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Felix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Tiger cowrie, Cypraea tigris

Tiger cowrie, Cypraea tigris. Porcelaine fiore. Copied from an illustration by Adolph Fries from Felix-Edouard Guerin-Meneville's Dictionnaire Pittoresque d'Histoire Naturelle

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Aldabra giant tortoise, Aldabrachelys gigantea, vulnerable

Aldabra giant tortoise, Aldabrachelys gigantea, vulnerable. Tortues

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Pigeon breeds, Columba livia, in a dove cot

Pigeon breeds, Columba livia, in a dove cot
Pigeon Columba livia breeds: Pigeon turc ordinaire, bai dore suisse, bagadais batard

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Twelve-wired bird-of-paradise, Seleucidis melanoleucus

Twelve-wired bird-of-paradise, Seleucidis melanoleucus. Mislabeled Promerops

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Papuan frogmouth, Podargus papuensis

Papuan frogmouth, Podargus papuensis. Engoulevents, Podarge des Papous

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Superb lyrebird, Menura novaehollandiae

Superb lyrebird, Menura novaehollandiae, la Lyre, and false azalea, Menziesia ferruginea, (Rhododendron menziesii)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Penduline tit, Remiz pendulinus, and bag nest

Penduline tit, Remiz pendulinus, and bag nest. Mesange des Roseaux

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Nests of the streaked fantail warbler and reed warbler

Nests of the streaked fantail warbler and reed warbler
Nests of the streaked fantail warbler, Cisticola juncidis, and reed warbler, Acrocephalus scirpaceus. Nids de Fauvelles

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Village weaver, Ploceus cucullatus, with nest of woven grass

Village weaver, Ploceus cucullatus, with nest of woven grass. Tisserin. Copied from an illustration in Felix-Edouard Guerin-Meneville's Dictionnaire Pittoresque d'Histoire Naturelle

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, vulnerable

Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, vulnerable. Copied from an illustration by Adolph Fries in Felix-Edouard Guerin-Meneville's Dictionnaire Pittoresque d'Histoire Naturelle, 1839

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Red kangaroo, eastern grey kangaroo and dusky wallaby

Red kangaroo, eastern grey kangaroo and dusky wallaby
Red kangaroo, Macropus rufus (bottom), eastern grey kangaroo, Macropus giganteus (top right), and dusky wallaby, Thylogale brunii (top left). Kanguroos

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Family of red foxes, Vulpes vulpes, outside a den

Family of red foxes, Vulpes vulpes, outside a den

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Salamander, beetle and great burnet

Salamander, beetle and great burnet
Near Eastern fire salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata Salamandra maculosa, beetle, Oncideres amputator (Saperda amputator) and great burnet, Sanguisorba officinalis

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Sapodilla and moths

Sapodilla and moths
Sapodilla, Manilkara zapota (Achras sapota), twin-spot centurion, Sargus bipunctatus (Sargus reaumurii), marbled white or demi-deuil, Melanargia galathea (Satyrus galathaea)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Raccoon and ticks

Raccoon and ticks
Raccoon, Procyon lotor, ticks, Reduvius personata, R. amaenus, Zelus serratus, Hippa adactyla (Remipes testudinarius). Raton, Reduve, Remipede

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Iris, mussel and beetle

Iris, mussel and beetle
Engraver beetle, Ips quadripunctata 1, mussel, Iridina exotica 2, bearded iris, Iris germanica 3, Persian iris, Iris persica 5, Spanish iris, Iris xiphium 7. Ips, Iridine, Iris

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Bamboo coral, oxheart clam and planthoppers

Bamboo coral, oxheart clam and planthoppers
Bamboo coral, Isis hippuris 1, oxheart clam, Glossus humanus (Isocardia cor) 2, 3, planthopper, Issus coleoptratus 4, 5, great julus millipede, Julus maximus 6-9

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Garden hyacinth and paradoxical frog

Garden hyacinth and paradoxical frog
Garden hyacinth, Hyacinthus orientalis 1, and paradoxical frog, Pseudis paradoxa (Rana paradoxa) 2. Jacinthe, Jackie (Grenouille)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Rhinoceros beetle, snail and saxifrage

