Fashionable women in suits and hats, WWI. One in a redingote over skirt and pleated apron, plumed hat. The other in tweed suit with ankle-length skirt, gaiters, hat with pompoms
Two fashionable women in wool suits, WWITwo fashionable women in wool suits and gaiters, WWI. The two-piece suits comprise long jackets and ankle-length skirts. One with fur muff and collar
Fashionable woman in ankle-length dress with fur stole, WWIFashionable woman in ankle-length dress, bodice with buttoned interlocking panels, fur stole, gaiters, WWI
Two fashionable women in ankle-length dresses, WWITwo fashionable women in ankle-length dresses, gaiters, WWI. One with fur bonnet and muff, the other with plumed cap
Two fashionable women at a tea party, WWI. They wear frilly lace tunics over ankle-length dresses
Two fashionable women on a winter stroll, WWI. They wear hats, wide-belt coats over matching dresses, gloves and purse
Two fashionable women in coat dresses at an aerodrome, WWITwo fashionable women in coat dresses and gaiters at an aerodrome in front of a biplane, WWI. One with monocle and one with parasol
Fashionable woman in an ankle-length cerise dress with lace collar, embroidered panels, matching sash
Two fashionable women on a winter stroll, WWI. They wear hats, wide-belt coats over matching dresses, gloves and a walking cane
Two fashionable women on a winter stroll in a park, WWI. Both in hats, carrying parasols, tunic apron dress
Two fashionable women on an autumn stroll in a park, WWI. One in a wool coat over green dress, holding a walking cane. One in a dress with matching tunic, purse and fur stole
Two fashionable women in a gallery, WWI. One in wide-brim hat, calf-length dress with large pockets, sailor's collar. One with masculine top hat, walking stick and gloves
Two fashionable women in a parlor, WWI.. Both in similar dresses with tunic apron, one in a wide-brim quaker hat and gloves
Two fashionable women in ankle-length dresses, WWITwo fashionable women in ankle-length dresses and suits, bonnets, sash belt, lace collar, WWI
Two fashionable women in a tea salon, WWITwo fashionable women in a salon, WWI.. Woman in dark blue jacket and matching skirt, with masculine top hat, cravatte and walking stick. Woman in billowing cape behind her
Fashionable woman in a lilac dress, WWIFashionable woman in a lilac dress, flat collar, belted under the bust, with embroidered bodice
Two fashionable women on an autumn stroll, WWI.. In two-piece belted wool suits, wide brim hats, with handbag, walking stick and gloves
Two fashionable women on an autumn stroll, WWI.. In wool two-piece belted suits with wide-brim hats, one with rosary, one with fichu
Two fashionable women on a winter stroll, WWI.. In two-piece belted wool suits, one with a veil over a hat, one holding a riding crop and handbag
Two fashionable women on a summer stroll, WWI.. One in green cloche hat with plume, moire dress, the other with ruched dress in pewter moire
Two fashionable women on a summer stroll, WWI.. Both in wide-brim hats, two-piece suits. One with parasol, one in gaiters with purse
Two fashionable women on a summer stroll, WWI.. One in purple dress with fur stole, monocle, and bonnet. One in green check dress with lace fichu, large fan
Two fashionable women on a spring stroll, WWI
Fashionable woman in ankle-length dress reading a magazine, WWIFashionable woman in ankle-length dress, purple straw hat, reading a magazine, WWI
Two fashionable women on a spring stroll, WWI.. Both in full dresses with high collars, hats and parasols
Two fashionable women on a summer stroll, WWI.. One in a tall black hat, green calf-length dress with parasol. One in a cloche hat with flowers, burgundy red dress with lace collar
Two fashionable women on a winter stroll, WWI.. One in a black cloche hat with large bow, velvet coat over calf-length dress
Two fashionable women on a winter stroll, WWI. One in a blue wide-brim hat, coat with frilled high neck, gaiters
