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Fashionable Woman Collection

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in ankle-length dress with fur stole, WWI

Fashionable woman in ankle-length dress with fur stole, WWI
Fashionable woman in ankle-length dress, bodice with buttoned interlocking panels, fur stole, gaiters, WWI

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in an ankle-length cerise dress with lace coll

Fashionable woman in an ankle-length cerise dress with lace collar, embroidered panels, matching sash

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in a lilac dress, WWI

Fashionable woman in a lilac dress, WWI
Fashionable woman in a lilac dress, flat collar, belted under the bust, with embroidered bodice

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in ankle-length dress reading a magazine, WWI

Fashionable woman in ankle-length dress reading a magazine, WWI
Fashionable woman in ankle-length dress, purple straw hat, reading a magazine, WWI

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman with three young girls in smock dresses, WWI

Fashionable woman with three young girls in smock dresses, WWI
Fashionable woman with three young girls in short smock dresses, WWI

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in a kimono-style coat dress, 1920s

Fashionable woman in a kimono-style coat dress, 1920s. Robe manteau de Jean Patou

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in front of a waiting room in a train station

Fashionable woman in front of a waiting room in a train station, 1924. She wears a long coat dress and carries a leather bag and wool scarf

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in a boyish flapper outfit of hat and dress, 1

Fashionable woman in a boyish flapper outfit of hat and dress, 1923. La Garconne, after a sketch by the designer Madame Premet. Toilette de Ville, 1923

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in cap and robe by the couture brand Paul Poir

Fashionable woman in cap and robe by the couture brand Paul Poiret, 1911. She holds a parrot and takes bird feed from a tray. Les Robes de Paul Poiret, 1911

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashion plate by Georges Lepape, 1915

Fashion plate by Georges Lepape, 1915
Fashionable woman in a voluminous coat with broad fur trim at the collar and hem, holding a fur muff. Modes et Manieres d'Aujourd'hui, 1915

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in a lavish gown with huge bustle and train, 1

Fashionable woman in a lavish gown with huge bustle and train, 1885. La Mode Artistique, 1885

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in semi-formal outfit, 1815

Fashionable woman in semi-formal outfit, 1815. In bonnet with plumes, high-waisted gown with black bodice, pink ribbons. Costume demie habille

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman or Merveilleuse in ball gown, Directoire era

Fashionable woman or Merveilleuse in ball gown, Directoire era, 1799. She wears her hair in a classical Greek style, low-cut muslin dress with gold embroidery and roses on the diagonal

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Costume of a fashionable woman or Merveilleuse, Directoire era

Costume of a fashionable woman or Merveilleuse, Directoire era
Costume of a fashionable French woman or Merveilleuse, Directoire era, 1798. Short haircut a la Titus or a la victime, low-cut dress, straw bonnet, embroidered shawl. Costume de Femme

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman or Merveilleuse, French Revolutionary era, 179

Fashionable woman or Merveilleuse, French Revolutionary era, 1795. She wears a jockey cap with huge peak, muslin dress, long shawl, and embroidered stockings. Jeune Dame. 1795.. After Carle Vernet

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Rear view of the dress of a fashionable woman, French Revolution

Rear view of the dress of a fashionable woman, French Revolutionary era. She wears a ribbon in her loose hair, long shawl tied in back, white gown with full skirts. Costume de Dame, 1793

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman playing with a yo-yo or bandalore, 1792

Fashionable woman playing with a yo-yo or bandalore, 1792
Fashionable woman playing with a yo-yo or bandalore, French Revolutionary era, 1792. With bandana in her hair, crossed fichu, violet dress, and yellow gloves

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable French woman in riding outfit, Revolutionary era, 17

Fashionable French woman in riding outfit, Revolutionary era, 1791. She wears a top hat with cockades, cravat, long green redingote, white skirts, buff gloves

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in casual outfit reading an almanack, French R

Fashionable woman in casual outfit reading an almanack, French Revolutionary era. She wears a bonnet, shawl, and gown with full skirts. Jeune Dame en demi neglige

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in taffeta bonnet and printed toile dress