Rhinoceros beetle, snail and saxifrage
Meadow saxifrage, Saxifraga granulata 1, Epitonium scalare (Scalaria pretiosa) 2, snail, Pythia scarabaeus (Scarabus imbium) 3, rhinoceros beetle, Enema pan (Scarabeus chorinaeus) 4

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Yellow jasmine and short-toed snake eagle

Yellow jasmine and short-toed snake eagle
Yellow jasmine, Jasminum humile (Jasminum revolutum), short-toed snake eagle, Circaetus gallicus (Falco gallicus)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Bohemian waxwing and sheep's bit

Bohemian waxwing and sheep's bit
Bohemian waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus, and sheep's bit, Jasione montana. Jaseur, Jasione

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Jasmine and bigeye croaker

Jasmine and bigeye croaker
Jasmine, Jasminum officinale, and bigeye croaker, Pennahia anea, Johnius aeneus

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Yellow-crested cockatoo and armadillo

Yellow-crested cockatoo and armadillo
Yellow-crested cockatoo, critically endangered, Cacatua sulphurea (P. sulphureus) and greater naked-tailed armadillo, Cabassous tatouay. Kabassou, Kakatoes

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Rock cavy and Chinese hibiscus

Rock cavy and Chinese hibiscus
Scale insect, Coccus ilicis, rock cavy or moco, Kerodon rupestris (Kerodon sciureus), Chinese hibiscus, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Kermes, Kerodon, Ketmie

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Kinkajou and Roselle

Kinkajou and Roselle
Kinkajou, Potos flavus, and Roselle, Hibiscus sabdariffa

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Spiny lobster, woodswallow, firefly and leaf-nosed snake

Spiny lobster, woodswallow, firefly and leaf-nosed snake
Spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas, dusky woodswallow, Artamus cyanopterus, fireflies, Lampyris noctiluca, Malagasy leaf-nosed snake, Langaha madagascariensis

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Sea lamprey and beetles

Sea lamprey and beetles
Sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, beetles, Lamprima oenea and Lamprias cyanocephala, and cocklebur, Xanthium strumarium

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Red frog crab, snakefly and aquatic bug

Red frog crab, snakefly and aquatic bug
Aquatic bug, Ranatra linearis, red frog crab, Ranina dentata, and snakefly, Raphidia ophiopsis. Ranatre, Ranine, Raphidie

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Largetooth sawfish, skink and wasps

Largetooth sawfish, skink and wasps
Largetooth sawfish, critically endangered, Pristis pristis (Pristis antiquorum) 1, skink or sandfish, Scincus scincus (Scincus officinalis) 2, mammoth wasp, Megascolia maculata (Scolia flavifrons)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Paper fig shell and amethystine python

Paper fig shell and amethystine python
Paper fig shell, Ficus ficus (Pyrula ficus), and amethystine python, Simalia amethistina (Python amethystinus)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Grasshoppers and sea angels

Grasshoppers and sea angels
Bladder grasshoppers, Pneumora inanis, Bullacris unicolor, Physemacris variolosa (Pneumora scuttelaris, P. immaculata, P. variolosa), sea angels, Pneumoderma species

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Black pepper and southern flying squirrel

Black pepper and southern flying squirrel
Black pepper, Piper nigrum, and southern flying squirrel or assapan, Glaucomys volans (Pteromys volucella)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Cape satin bush and beetle

Cape satin bush and beetle
Cape satin bush, Podalyria sericea, and beetle, Carabus blaptoides (Damaster blaptoides)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Swimming crab and springtails

Swimming crab and springtails
Long-eyed swimming crab, Podophthalmus vigil, and springtail species, Podura plumbea, Orchesella filicornis, Smynthurus signatus, Achorates dubius

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Grey-crowned babbler and black cardinal fish

Grey-crowned babbler and black cardinal fish
Grey-crowned babbler, Pomatostomus temporalis (Pomathorinus temporalis), black cardinal fish, Epigonus telescopus (Pomatumus telescopus). Pomathorin, Pomatome

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Cape milkwood and paradise threadfin

Cape milkwood and paradise threadfin
Cape milkwood, Polygala speciosa, Cape of Good Hope, and paradise threadfin, Polynemus paradiseus. Polygale, Polyneme

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Crested porcupine and tiger cowrie

