the fashion industry, Paris, 1803Woman working in the fashion industry. She wears a straw bonnet, fichu, tablier apron over low-cut gown, and carries a hat box. Costume d'une ouvriere en modes
Fashionable woman in short haircut a la Victime, Paris, 1803Fashionable woman or merveilleuse in short haircut a la Victime. Her head is half-shaved, and she wears a low-cut gown and fichu kerchief with hanging ends. Tête à demi Tondue
Woman spinning yarn with a spindle and distaff, Paris, 1803. She wears a hooded cap in ribbed organdy, blue tunic over a white gown, ruffled collar and fichu. Capote d'Organdie, à Côtes
Woman in morning dress with calf-length tunic, Paris, 1803Woman in a long dress with calf-length tunic in same fabric, wide sleeves, bonnet, fichu, gloves and fan. Tunique Juive à Manches larges
Hannah Cowley, 18th century English dramatist and poetMrs. Hannah Cowley (1743-1809), 18th century English dramatist and poetess, author of The Runaway, Who's the Dupe?, Albina and The Belle's Stratagem
Lady Augusta Campbell, daughter of John Campbell, 5th Duke of ALady Augusta Campbell (1760 - 1831), daughter of John Campbell, 5th Duke of Argyll, wife of notorious gambler Colonel Henry Mordaunt Clavering
Charlotte Turner Smith, English Romantic poet and Gothic novelisCharlotte Turner Smith (1749-1806), English Romantic poet and Gothic novelist, female author of Elegiac Sonnets, Emmeline or the Orphan of the Castle, etc. Mrs Charlotte Smith
Mrs Charlotte Goodall, English actress and comedian 1766-1830. Pictured in wig, fichu and dress, holding a page with the title As You Like It
Charlotte Augusta, Princess Royal of EnglandOval portrait of Charlotte Augusta Matilda as Princess Royal of England, 1766-1828. Eldest daughter of mad king George III and Charlotte. Later Queen Charlotte of Württemberg
Cherry seller in front of St. James's Place, London, June, 1805Cherry seller in front of St. James's Place. Woman in bonnet, fichu and dress holding scales above a wheelbarrow of cherries in June. Entrance to St. James's Palace on Pall Mall
Chevalier d'Eon, passed as a woman, 1728-1810Chevalier d'Eon, who many years passed as a woman, 1728-1810. French diplomat, spy, soldier and professional fencer who dressed in women's clothes from 1777
Woman in sky-blue satin gown and petticoat, 1791Woman in sky-blue satin pouf bonnet, yellow plumes, hair in ringlets, sky-blue satin gown and petticoat, white gauze fichu
Fashionable woman in tricolor bonnet and bodice, 1790Woman in large gauze bonnet with feathers and tricolor cockade, hair in five large curls, fichu, satin robe a la Circassienne, bodice in tricolor stripes
Woman in matching pierrot and petticoat, 1790Woman in white gauze bonnet a l'Americaine, hair in ringlets, pierrot jacket and petticoat in colour of dead leaves, fichu worn over the shoulders, nakara slippers
Woman in bonnet, caraco and petticoats, 1790Woman in white gauze bonnet decorated with oak leaves and plumes, violet pearl choker, caraco and petticoat in transparent pink taffeta over black gauze, gauze fichu, pink slippers
Woman in striped gown and petticoat, 1790Woman in gauze bonnet, green and violet striped gown and petticoat, suie silk shawl, hair in ringlets, fichu, holding a cameo fan
Woman in red nakara gown and white petticoats, 1790Woman in white lace bonnet with violet and yellow ribbons, nakara plumes, hair in ringlets, blue pearl necklace, fichu, red nakara gown, white silk petticoat with ribbons
Woman in bonnet a la Citoyenne, 1790Woman in bonnet a la Citoyenne, hair in ringlets, white caraco and petticoat decorated with yellow and violet pleated ribbons, fichu bordered with green leaves
Fashionable woman in yellow and violet gown, 1790Woman in tall yellow hat covered in violet taffeta, heron plumes, hair in ringlets. Yellow taffeta gown, large fichu decorated with violet arabesques, white gauze petticoat with falbalas, violet fan
Fashionable women's bonnets, fichu and hose, 1790Busts of fashionable women in bonnets and fichu, woman's leg in garter, embroidered stocking and slipper
Fashionable woman in striped green gown, 1790Woman in tall bonnet covered with taffeta nakara, white follette, fichu with Barbeaux border, striped green gown, pink taffeta belt, white taffeta petticoat with falbala, green slippers
Style dresses in taffetas, 1935Style dresses in taffetas. Fichu, sleeve and skirt garniture formed of flounces, edged with cered ribbon, corselet belt with back bow of contrasting taffetas 12
Regency lady in walking dress holding an almanack, 1817Regency lady in walking dress holding an almanack
