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Fern Collection

Background imageFern Collection: Aspidium filix mas or Male Shield fern

Aspidium filix mas or Male Shield fern. Handcoloured engraving from William Curtis, Flora Londiniensis; containing a history of the plants indigenous to Great Britain

Background imageFern Collection: Lady Fern, True Maidenhair and Holly Fern

Lady Fern, True Maidenhair and Holly Fern. Chromolithograph from Francis George Heath, The Fern Porfolio, all the species of British ferns Date: 1885

Background imageFern Collection: Tropical plant and orchid house

Tropical plant and orchid house
Cross-section view of a tropical plant and orchid house

Background imageFern Collection: Canada - Lake Louise, Alberta

Canada - Lake Louise, Alberta
Lake Louise, Laggan, Alberta Date: circa 1910

Background imageFern Collection: Archaeopteris hibernica, fossil plant

Archaeopteris hibernica, fossil plant
A fern-like plant, beautifully preserved in yellow sandstone from the Devonian, Kilkenny, Ireland. Specimen is 25 cms long

Background imageFern Collection: Everton FC football team 1922-23

Everton FC football team 1922-23. Back row: Hart, Brewster, Peacock, Fern, McDonald, Chedgzoy. Front row: Harrison, Downs, Irvine, Forbes, Williams. Date: 1922-1923

Background imageFern Collection: Sable Fern, music hall singer and dancer

Sable Fern, music hall singer and dancer
Sable Fern, music hall singer, dancer and actor, seen here in Boer War uniform. late 19th century

Background imageFern Collection: Lough Fern, Milford, Co. Donegal

Lough Fern, Milford, Co. Donegal - a view of a lough with hay stacks in the field in the foreground. (Location: Republic of Ireland; County Donegal; Milford). Date: circa early 1900s

Background imageFern Collection: Nothochloena marantoe

Nothochloena marantoe
Penfold, Jane Wallas, 1845. Madeira Flowers, Fruits and Ferns. London: Reeve Brothers. Plate 4

Background imageFern Collection: Tupus diluculum, Bolsover dragonfly

Tupus diluculum, Bolsover dragonfly
Painting of Tupus diluculum (Bolsover dragonfly), a giant dragonfly from the Upper Carboniferous (354 to 290 mya)

Background imageFern Collection: Portions of fern

Portions of fern. Chromolithograph from John Gilbert Baker and Sir William Jackson Hooker, Synopsis filicum, or a synopsis of all known ferns. Drawn from nature by Mr. Fitch, F.L.S. Date: 1868

Background imageFern Collection: Licuala sp

Licuala sp
Plate 981 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageFern Collection: First published photograph, William Fox-Talbot

First published photograph, William Fox-Talbot facsimile of a photogenic drawing showing fern leaves. Date: 1839

Background imageFern Collection: Canada - Kicking Horse River, southeastern British Columbia

Canada - Kicking Horse River, southeastern British Columbia
Kicking Horse River, southeastern British Columbia Date: circa 1910

Background imageFern Collection: Port-na-Craig Tearooms Pitlochry, Scotland

Port-na-Craig Tearooms Pitlochry, Scotland
Port-na-Craig Tearooms, Ferry Road, Pitlochry, Perthshire, Scotland

Background imageFern Collection: Fern Tree Valley, near Hobart, Tasmania

Fern Tree Valley, near Hobart, Tasmania
View of Fern Tree Valley near Hobart, Tasmania, showing a river and waterfall in a tropical landscape. 1870

Background imageFern Collection: Ferns Phegopteris Poly

Ferns Phegopteris Poly

Background imageFern Collection: Ferns Phegopteris Rob

Ferns Phegopteris Rob

Background imageFern Collection: Iguanodon bernissartensis in a prehistoric fern forest

Iguanodon bernissartensis in a prehistoric fern forest. Iguanodons were herbivorous dinosaurs that lived from the mid-Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. Iguanodonten

Background imageFern Collection: Moa birds being hunted by men with bows and arrows

Moa birds being hunted by men with bows and arrows
Moa birds (Dinornis robustus) being hunted by men with bows and arrows. The moa were species of flightless birds native to New Zealand hunted to extinction by the Maoris. Moa-Vogel