Crested porcupine and tiger cowrie
Crested porcupine, Hystrix cristata, and tiger cowrie, Cypraea tigris. Porc-epic, Porcelaine

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Longfinned bullseye, Cookeolus japonicus

Longfinned bullseye, Cookeolus japonicus, Priacanthus japonicus, Water horsetail, Equisetum fluviatile, weevil, Prepodes spectabilis

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Long-footed potoroo and lice species

Long-footed potoroo and lice species
Long-footed potoroo, Potorous longipes (White's potoroo, Hypsiprymnus minor) 1, and lice species 2-4. Potoroo, Poux

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Scorpions and cuckoo

Scorpions and cuckoo
Wood scorpion, Euscorpius italicus (Scorpio europaeus) 1, Emperor scorpion, Pandinus imperator (Buthus afer) 2, Scutellera lineata 3, Scutellera signata 4, and channel-billed cuckoo

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Aardwolf, Arabian pea and louse

Aardwolf, Arabian pea and louse
Aardwolf, Proteles cristata, Arabian pea, Bituminaria bituminosa, louse, Psocoptera species. Protele, Psoque, Psoralier

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Brown-beard sugarbush and olm

Brown-beard sugarbush and olm
Brown-beard sugarbush, Protea speciosa, and olm or proteus, Proteus anguinus

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Beetle, sawfly and lamp shells

Beetle, sawfly and lamp shells
Mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, sawfly, Tenthredo vespa, Tenthredo tricincta, Tephritis cornuta, and lamp shell, Terebratula australis. Tenebrion, Tenthredes, Tephrites, Terebratule

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Spider conch and drain flies

Spider conch and drain flies
Spider conch, Lambis lambis (Pterocera lambis), and drain fly, Psychoda phalaenoides. Psyche, Psychode, Pterocere

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Weevil and ground beetles

Weevil and ground beetles
Weevil, Platypus maravignae 1, beetle, Carabus depressus 2, 3, ground beetle, Cychrus rostratus 4

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Black-eyed susan, spider, and beetle

Black-eyed susan, spider, and beetle
Black-eyed susan, Tetratheca thymifolia, spider, Tetragnatha extensa, beetle, Tetraonyx octo-maculatum, and red milkweed beetle, Tetraopes tetrophthalmus.Tetragnathe, Tetratheca, Tetraonyx, Tetraope

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Black grouse, pufferfish and groundhopper

Black grouse, pufferfish and groundhopper
Black grouse, Tetrao tetrix, groundhopper, Tetrix subulatus, fahaka pufferfish, Tetraodon lineatus (Tetraodon physa) and immaculate puffer, Arothron immaculatus (Tetraodon parvus)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Atlantic bluefin tuna and belitia orchid

Atlantic bluefin tuna and belitia orchid
Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Scomber thynnus), orchid, Bletia florida (Thiebautia nervosa) and crab spider, Thomisidae species. Thiebautie, Thomises, Thon

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Tea, beetle and crab

Tea, beetle and crab
Checkered beetle, Clerus mutillarius (Thanasimus mutillarius), tea plant, Camellia sinensis (Thea), and freshwater crab, Potamon fluviatile (Thelphusa fluviatilis). Thanasime, The, Thelphuse

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Plume worm, hornet moth and beetles

Plume worm, hornet moth and beetles
Plume worm, Serpula vermicularis 2, Serpula contortuplicata 1, hornet moth, Sesia apiformis 3, beetles, Siagona europaea 4, Siagona dejeanii 5. Serpules, Sesie, Siagones

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Tiger iris and great tinamou

Tiger iris and great tinamou
Tiger iris, Tigridia pavonia, Tillus unifasciatus, great tinamou, Tinamus major (Tinamus brasiliensis), azalea lace bug, Stephanitis pyrioides (Tingis pyri)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Tun shells and Eurasian wryneck

Tun shells and Eurasian wryneck
Partridge tun, Tonna perdix, Pacific grinning tun, Malea pomum, Eurasian wryneck with nest and chicks, Jynx torquilla (Yunx torquila). solid pupa, Pupa solidula, Tornatella solidula

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Fern, bee beetle and roundworms

Fern, bee beetle and roundworms
Eurasian bee beetle, Trichius fasciatus 1, parasitic roundworms, Trichinella species 2 and Trichocephalus hominis 3, beetle, Trichognathus marginipennis 4, mountain spleenwort fern