Regency lady in half dress seated with fan, 1816Regency lady in half dress seated with fan
Fashionable gentleman in coat, era of Marie AntoinetteFashionable gentleman in coat, breeches and boots with cane and hat, era of Marie Antoinette
Speculator at the Palais Royal, era of Marie AntoinetteSpeculator at the Palais Royal in morning coat and jockey hat, era of Marie Antoinette. l Agioteur du Palais Royal
Woman in jacket and skirt, era of Marie AntoinetteWoman in green feathered bonnet, scarlet velvet jacket over a long full green silk skirt with floral-print edging. Era of Marie Antoinette. Handcolored engraving by Ch
Dandy, era of Marie AntoinetteFashionable dandy man in pink coat, green breeches, bonnet with rosette, striped stockings and cane. Era of Marie Antoinette. Handcolored engraving by E
Woman in fur-trimmed outfit, era of Marie AntoinetteWoman in floral bonnet, wearing a fichu and pink fur-trimmed coat over long white skirts and carrying a cane. Era of Marie Antoinette. Handcolored engraving by Ap
Woman in white dress, pink fichu and corsage, pink bonnet-chapeau. Handcoloured lithograph by A
Man in loose fitting coat, waistcoat, trousers and bootsMan in loose fitting coat of grey cloth with velvet collar, pink-and-white check waistcoat, hazelnut colour trousers and soft boots. Handcoloured lithograph by E
Young girl from the environs of Bamberg, Franconia, Germany, 19th century
Woman of Schweinfurt, Bavaria, Germany, 19th century
Doll representing a girl Victorine with her hands in her pockets. Wooden doll dressed by the young Princess Victoria. Color plate after an illustration by Alan Wright from Frances H
Woman and child in front of the Fountain of Leda, 1799Woman and child in front of the Fountain of Leda, Fontaine de Leda, in the Rue du Regard, Paris, Year VII, 1799
Fashionable couple on the terrace of the Tuileries, Paris, Year VI, 1798. Handcoloured lithograph by R.V
Woman lifting the hem of her dress, era of Marie Antoinette
Dandy with lorgnette, era of Marie AntoinetteDandy in black suit, breeches and stockings, holding a sprig of flowers and looking through a pocket telescope or lorgnette. Era of Marie Antoinette. Handcolored engraving by Ap
Woman in dress with ribbon frills, era of Marie AntoinetteWoman in long white silk dress with blue ribbon frills, green ribbon and roses in her hair in ringlets, holding a fan. Era of Marie Antoinette. Handcolored engraving by A
Woman in pansy-coloured dress, apron and shawlWoman in pansy-coloured dress, chiffon apron, cornette a la paysanne hat, long gloves and lace shawl. Handcoloured lithograph by A
Woman in hazelnut-colour dress, fichu-chemise and blue hatWoman in hazelnut-colour dress, fichu-chemise, blue hat and long straw-colour gloves. Handcoloured lithograph by A
Man in hazelnut colour coat with monocleMan in hazelnut colour coat, green culottes and gloves, black boots and hat with tricolor cockade. Handcoloured lithograph by A
Sarah Elizabeth, Susannah and Sophia Copley, daughters of John Copley, 1st Baron Lyndhurst. Two younger sisters playing with the ringlets of the oldest sister Sarah
Woman in linen dress looking at herself in the mirror. Robe de linon de fil
Woman in half-mourning outfit of cape and gown, 1913Woman in half-mourning outfit of black-and-white striped cape over a black gown. Demi-deuil
Woman in muslin dress with fichu wimple, and perkale skirtWoman in a muslin dress with frills, fichu wimple, and perkale skirt. The headdress is an accessory, and its height should never equal the length of the face
Woman in the fashion of 1788Woman in jacket of Naples blue, petticoat in Naples yellow, large fichu jabot, straw hat decorated with a large violet ribbon tied to the front of her bodice
Woman in yellow taffeta demi-redingote, 1788Woman in canary-yellow taffeta demi-redingote, pink pointed bodice, white taffeta petticoat, and fichu. Her straw hat is decorated with ribbons and plumes
Woman in mourning dress of black taffeta, 1788Woman in mourning dress of black taffeta, fichu of white Italian gauze, and bonnet-hat in white crepe
Woman in dress a la turque and high priestess bonnet, 1788Woman in dress a la turque in white linen and English lace, white petticoat with lace falbalas, fichu, blue gilet, and gold medallion with initials CD
Woman in caraco and petticoat, 1788Woman in taffeta pierrot caraco jacket, white linen petticoat, fichu in English gauze, and headdress of artificial roses and ribbons
Women in large bonnet and chapeau, 1787Woman in redingote in black wool with two collars, bonnet a la grande pretesse with artificial roses, and woman in striped taffeta robe, fichu, large yellow gauze chapeau tied with violet ribbon