Background imageFern Collection: Pyrrosia lanceolata

Pyrrosia lanceolata. Epiphytic fern native to China, introduced by the Botanic Garden of Liverpool. Narrow-leaved starry polypody, Polypodium pertusum, Acrostichum lanceolatum

Background imageFern Collection: Oleandra articulata fern

Oleandra articulata fern. Sent from St Vincent in the Caribbean by botanist Rev. Lansdown Guilding. Knotty-stalked shielf-fern, Aspidium nodosum

Background imageFern Collection: Halberd fern, Tectaria plantaginea

Halberd fern, Tectaria plantaginea. Sent from St. Vincent in the Caribbean by naturalist Rev. Lansdown Guilding. Plantain-leaved polypodium, Polypodium plantagineum

Background imageFern Collection: Bolbitis appendiculata fern

Bolbitis appendiculata fern or Egenolfia appendiculata fern. Native from India to southeast Asia, found at Nabovi, eastern Camrupa, by Scottish botanist Dr. Francis Buchanan-Hamilton in 1801

Background imageFern Collection: Walking maidenhair fern, Adiantum caudatum

Walking maidenhair fern, Adiantum caudatum. Specimen discovered by Scottish botanist Dr. Francis Buchanan-Hamilton at Gualpara, India, in 1808. Attenuated mainden-hair fern

Background imageFern Collection: Bolbitis nodiflora fern

Bolbitis nodiflora fern
Bolbitis nodiflora or Egenolfia vivipara fern. Native to Asia, found by Scottish botanist Dr. Francis Buchanan-Hamilton in Gualpara, India, in 1808. Viviparous polybotrya, Polybotrya vivipara

Background imageFern Collection: Wall-rue, Asplenium ruta-muraria

Wall-rue, Asplenium ruta-muraria
Wall-rue, fern, Asplenium ruta-muraria. La doradille des murs, Asplenium ruta muraria

Background imageFern Collection: Wardian case with ferns 1857

Wardian case with ferns 1857
Fern case in the shape of a small aviary with canaries

Background imageFern Collection: Changeable velvetberry, Stachytarpheta mutabilis

Changeable velvetberry, Stachytarpheta mutabilis
Changeable velvetberry, coral porterweed, pink snakeweed, red snakeweed or pink rat tail, Stachytarpheta mutabilis, Verbena mutabilis, Verbena di fiori cangianti

Background imageFern Collection: Northern maidenhair fern, Adiantum pedatum

Northern maidenhair fern, Adiantum pedatum
Northern maidenhair fern or five-fingered fern, Adiantum pedatum, Capillaire du Canada

Background imageFern Collection: New Zealand water polo team

New Zealand water polo team, sporting studio portrait, with team banner, on fern, fronds. From an article, The New Zealander as an Athlete'. Date: 1895

Background imageFern Collection: Quill moss or false fern moss, Cyathophorum bulbosum

Quill moss or false fern moss, Cyathophorum bulbosum, native to Australia. Leskea pennata, Hookeria pennata

Background imageFern Collection: Skeletons of extinct dinosaurs Ichthyosaurus

Skeletons of extinct dinosaurs Ichthyosaurus communis 1 and Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus 2. Ittiosauro comune, Plesiosauro dolicodeiro

Background imageFern Collection: Selaginella jungermannioides fern

Selaginella jungermannioides fern. Lycopodium jungermannioides, Lycopodio a foglie di jungermannia

Background imageFern Collection: Globe daisy, Globularia salicina

Globe daisy, Globularia salicina. Globulaire a longues feuilles, Globularia longifolia

Background imageFern Collection: Bristle fern, Trichomanes elegans

Bristle fern, Trichomanes elegans, Feea polypodina, Feea polipodina

Background imageFern Collection: German tamarisk, Myricaria germanica

German tamarisk, Myricaria germanica
German or false tamarisk, Myricaria germanica

Background imageFern Collection: Bristle fern, Trichomanes botryoides

Bristle fern, Trichomanes botryoides, Feea nana, Imenostachide diversifronde, Hymenostachys diversifrons

Background imageFern Collection: Date plum, Diospyros lotus

Date plum, Diospyros lotus. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence, Italy, 1837