Two fashionable women on a stroll, WWI. One in a wool suit, wide-brim hat, lace blouse. holding a parasol. One in a carrick coat, check dress with lace collar, gaiters
Two fashionable women in calf-length dresses, WWITwo fashionable women in calf-length dresses with fur collar and cuffs, ribbon shoes, narrow-brim hats, WWI. One holds a fur muff, the other a parasol
Two fashionable women with a bowl of fruit, WWI. One with ribbon belt, tunic dress over skirts. The other in a dress with full sleeves
Fashionable woman with three young girls in smock dresses, WWIFashionable woman with three young girls in short smock dresses, WWI
Young girls playing croquet, WWI. They wear short pinafore dresses, cloche caps, ankle socks and shoes. One in a short carrick cape or coachman's coat
Two fashionable women in dresses with full skirts, WWI. Ribbon belt, parasol, plumed hat, asymmetrical cap
Two fashionable women in ankle-length dresses adorned with frills, with bonnets and parasols, WWI
Five o'clock dress in bronze Moroccan crepe decorated with beads. Cloche hat. Toilette de the en crepe marocain
Afternoon dress in Lyons velvet with large bow on one hip. Robe d'apres-midi en velours de Lyon
Afternoon dress of purple faille-satin with matching cloche hat. Toilette d'apres-mide en faille-satin
Red bolero frock in satin and velvet chiffon coat with fox banding. Robe bolero en satin. Manteau de velours chiffon richement garni de renard
Woman in afternoon dress of velvet chiffon with Karakul wool triWoman in afternoon dress of green velvet chiffon, with Karakul wool trim on the skirt. Green cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en velours chiffon. Jupe drapee, bordee de caracul
Woman in blue afternoon dress of crepe mongol over a satin slip. Cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en crepe mongol sur fourreau de satin
Afternoon robe in black faille, black lace trim, fox fur stole, brimless hat. Toilette d'apres-midi en faille
Woman in princess robe in silk velvet, with lame plastron. Hat with lame ribbon. Princesse en velours chiffon
Afternoon dress in silk velvet embroidered with silver braid galloons. Blue cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en velours de soie, brodee de galons d'argent
Woman in kasha dress and cloche hatKasha dress with bolero trimmed with bands in the same material. Galalith buckles. Cloche hat. Robe en kasha. Bolero agremente d'applications d'etoffe
Afternoon dress of blue satin crepe with cross-over top. Grey hat. Robe de visite en crepe satin, haut tres croise
Evening dress in lilac velvet chiffon. Robe du soir en velours chiffon
Woman in velvet afternoon dress and cloche hat with buckleAfternoon dress of velvet, contrasting velvet and silver lace bib, cloche hat with buckle. Robe d'apres-midi en velours
Jumper frock of crepe de Chine and figured velvet. Purple cloche hat and fur stole. Robe en crepe de Chine et velours faconne
Afternoon coat of silk velvet, Medici collar and cuffs of fox fuAfternoon coat of chocolate silk velvet, Medici collar and cuffs of grey fox fur. Purple cloche hat. Manteau en velours chiffon, garni de renard
Dress with crepe roma top and velvet chiffon skirtEnsemble: Dress top in fuchsia crepe roma, shirred chocolate skirt of velvet chiffon, coat with rich fox banding. Ensemble: haut de la robe en crepe romain. Jupe froncee en velours chiffon
Kasha coat with fur collar and cuffsKasha cloth coat with bands cut en forme. Collar and cuffs in fox fur. Manteau en kasha drap, garni de bandes en forme. Grand col et parements de renard clair
Two-piece ensemble: jacket of brown velvet with fur trim, chestnTwo-piece suit: jacket of dark brown velvet with fur trim, chestnut satin cloth skirt. Ensemble elegant: Jaquette de velours fonce. Robe en drap satin
Black velvet coat banded with fox fur. Manteau inedit de velours noir, garni de renard
Afternoon dress and jacket of green crepe romaAfternoon dress of green crepe roma, jacket decorated with white silk galloon collar embroidered in gold. Robe d'apres-midi en crepe romain