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: European stonechat, yellow brain and scarab beetles

European stonechat, yellow brain and scarab beetles
European stonechat, Saxicola rubicola 1, yellow brain, Tremella mesenterica 2, scarab beetles, Trichia nobilis 3, Trichius emerita 4

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Martinican pit viper and extinct trilobites

Martinican pit viper and extinct trilobites
Fer-de-lance or Martinican pit viper, Bothrops lanceolatus (Trigonocephalus lanceolatus) 1 and extinct trilobites, Calymene blumenbachii 2, 3, Asaphus cornigerus 4

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Giant clam and beetles

Giant clam and beetles
Giant clam, Tridacna gigas, and beetles, Tricondyla aptera, Xya variegata (Tridactylus variegatus)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Eurasian wren, Nile topsail, and sea slug

Eurasian wren, Nile topsail, and sea slug
Eurasian wren, Troglodytes troglodytes 2, Nile topsail, Rochia nilotica (Trochus niloticus) 3, and dendronotid nudibranch sea slug, Tritonia hombergii 1

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Red-bellied black snake and threetooth puffer

Red-bellied black snake and threetooth puffer
Red-bellied black snake, Pseudechis porphyriacus (Trimeresurus leptocephalus) and threetooth puffer, Triodon macropterus (Triodon bursarius). Triongulinus

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: African grasshopper and turban shell

African grasshopper and turban shell
African grasshopper, Truxalis nasuta, blue-mouthed turban, Astralium stellare (Turbo stellaris), Platyscelus ovoides (Typhis ovoides), Oxycephalus piscator. Truxale, Turbo, Typhis et Oxycephale

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Atlantic stargazer, wood wasp and Chinese Fairy Bells

Atlantic stargazer, wood wasp and Chinese Fairy Bells
Atlantic stargazer, Uranoscopus scaber, wood wasp, Urocerus gigas, and Chinese Fairy Bells, Disporum cantoniense (Uvularia chinensis). Uranoscope, Urocere, Uvulaire

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Lemon verbena and parti-coloured bat

Lemon verbena and parti-coloured bat
Lemon verbena, Aloysia citrodora (Verbena triphylla), and parti-coloured bat, Vespertilio murinus. Verveine, Vespertilion

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Catfish, dwarf siren, wasp and beetle

Catfish, dwarf siren, wasp and beetle
Catfish, Siluranodon auritus (Silurus auritus) 2, northern dwarf siren, Pseudobranchus striatus (Siren striata) 3, parasitoid wasp, Sigalphus irrorator 1, dung beetle, Sisyphus schaefferii 4

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Volute, beetle, carpenter bee and moth

Volute, beetle, carpenter bee and moth
False elephant's snout volute, Cymbium cymbium (Voluta cymbium), Anobium striatum beetle, Vulsella minor (V)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Meadow pipit and Suriname toad

Meadow pipit and Suriname toad
Meadow pipit, Anthus pratensis, and common Suriname toad or star-fingered toad, Pipa pipa. Pipa, Pipit

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Common pipistrelle bat and yellow-billed oxpecker

Common pipistrelle bat and yellow-billed oxpecker
Common pipistrelle bat, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, and yellow-billed oxpecker, Buphagus africanus (Buphaga africana). Pipistrelle, Pique-Boeuf

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Barred hamlet and sea mice

Barred hamlet and sea mice
Barred hamlet, Hypoplectrus puella (Plectropoma puella), and sea mice or bristle worms, Eurythoe complanata (Pleione alcyonea). Plectropome, Pleione

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Oyster, spider wasp and snail

Oyster, spider wasp and snail
Windowpane oyster, Placuna ephippium (Placuna sella), flatworm, Yungia aurantiaca (Planaria aurantiaca), spider wasp, Aporus planiceps (Planiceps latreillii), and great ram's horn snail

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Perch, pearl oyster, velvet worm and lacewing

Perch, pearl oyster, velvet worm and lacewing
European perch, Perca fluviatilis 1, and fishermen fishing with rods, velvet worm, Peripatus iuliformis 2, lacewing, Perla marginata 3, and pearl oyster, Isognomon isognomum 4