Background imageFern Collection: Seliguea feei fern

Seliguea feei fern. Selliguea del Fee, Selliguea fei

Background imageFern Collection: Virginia spiderwort, Tradescantia virginiana

Virginia spiderwort, Tradescantia virginiana. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence, Italy, 1837

Background imageFern Collection: Types of ferns and fern trees

Types of ferns and fern trees
West Indian treefern, Cyathea arborea, vine fern, Microgramma piloselloides 2, graceful fern, Niphidium crassifolium 3, coarse tassel fern, Huperzia phlegmaria 4, staghorn clubmoss

Background imageFern Collection: Crested partridge and buttonquail

Crested partridge and buttonquail
Crested partridge, Rollulus rouloul 1 and Madagascar buttonquail, Turnix nigricollis or Turnix nigrifrons 2. Crittonice coronata, Emipodio a benda nera

Background imageFern Collection: Crimson seedcracker, Pyrenestes sanguineus sanguineus

Crimson seedcracker, Pyrenestes sanguineus sanguineus (Crimson nutcracker, Pirenestes sanguineus)

Background imageFern Collection: Extinct giant predatory dinosaur attacking a horned dinosaur

Extinct giant predatory dinosaur attacking a horned dinosaur
Extinct giant predatory dinosaur between 5m and 10m tall, attacking a horned dinosaur, North America, Cretaceous

Background imageFern Collection: The Honourable Helen Montagu

The Honourable Helen Montagu. 1911

Background imageFern Collection: Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in the spring

Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in the spring. Date: 1843

Background imageFern Collection: Victorian girl in a goat-drawn cart

Victorian girl in a goat-drawn cart. late 19th century

Background imageFern Collection: White maidenhair or wall rue, Asplenium ruta-muraria

White maidenhair or wall rue, Asplenium ruta-muraria. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from James Smiths English Botany, London, 1793

Background imageFern Collection: Flowerpot, teapot, cup and saucer

Flowerpot, teapot, cup and saucer
Tricolor flowerpot, cup and saucer with fern leaves, and teapot from the Bale service. Chromolithograph by W

Background imageFern Collection: Orders of flowers: Siliculosa, Seliquosa

Orders of flowers: Siliculosa, Seliquosa, Polygamia, Monogamia, Filicus, Fungi, etc. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after Sydenham Edwards from John Mason Goods Pantologia, a New Encyclopedia, G

Background imageFern Collection: Balloon plant or smooth heart-seed, Cardiospermum

Balloon plant or smooth heart-seed, Cardiospermum halicacabum, close-leaved fern fork-moss, Dicranum osmundioides, and brown fork-moss, Dicranum fuscescens

Background imageFern Collection: Varieties of fern

Varieties of fern. Lithograph from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1841

Background imageFern Collection: Fossil fern, Polypodium filix mas

Fossil fern, Polypodium filix mas, Phytolithus filicis. Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageFern Collection: Bristle fern, Trichomanes species

Bristle fern, Trichomanes species. Handcoloured woodblock print by Wolfgang Meyerpick after an illustration by Giorgio Liberale from Pietro Andrea Mattiolis Discorsi di P.A

Background imageFern Collection: Ebony spleenwort fern, Asplenium platyneuron

Ebony spleenwort fern, Asplenium platyneuron (Asplenium ebeneum). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by George Cooke after George Loddiges from Conrad Loddiges Botanical Cabinet, Hackney, 1817

Background imageFern Collection: Prickly rasp fern, Doodia aspera

Prickly rasp fern, Doodia aspera. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by George Cooke from Conrad Loddiges Botanical Cabinet, Hackney, 1817

Background imageFern Collection: Rustyback fern, Ceterach officinarum

Rustyback fern, Ceterach officinarum (Grammitis ceterach). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by George Cooke after George Loddiges from Conrad Loddiges Botanical Cabinet, Hackney, 1817

Background imageFern Collection: Unresolved fern species, Gymnogramma farinifera

Unresolved fern species, Gymnogramma farinifera. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885

Background imageFern Collection: Unresolved species of halberd fern, Sagenia mamillosa

Unresolved species of halberd fern, Sagenia mamillosa. Chromolithograph by Francois Stroobant from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885

Background imageFern Collection: Southern maidenhair fern, Adiantum capillus-veneris

Southern maidenhair fern, Adiantum capillus-veneris (var. obliquum). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885