Fashionable woman in taffeta bonnet and printed toile dress
Fashionable woman in taffeta bonnet and printed yellow toile dress. Chapeau de Taffetas, Robe de Toile Imprimee

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in cloth bonnet with straw-hat peak

Fashionable woman in cloth bonnet with straw-hat peak, pink dress, white shawl, Paris, 1804. Chapeau moitie Paille sur un bonnet

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in a canezou collar, Paris, 1804

Fashionable woman in a canezou collar, Paris, 1804
Fashionable woman in a canezou collar. The muslin canezou capelet has a frilled collar and tucks into the waistband. Her straw-hat is decorated with printed fabric and flowers

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Woman wearing her hair in a gold wire hairnet, Paris, 1804

Woman wearing her hair in a gold wire hairnet, Paris, 1804
Fashionable woman in evening dress. She wears her hair in a gold wire hairnet, with low-cut white dress, gloves, and carrying a red shawl. Reseau en fil d'or

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in a muslin veil, Paris, 1803. V

Fashionable woman in a muslin veil, Paris, 1803. V
Fashionable woman in a muslin veil falling over her hair and shoulders like a capelet. She wears a diadem of red roses, red necklace, bracelet and belt. Voile de mousseline retombant en mantelet

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in short haircut a la Victime, Paris, 1803

Fashionable woman in short haircut a la Victime, Paris, 1803
Fashionable woman in short haircut a la Victime. She wears a headband ornamented with cameos, a lace capelet and low-cut gown. Bandeau orné de Pierres gravées. Pélerine de Dentelle

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in colourful ribbon bonnet, Paris, 1803

Fashionable woman in colourful ribbon bonnet, Paris, 1803
Fashionable woman in colourful ribbon bonnet. She wears a white gown, long lace scarf and holds a drawstring ridicule bag. Chapeau en Rubans flambés

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in short haircut a la Victime, Paris, 1803

Fashionable woman in short haircut a la Victime, Paris, 1803. Her head is shaved in back, and she wears a gown with folded-back ruffle collar. Tête Tondue par derrière. Colerette Rabattue

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman with short hair a la Victime, Paris, 1803

Fashionable woman with short hair a la Victime, Paris, 1803
Fashionable woman with short hair a la Victime. She wears a calico tunic over a long gown. Tunique Juive en Guinée

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in short haircut a la Victime, Paris, 1803

Fashionable woman in short haircut a la Victime, Paris, 1803
Fashionable woman or merveilleuse in short haircut a la Victime. Her head is half-shaved, and she wears a low-cut gown and fichu kerchief with hanging ends. Tête à demi Tondue

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Merveilleuse in front of a mirror, Paris, 1803

Merveilleuse in front of a mirror, Paris, 1803
Merveilleuse in front of a mirror. She wears a lace morning bonnet, a see-through muslin gown with an elastic corset. Bonnet du Matin, Corset Elastique

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in hairdo a la Victime, Paris, 1803

Fashionable woman in hairdo a la Victime, Paris, 1803
Fashionable woman in hairdo a la Victime. Her hair is freshly cut, and she wears a silk and cotton overdress and gown. Tête fraîchement Tondue. Tunique Juive Soie et Coton

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman and child, Paris, 1803

Fashionable woman and child, Paris, 1803. She wears a turban of threaded velvet, green shawl with garlands, and carries a drawstring ridicule bag. Turban de Velours fiselé

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Merveilleuse in opera gown, Paris, 1803

Merveilleuse in opera gown, Paris, 1803. She wears a satin hat, vicuna shawl and low-cut formal dress. Chapeau de Satin. Schall de Vigogne

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman with fan and almanac, Paris, 1802

Fashionable woman with fan and almanac, Paris, 1802
Fashionable woman with fan and almanac. She wears a Florentine hooded bonnet, brocaded muslin tunic dress, choker necklace. Capote de Florence. Tunique de Mousseline brochée

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in hairstyle a l'enfant, 1790

Fashionable woman in hairstyle a l'enfant, 1790
Fashionable woman in hairstyle a l'enfant: herisson or hedgehog crown with roses, rows of ringlets tied behind with a violet ribbon