Woman in a sea-green redingote with two collars, 1787Woman in a sea-green redingote with two collars, gauze fichu, felt hat in canary decorated with ribbons, her hair tied with a hairpin a la Cagliostro. She holds a long cane or badine
Woman in satin robe a la turque in violet and green stripes, canary corset, white petticoat and fichu, and a bonnet a la turque decorated with heron plumes
Woman in black and poppy-red outfit, 1787Woman in large black felt hat with a poppy-red ribbon, caraco jacket, violet corset, and black and poppy petticoats, white fichu and falbala, 1787
Woman of Aran, Catalonia, Spanish Pyrenees, 19th century. She wears a kerchief over her hair braided with ribbons, fichu, wool skirt, and carries a basket and earthenware jug
Young woman of Bujaruelo, Spanish Pyrenees, 19th centuryYoung woman of Bujaruelo, Aragon, Spanish Pyrenees, 19th century. She wears a white kerchief tied over her long hair braided with ribbon, a red fichu, laced corset, petticoat and pleated apron
Young girl of Torla, Spanish Pyrenees, 19th centuryYoung girl of Torla, Aragon, Spanish Pyrenees, 19th century. She wears a black bandanna, fichu, buttoned-up waistcoat, pleated apron, and sandals tied with long ribbon laces
Young girl of Bugard, French Pyrenees, 19th century. She wears a Pyrenean capulet over a white cornette, wool skirt, cotton fichu and apron, and carries a earthenware vase of the region
Young woman of the vallee d Aure, France, 19th century. She wears the Pyrenean capulet or hood over her head and shoulders, fichu, apron and petticoats
Milkmaid of Cauderan, Bordeaux, France, 19th centuryMilkmaid of Cauderan counting coins, Bordeaux, France, 19th century. She wears a tall bonnet in batiste lace covered with a Bearn fichu, check fichu, striped jacket, apron and petticoat
Milkmaid of Pessac, Bordeaux, France, 19th century. She holds two large milk pails and a cup, wears a check bandanna, fichu, apron, and petticoat
Fisherwoman of Bordeaux, France, 19th century
Peasant girl of Wurtzburg, Franconia, Germany, 19th centuryPeasant girl of the environs of Wurtzburg, Franconia, Germany, 19th century. The headband covers the elegance of the bonnet, and the fichu is bunched up around the throat
Servant woman of Coburg, Franconia, Germany, 19th century. She wears an embroidered cap, laced bodice, fichu, and pleated petticoats, and carries a bucket of water
Woman of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 19th centuryServant woman of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 19th century. She wears a redezilla, a headdress of silk net, a check fichu, chemise, petticoat and black apron
Woman in mourning dress, Majorca, Spain, 19th centuryWoman of Majorca, Spain, 19th century. She is in mourning, and wears a black cornette (veil, wimple and fichu) and long black dress
Female dancer of Seville, Spain, 19th century. She dances a fandango or bolero with her hair tied up in ribbons, a short bolero jacket, calf-length skirt, and castanets
Servant girl of Basel, Switzerland, 19th century. She wears a tiny cap secured with a ribbon, and wears a polka dot fichu
Milkmaid of Gelderland, Netherlands, 19th century. Her bonnet trimmed with lace and long ribbons to tie it. Her fichu and jacket are decorated with flowers, with check apron and striped petticoat
Young Vandal girl, Lower Lusacia, Germany, 19th century. She wears a traditional toquet with ruff collar and bow
Peasant woman of Baden, Switzerland, 19th centuryPeasant woman of Baden, near Basel, Switzerland, 19th century. Her straw hat is decorated with silk pompons, and her toque with bows
Young girl of the Canton of Basel, Switzerland, 19th century. She wears a silk tricolor cap, fichu, laced bodice, embroidered bib, apron, and petticoats
Young girl of the Canton of Uri, Switzerland, 19th century. She wears a straw hat decorated with ribbons, a fichu worn like a scarf, laced bodice, apron and petticoats
Young woman of the west coast of Friesland, the Netherlands, 19th century. She wears a distinctive weathercock shaped bonnet and wimple, cravat fichu, arm protectors, gloves and full petticoats
Woman picking grapes, Vaud, Switzerland, 19th centuryWoman picking grapes in the traditional costume of Vaud, Switzerland, 19th century. Her straw hat has a protruberance in the shape of a bottleneck, and is worn over a black bonnet tied with ribbon
Young woman of Valais, Switzerland, 19th century, in traditional costume of fichu, laced bodice, petticoats and apron. Her straw hat is decorated with ribbons and worn above a muslin bonnet