Background imageFern Collection: Silverback fern, Pityrogramma schizophylla

Silverback fern, Pityrogramma schizophylla (Gymnogramma schizophyllum var. gloriosa). Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1884

Background imageFern Collection: Fern tree, Cnemidaria lindenii

Fern tree, Cnemidaria lindenii (Hemitelia lindeni). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by A. Goossens from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1895

Background imageFern Collection: Cyathea contaminans tree fern

Cyathea contaminans tree fern (Alsophila contaminans). Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1882

Background imageFern Collection: Unresolved fern species

Unresolved fern species, Nephrodium rodigasianum. Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1882

Background imageFern Collection: Unknown fern species, Adiantum lineatum

Unknown fern species, Adiantum lineatum. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by A. Goossens from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1895

Background imageFern Collection: Maidenhair fern species

Maidenhair fern species, Adiantum hendersonii. Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1873

Background imageFern Collection: Male fern, Dryopteris filix-mas

Male fern, Dryopteris filix-mas (Aspidium filix mas)

Background imageFern Collection: Lady fern, Athyrium filix femina

Lady fern, Athyrium filix femina. Handcoloured lithograph from Carl Hoffmanns Book of the World, Stuttgart, 1848

Background imageFern Collection: Royal fern, Osmunda regalis

Royal fern, Osmunda regalis, Osmonde royale. Handcoloured steel engraving by Debray after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A. Dupuis, Fr

Background imageFern Collection: Bracken or common brake fern, Pteridium aquilinum

Bracken or common brake fern, Pteridium aquilinum, Pteris aquilina, Pteride aquiline

Background imageFern Collection: Filicinae or fern plants

Filicinae or fern plants: Alsophila species, Polypodium species, Asplenium nidus, Angiopteris species, Monogramma species, and Pteris quadriaurita

Background imageFern Collection: Beech marten, earwig and ferns

Beech marten, earwig and ferns
Beech marten, Martes foina 7, earwig, Forficula auricularia 1, 2, and varieties of fern, Filices species 3-6. Forficule, fougeres, fouine

Background imageFern Collection: Moss, mining bee, fern and pasque flower

Moss, mining bee, fern and pasque flower
Rock moss, Andraea rupestris 1, mining bee, Andrena agilissima 2, flowering fern, Anemia adiantifolia 3, and pasque flower, Anemone pulsatilla 4. anemone, Andree, Andrene, Anemie, Anemone

Background imageFern Collection: Nathaniel Wards fern greenhouse, Clapham, London, 1851

Nathaniel Wards fern greenhouse, Clapham, London, 1851
Interior of Nathaniel Wards fern greenhouse, Clapham, London, 1851. Inventor of the Wardian Case

Background imageFern Collection: Cretan brake fern, Pteris cretica

Cretan brake fern, Pteris cretica albo lineata

Background imageFern Collection: Ray fern, Actiniopteris radiata

Ray fern, Actiniopteris radiata

Background imageFern Collection: Brake fern, Pteris aspericaulis

Brake fern, Pteris aspericaulis (Pteris tricolor)

Background imageFern Collection: Moonwort, Botrychium lunaria

Moonwort, Botrychium lunaria (Osmunda lunaria)

Background imageFern Collection: Rockcap fern or polypody, Polypodium vulgare, Filices

Rockcap fern or polypody, Polypodium vulgare, Filices. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by F

Background imageFern Collection: Carrot fern, sekkoku, or necklace-like dendrobium

Carrot fern, sekkoku, or necklace-like dendrobium orchid, Dendrobium moniliforme. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S

Background imageFern Collection: Crinkle bush or parsley fern, Lomatia silaifolia

Crinkle bush or parsley fern, Lomatia silaifolia
Crinkle bush or parsley fern (sulphur-wort-leaved lomatia), Lomatia silaifolia. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by F. Sansom Jr

Background imageFern Collection: Male fern, Aspidium filix-mas

Male fern, Aspidium filix-mas. Handcoloured lithograph by Hanhart after a botanical illustration by David Blair from Robert Bentley and Henry Trimens Medicinal Plants, London, 1880

Background imageFern Collection: Maidenhair fern, Adiantum capillus-veneris

Maidenhair fern, Adiantum capillus-veneris. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Dr

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