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in gown a la Vestale, 1790

Fashionable woman in gown a la Vestale, 1790
Fashionable woman or Religieuse new to society, in linen gown a la Vestale decorated with galon d'or, gauze fichu, hairstyle with five rows of curls a la passion, chignon

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in pleated bonnet, 1790

Fashionable woman in pleated bonnet, 1790
Fashionable woman in pleated bonnet with garland of flowers and aigrette, hair in chignon and small curls, gauze fichu, pink satin robe, gauze piece and linen petticoat decorated with violet ribbons

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: French Elegant in striped caraco and skirt, 1790

French Elegant in striped caraco and skirt, 1790
French fashionable woman or Elegant in hat of yellow and violet heron plumes, striped caraco and skirts, gauze fichu tied in front, white front with violet ribbons, yellow fan

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman with fan manufactured by Arthur, 1790

Fashionable woman with fan manufactured by Arthur, 1790
Fashionable woman in gauze bonnet, hair in ringlets, white linen caraco jacket and petticoat embroidered with flowers, gauze fichu, fan by Arthur

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in pink and white outfit, 1790

Fashionable woman in pink and white outfit, 1790
Fashionable woman in pink taffeta bonnet, hair in ringlets, gauze fichu, white taffeta gown with pink corset, white petticoats, pink slippers

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in casual outfit, en neglige, 1790

Fashionable woman in casual outfit, en neglige, 1790
Fashionable woman in casual outfit, en neglige. Chapeau a soufflet in pink striped taffetas, scarlet redingote, gauze fichu, white linen petticoat hemmed with pink ribbon

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman at an art exhibition, Paris, 1895

Fashionable woman at an art exhibition, Paris, 1895. Behind her, an artist copies a painting on a canvas on an easel

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman near the Bains de la Samaritaine, Paris, 1893

Fashionable woman near the Bains de la Samaritaine, Paris, 1893
Fashionable woman promenading on the banks of the Seine, in front of the Bains de la Samaritaine, Paris, 1893. The hot baths were built in 1761 near Pont Neuf and sank in a flood in 1919

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in front of advertising kiosk, Paris, 1892

Fashionable woman in front of advertising kiosk, Paris, 1892
Fashionable woman in front of advertising kiosk, Colonne Morris, Paris, 1892. In bonnet, dress with full sleeves, lace capelet, full skirts, ribbons

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889

Fashionable woman at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889
Fashionable woman near the Eiffel Tower and the Central Dome with winged figure, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. In cap, short jacket, skirt with bustle, parasol

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman walking across Pont des Arts, Paris, 1886

Fashionable woman walking across Pont des Arts, Paris, 1886
Fashionable woman walking on a windy day across Pont des Arts, Paris, 1886

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman window-shopping in Paris, 1880

Fashionable woman window-shopping in Paris, 1880
Fashionable woman window-shopping outside a clothes and hat shop, Paris, 1880

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman reading a novel, Paris, 1881

Fashionable woman reading a novel, Paris, 1881
Fashionable woman reading Jules Claretie's novel Monsieur le Ministre, Paris, 1881. In a room with folding screen, pot plant and table

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman at a bouquiniste stall, Paris, 1879

Fashionable woman at a bouquiniste stall, Paris, 1879
Fashionable woman looking at prints and magazines at a bouquiniste or book stall on the banks of the River Seine, Paris, 1879

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman looking at a Colonne Morris, Paris, 1875

Fashionable woman looking at a Colonne Morris, Paris, 1875
Fashionable woman looking at posters on an advertising kiosk, Colonne Morris, Paris, 1875. She wears a hat, a brocade bodice, bustle skirt, muff

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman watching a balloonist over Paris, 1870

Fashionable woman watching a balloonist over Paris, 1870
Fashionable woman on a balcony holding the L'Avant Garde newspaper watching a balloonist flying during the Siege of Paris, 1870

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in the Jardin Mabile, Paris, 1868