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Pen shells or fan mussels

Pen shells or fan mussels
Noble pen shell or fan mussel, Pinna nobilis 1, 3, critically endangered, and rough pen shell or spiny fan-mussel, Pinna rudis 2

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Pin crabs and pearl oyster

Pin crabs and pearl oyster
Pea crab, Pinnotheres pisum 1, 2, and pearl-oyster, Pinctada radiata 3. Pinnotheres, Pintadine (mere perle)

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Mitre shells and green clinging crab

Mitre shells and green clinging crab
Mitre shells, Mitra mitra, and green clinging crab, Mithraculus sculptus

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Whip spider and caddisfly

Whip spider and caddisfly
Hyperiid amphipod, Phrosina semilunata 1, giant casemaker caddisfly, Phryganae grandis 2, and whip spider, Damon variegatus (Phrynus variegatus) 3. Phronime, Phryganes, Phryne

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Sea snails and tobacco plant

Sea snails and tobacco plant
Sea snail, Nerita polita 1, Clithon corona (Neritina brevispina) 2, Tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum 3. Nerite, Neritine, Nicotiane

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Piddock, clam, beetle and spider

Piddock, clam, beetle and spider
Common piddock, Pholas dactylus, Pholas callosa 2, angel wing clam, Cyrtopleura costata, Pholas costata 3, daddy long-legs spider, Pholcus phalangioides, bark beetle

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Mantis shrimp, star flower and beetle

Mantis shrimp, star flower and beetle
Mantis shrimp, Squilla mantis 1, star flower, Orbea variegata (Stapelia variegata) 2, and beetle, Staphylinus olens 3. Squille, Stapelie, Staphylin

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Oyster, seaweed and great white shark

Oyster, seaweed and great white shark
Ram's horn squid, Spirula spirula (Spirula peronii) 1, Atlantic thorny oyster, Spondylus americanus 2, seaweed, Codium tomentosum (Spongodium dichotomum) 3, and great white shark

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Rock agama and parastic jaeger

Rock agama and parastic jaeger
Roughtail rock agama, Stellagama stellio (Stellio vulgaris) 1, rove beetle, Stenus biguttatus 2, longhorn beetle, Stenopterus rufus 3, and parasitic jaeger, Stercorarius parasiticus 4

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Soldierfly, crane flower

Soldierfly, crane flower
Clubbed general soldierfly, Stratiomys chamaeleon 1, crane flower or bird of paradise, Strelitzia reginae 2, and insects, Halictophagus curtisii 3, Elenchus walkeri 4

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Sunbird and meerkat

Sunbird and meerkat
Unknown sunbird or guit guit, Nectarinia species 1, and meerkat, Suricata suricatta (Suricata capensis) 2. Sucrier, Surikate

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Potter wasp, pipefish, golden egg bug and hoverfly

Potter wasp, pipefish, golden egg bug and hoverfly
Potter wasp, Synagris spiniventer 1, sargassum pipefish, Syngnathus pelagicus 2, golden egg bug, Phyllomorpha laciniata 3, 4, withered leaf insect, Phyllomorpha paradoxa 5, Tongorma latreillii 6

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Brushturkey and tamarind

Brushturkey and tamarind
Red-billed brushturkey, Talegalla cuvieri 1, and tamarind, Tamarindus indica 2. Talegale, Tamarinier

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Tenrec, stork and horsefly

Tenrec, stork and horsefly
Greater hedgehog tenrec, Setifer setosus (Centetes setosus) 1, yellow-billed stork, Mycteria ibis (Tantalus ibis) 2, and pale horsefly, Tabanus bovinus 3

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Alpine swift, bulrush, beetle and wasp

Alpine swift, bulrush, beetle and wasp
Alpine swift, Tachymarptis melba (Cypselus melba) 1, wasp, Masaris vespiformis 2, bulrush, Typha latifolia, beetle, Palaeostigus palpalis (Mastigus palpalis). Martinet, Masaris, Massette, Mastige

Background imageFelix Edouard Guerin Meneville Collection: Tarsier, armadillo and beetles

Tarsier, armadillo and beetles
Spectral tarsier, Tarsier spectrum 1, six-banded armadillo, Euphractus sexcinctus (Dasypus encoubert) 2, click beetles, Elater germanicus, Semiotus furcatus 3-6, and tapestry moth

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