Salad bowl in colour festoon style, Brument, Rouen, 1699Salad bowl in colour festoon style, early attempt at polychrome, Brument, Rouen, 1699. Bordure et centre d'un saladier presentant les motifs du style rayonnant accompagnes de couleurs de rehaut
Sugar bowl and mustard pot in the festoon style, RouenSugar bowl and mustard pot in the festoon style. Rouen-style soft porcelain. Sucrier a riche ornementation de style rayonnant, moutardier decore dans la systeme precedent. Porcelain tendre Rouennaise
Puzzle jug in the festoon style, RouenPuzzle jug in the festoon style, with figures and quadrilles
Salt cellar and fancy case for pins or jewelry, festoon style, Rouen. Saliere a trois compartiments de forme trilobee, Coffret de fantaisie pour epingles ou bijoux, style rayonnant
Porcelain ecritoire in the festoon style, RouenPorcelain ecritoire with inkwell and pen stand, decorated with owl, snake, masks, blue and yellow festoon style. Riche ecritoire de bureau, style rayonnant
Plate border motifs in festoon style, RouenPlate border motifs in blue, yellow and red festoon style. Motifs de bordures d'assiettes, style rayonnant
Plate border motifs in blue and red festoon style, RouenPlate border motifs in blue and red festoon style. Motifs de bordures d'assiettes, style rayonnant
Platter border motifs in blue and red festoon style, RouenBorder motifs for round and octagonal platters in blue and red festoon style. Motifs de bordures de plateaux, style rayonnant
Wall-mounted fountain, blue and red festoon style, RouenWall-mounted fountain, blue and red festoon style. Fontaine d'applique, style rayonnant
Vase known as a potpourri, festoon style, RouenVase known as a potpourri for the mantelpiece, blue and red festoon style
Vase with eight flattened sides, festoon style, RouenVase with eight flattened sides, flame top, festoon style, blue and red, for a mantelpiece ornament. Vase a huit pans de forme aplatie pour ornement de cheminee, style rayonnant
Quarter section of a long octagonal platter, festoon style, RoueQuarter section of a long blue and red octagonal platter, festoon style. Section au quart d'un plateau long a huit pans
Part of a salad bowl in blue and red, festoon style, RouenPart of a salad bowl in blue and red, festoon style. Fragment d'un saladier, style rayonnant
Square platter in blue and red, festoon style, RouenSquare platter in blue and red, festoon style. Plateau carre, style rayonnant
Cover of a round soup tureen, festoon style, RouenCover of a round soup tureen, festoon style in blue and red, snake handle, Rouen. Couvercle de soupiere ronde, style rayonnant
Cylindrical vase for a mantelpiece ornament, festoon style, RoueCylindrical vase in blue and red for a mantelpiece ornament, festoon style. Potiche cylindrique pour ornement de cheminee, style rayonnant
Plate border mofifs in blue camaieu, festoon style, RouenPlate border mofifs in blue camaieu, festoon style. Motifs de bordures d'assiettes en camaieu bleu, style rayonnant
Cruet set in blue camaieu, festoon style, RouenCruet set in blue camaieu, festoon style. Porte-huilier et ses burettes en camaieu bleu, style rayonnant
Pyriform sugar box in blue camaieu, festoon style, RouenPyriform sugar box in blue camaieu, festoon style. Sucriere pyriforme en camaieu bleu, style rayonnant
Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style, RouenPlate in blue camaieu, festoon style. Assiette en camaieu bleu, style rayonnant
Ewer in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen, 18th centuryEwer in blue camaieu, festoon style. With the coat of arms of Charles-Louis de Froulay de Tesse, Bishop of Mars. Aiguiere en camaieu bleu, aux armes de Froulay-Tesse, Eveque du Mans. style rayonnant
Beginnings of the festoon style, Rouen, early 18th centuryBeginnings of the festoon style. From a pitcher dated 1707 and an oil cruet jug from 1710. Commencements du Style Rayonnant: Echantillon primitif, Burette d'huilier