Dein Vaterland ist in Gefahr Poster - Your Fatherland is in danger, German military recruitment poster
Dutch poster advertising a National Collection on behalf of the Fatherland (ie the German Reich), during the Second World War. May 1944
Victor Emmanuel II (1820-1878). Last King of the Kingdom of Sardinia (1849-1861) and the first King of Italy (1861-1878). Portrait. Engraving
Italy, Pisa. Monument of Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882)Italy, Tuscany region, Pisa. Monument of Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882). Italian military and political leader. Bronze sculpture by the Italian sculptor Ettore Ferrari (1845-1929) in 1892
Portraits of Poincare, George V, Tsar Nicholas, King AlbertHonour, Fatherland, Strength in Union says the French caption. WW1 Date: 1914
Death of Tobias Rehs, 2nd Landwehr Infantry Regiment, WW11914-1916 - For the Fatherland, Death of.Tobias Rehs of the 2nd Landwehr Infantry Regiment on 6/3/1915. Honour his memory, an example and model to those who come after him. By Fritz Erler (1868-1940)
Cartoon Cartoons Dark Kaiser Caricature Germancartoon, cartoons, dark, kaiser, caricature, german, brutality, germans, anti, horseback, ww1, wwi, first, world, war, one, 1st, i, great, emperor, wilhelm, ii, death, grisly, illustration, knight
German soldier kissing the flag, WW1A patriotic German soldier kissing his countrys flag during the First World War. Below are the words of the German national anthem, Deutschland uber alles. Date: circa 1914
German First World War poster -- For the Fatherland -- depicting a Freikorps soldier holding a bugle in his right hand
Russian Patriotic Propaganda Poster - Red Army Day" The glory of these days will never fall silent." A quote from the march of the Amur Far East partisans of the Russian Civil war era
Tomb of Vittorio Emanuele II, Pantheon, Rome, ItalyView of the Tomb of Vittorio Emanuele II (1820-1878) in the Pantheon, Rome, Italy. The inscription reads Padre della Patria (Father of the Fatherland), and there are flowers and wreaths below
Grosseto - Italy - Monument to the Fallen for the FatherlandThe Monument to the Fallen for the Fatherland (Tomb of the Unknown Soldier) in Piazza della Vasca - built in 1896 by Hippolytus and Giuseppe Luciani. Date: 1901
Grosseto - Italy - StatuesGrosseto in the central Italian region of Tuscany, the capital of the Province of Grosseto
Italy. Rome. Nocturnal view of the Via dei Fori Imperiali anItaly. Rome. Nocturnal view of the Via dei Fori Imperiali. In the background, the Altar of the Fatherland, known as National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II
Uruguay. Piedra Alta. Place where it was agreed the countrys independence in 1825. Engraved by Carretero in The Spanish and American Illustration, 1876. Colored
National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II. Rome. ItalyItaly. Rome. National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II (1820-1878). King of Italy. Designed by Giuseppe Falconi at 1885. Venice Square. Partial view
Italy. Rome. National Monument of Victor Emmanuel II. Night view
Italy. Rome. National Monument of Victor Emmanuel II. Altar of the Fatherland. Designed by Giuseppe Sacconi, 1885. Museum of Italian Reunification. Piazza Venezzia
Furs Vaterland - German WW1 knitting postcardGerman postcard featuring a row of little girls knitting For the Fatherland during the First World War
German World War One commemorative cup and saucer celebrating a Silver Wedding on the 5th March 1914. From your beloved son, Heinrich, Machine Gun Company of Infantry Regiment, Karl (7 Brig) No
Brass plaque given to all Belgian veteransSalus - Patriae - Suprema - Lex (the well-being of the Fatherland is the highest duty). Brass plaque given to all Belgian veterans who were under fire during the Great War - 1914-1918
Memorial to the men from Klein AlmerodeEhren Tafel (In Memoriam). A Memorial to the men from Klein Almerode with the names and portraits of fifty-two of its men who gave their lives for the Fatherland in the Great War. German School
French patriotic WWI postcard - Debt owed to those who die(transalation) To you who give your life - the flowers that you are owed from your Fatherland. Date: circa 1916
Italian Sharpshooter - World War One eraItalian propaganda postacrd depicting a poised Sharpshooter - World War One era. The caption translates as: For King and Fatherland: this is the ideal of the Sharpshooters Date: circa 1916s
Picture No. 10295686Vehicles from the Fatherlands Front (Patriotic Front) distributing flyers in Vienna
All for the FatherlandWounded French soldiers of different countries gather round a newspaper as a nurse reads the latest on Frances involvement in WW1. A German helmet, a war trophy, rests beneath the table
Turkish Student Club - German UniversityA Turkish Student Club at a German University. A very unusual postcard that such an occurance as this should have been recorded at all!
Unsere HeldenA commemorative photograph of the crew of the U9, a German submarine claiming to have sunk three British cruisers in 1914. With the news, the men became heroes of the Fatherland
After the BattleAfter the battle in the North Sea - despite the destruction, the guns of the German navy continue to protect the Fatherland
Patriotism at SchoolLa France est notre patrie ! (France is our fatherland) French schoolchildren display patriotic fervour in their classroom
French SchoolkidsChildren from Alsace are taught that La France est notre patrie (= France is our fatherland)