Fashionable woman in the Jardin Mabile, Paris, 1868
Fashionable woman with parasol promenading at the Jardin Mabile, famous for its outdoor dance balls or Bal Mabile, Champs-Elysees, Paris, 1868

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman promenading at the seaside, France, 1865

Fashionable woman promenading at the seaside, France, 1865
Fashionable woman with parasol promenading at the seaside, 1865. In the background, swimmers swim in the sea under a tricolor flag, and vacationers sit on chairs on the beach

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in a box at the theatre, 1857

Fashionable woman in a box at the theatre, 1857. In a long gown with full skirts decorated with roses, with fan and opera glasses

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman at the Fontaine Moliere, Paris, 1851

Fashionable woman at the Fontaine Moliere, Paris, 1851
Fashionable woman at the Fontaine Moliere, rue Moliere, Paris, 1851

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in a parfumerie, Paris, 1850

Fashionable woman in a parfumerie, Paris, 1850
Fashionable woman shopping in a parfumerie, Paris, 1850. In bonnet, floral gown, lace-trimmed jacket, with parasol and ridicule drawstring purse

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman with hat box sitting in a milliners, Paris, 18

Fashionable woman with hat box sitting in a milliners, Paris, 1847. She wears a bonnet, embroidered shawl, and luxurious dress. A customer examines fabric on a table behind her

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman promenading in a park, Paris, 1848

Fashionable woman promenading in a park, Paris, 1848. She wears a bonnet, mid-length cape, long full gown, and holds a parasol. A tisane or herbal tea vendor in the background

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman on the Pont des Arts, Paris, 1846

Fashionable woman on the Pont des Arts, Paris, 1846. The River Seine and the stone Pont Neuf between the Rive Guache and Ile de la Cite in the background

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman at the Theatre du Luxembourg, Paris, 1843

Fashionable woman at the Theatre du Luxembourg, Paris, 1843
Fashionable woman in front of the Theatre du Luxembourg in the Jardins du Luxembourg, Paris, 1843

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman at the Institut de France, Paris, 1842

Fashionable woman at the Institut de France, Paris, 1842
Fashionable woman promenading past the cupola of the Institut de France, Paris, 1842. Founded in 1795 on the Quai de Conti between Pont Neuf and Pont des Arts

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman at the racetrack, Paris, 1841

Fashionable woman at the racetrack, Paris, 1841
Fashionable woman in front of grandstands at the racetrack, possibly Longchamp, Paris, 1841. In bonnet, capelet, full-sleeved blouse and skirts, holding a parasol

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman inside a church, Paris, 1839

Fashionable woman inside a church, Paris, 1839
Fashionable woman blessing herself with holy water from a font inside an old Gothic church, Paris, 1839. She wears a bonnet tied with a ribbon, fur-lined capelet, dress with full skirts

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman looking at fabric in a dress shop, Paris, 1837

Fashionable woman looking at fabric in a dress shop, Paris, 1837
Fashionable woman looking at fabric in a dress shop, A la vrai Mode, Mlle. Lenoir, Paris, 1837. She wears a lace cap with ribbons, striped bodice, lace collar, and full skirts

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman singing in a drawing room, Paris, 1835

Fashionable woman singing in a drawing room, Paris, 1835
Fashionable woman singing from a musical score in a grand drawing room, accompanied by a lady on the harpsichord, Paris, 1835. She wears a low-cut gown decorated with ribbons, her hair in curls

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman listening to a band in a park, Paris, 1836

Fashionable woman listening to a band in a park, Paris, 1836
Fashionable woman sitting in a park, while a military band plays music, Paris, 1836. She wears a bonnet, dress with full sleeves, lace capelet and holds a handkerchief and parasol

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman at the Theatre des Funambules, Paris, 1834

Fashionable woman at the Theatre des Funambules, Paris, 1834
Fashionable woman in front of Theatre des Funambules, boulevard du Temple, Paris, 1834. The theatre of tightrope-walkers and acrobats existed from 1816 to 1862

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman walking near the River Seine, Paris, 1830

Fashionable woman walking near the River Seine, Paris, 1830
Fashionable woman walking on the Rive Gauche of the River Seine, opposite Notre Dame, Paris, 1830. In large bonnet, coat with capelet over the shoulders, hands in a fur muff

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman taking dancing lessons, Paris, 1826

Fashionable woman taking dancing lessons, Paris, 1826
Fashionable woman taking dancing lessons in a mirrored room, Paris, 1826. Low-cut off the shoulder dress with puff sleeves, full skirts

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman shopping at the Palais Royal, Paris, 1820

Fashionable woman shopping at the Palais Royal, Paris, 1820
Fashionable woman shopping in the arcade at the Palais Royal, Paris, 1820. She wears a wide-brim bonnet, spencer jacket, petticoat with flounces, and holds a parasol and drawstring bag or ridicule

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in the Tuileries Gardens, Paris, 1821

Fashionable woman in the Tuileries Gardens, Paris, 1821
Fashionable woman in front of the marble sculpture Seine and Marne by Nicolas Coustou, Tuileries Gardens, Paris, 1821

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in front of a church, Paris, 1815

Fashionable woman in front of a church, Paris, 1815. She wears a bonnet with ribbons, long embroidered shawl, ankle-length dress

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman checking her pocket watch, 1812

Fashionable woman checking her pocket watch, 1812
Fashionable woman checking her pocket watch waiting for someone in front of an auberge, Paris, 1812. High-waisted classical style dress with turban and parasol. A carriage in the distance

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman outside a hat shop, Paris, 1813

Fashionable woman outside a hat shop, Paris, 1813
Fashionable woman window-shopping for bonnets outside a milliners, Paris, 1813. She wears a bonnet, high-waisted dress with full sleeves, holding a parasol and drawstring bag or ridicule

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in front of a parfumerie, 1812

Fashionable woman in front of a parfumerie, 1812
Fashionable woman in front of a parfumerie, Paris, 1812. In bonnet tied with ribbons, dress with ruff collar, check shawl, and fur muff

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in front of the Pont Alexandre III, Paris, 190

Fashionable woman in front of the Pont Alexandre III, Paris, 190
Fashionable woman promenading on the Seine in front of the Pont Alexandre III, Paris, 1900. The ornate Beaux Arts-style bridge with sculptures by Emmanuel Fremiet

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in top hat and otter-skin coat, 1926

Fashionable woman in top hat and otter-skin coat, 1926
Fashionable woman in short bob haircut, brimless top hat and otter-skin coat, 1926. The coat with fronts in surplice effect, collar and cuffs in checkerboard of otter and ermine squares

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in cloche hat and otter-skin coat, 1926

Fashionable woman in cloche hat and otter-skin coat, 1926
Fashionable woman in short bob haircut, cloche hat with green ribbon, otter-skin coat closed on side of throat, chinchilla collar and sleeves. Manteau en loutre

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in cloche hat and lambswool coat, 1926

Fashionable woman in cloche hat and lambswool coat, 1926
Fashionable woman in short bob haircut, cloche hat with bird plumes, lambswool coat, 1926. Baby lamb coat with fronts in surplice effect, fur trim. Manteau de breitschwanz

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman with short bob haircut in ermine coat, 1926

Fashionable woman with short bob haircut in ermine coat, 1926. Evening cape of ermine with high turn-down collar. Cape du soir en hermine

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman with short bob haircut in fur coat, 1926

Fashionable woman with short bob haircut in fur coat, 1926
Fashionable woman with short bob haircut in fur coat. Evening wrap in ermine with broad shawl collar. Manteau du soir en hermine

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman in cloche hat and mink cape, 1926

Fashionable woman in cloche hat and mink cape, 1926
Fashionable woman in cloche hat and mink cape with back panel laid horizontally. Cape en vison. Handcoloured lithograph from Modeles Originaux de Fourrures, Original Models in Fur, No

Background imageFashionable Woman Collection: Fashionable woman sitting on a swing, 18th century

Fashionable woman sitting on a swing, 18th century
Fashionable woman sitting on a swing decorated with garlands, 18th century. L'air. Voiant cette beaute dessus l'escarpolette se promemener dans l'air avec tant d'agrement

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