Afternoon dress of chocolate Moroccan crepe adorned with metal and silk embroidery. Cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en crepe satin, brodee soie et metal
Chestnut coloured asymmetrical velvet frock, large buttons, with matching cloche hat. Robe en velvet. Boutons corozo. Jupe croisee et rallongee a gauche
Black satin visiting dress, skirt with six flaring flounces. Cloche hat. Toilette de visite en satin noir. Jupe a volants ondulants
Afternoon dress of grey Moroccan crepe, cloche hat with featherAfternoon dress of grey Moroccan crepe, collar and cuffs in two-colour crepe Georgette embroidered in silver. Cloche hat with feather. Toilette d'apres-midi en crepe marocain
Sports outfit of green velvet skirt, jumper of ribbed velours trSports outfit: green velvet skirt, jumper of ribbed velours tricot, matching cloche hat. Robe genre sport. Jupe velours uni, sweater en velours tricot cotele
Afternoon dress of purple crepe marocain, cloche hat. Toilette d'apres-midi en crepe marocain
Afternoon dress of crepe roma, orange cloche hatAfternoon dress of crepe roma, pleated skirt, orange cloche hat. Toilette d'apres-midi en crepe romain
Coat dress of kasha wool with coloured satin ornaments. Cloche hat. Robe manteau en kasha, garnie satin couleur tranchante
Evening dress of velvet chiffon decorated with gold silk muslinEvening dress of tangerine velvet chiffon decorated with gold silk muslin with silver brocade. Robe de soiree en velours chiffon et mousseline noirs et brocart d'argent
Evening dress of black satin, rose on the hip, with matching black velvet cape. Toilette de soiree en satin, cape en velours chiffon
Dancing frock of lilac crepe satin. Robe a danser en crepe satin
Dancing frock in black velvet chiffon with crossed back. Robe a danser en velours chiffon
Black chiffon evening dress and velvet coatEvening dress of black chiffon on a slip of silver lame. Evening coat in blue velvet, silk kimono sleeves, fur collar. Robe du soir en mousseline sur fond de lame argent
Evening dress of black crepe voile on black crepe satin. Robe de soiree en crepe voile noir, sur fourreau de crepe satin
Evening dress of ribbed silver lame with velvet panelsEvening dress of ribbed silver lame, with asymmetrical pale and dark blue velvet panels. Robe du soir en lame cotele et velours chiffon deux couleurs
Dancing frock in sky-blue crepe georgette. Marcel wave hairstyle. Robe a dancer en crepe Georgette brode de strass
Five o'clock dress in black crepe georgette. Toilette de the en crepe Georgette noir et dentelle
Dancing frock in pale green chiffon embroidered with coloured silk or trimmed with velvet appliques. Marcel wave hairstyle. Robe a danser en mousseline
Evening robe in net embroidered with coloured beads and silver sequins. Large blue ribbon tied at the waist in a bow. Robe du soir en tulle paillete d'argent
Evening gown of black chiffon and lace. Marcel wave hairstyle. Robe de soiree en mousseline de soie et dentelle
Informal evening dress of green velvet chiffon. Marcel wave hairstyle. Robe de petit soir en velours chiffon
Afternoon robe in blue satin cire with matching cloche hat. Robe de visite en satin brillant
Afternoon dress of green veloutine and grey cloche hatAfternoon dress of green veloutine, with black and white wool embroidery. Grey cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en veloutine, brodee de laine
Afternoon dress in black velvet chiffon adorned with galloons anAfternoon dress in black velvet chiffon adorned with gold galloons and embroidery. Matching cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en velours chiffon, ornee larges galons et broderie d'or
Evening dress of crepe de Chine with embroidered vest. Robe du soir en crepe de Chine
Evening dress and tunic of metal brocade, 1935Evening dress and tunic of metal brocade. Pointed bodice with ribbed tucks. Wide sleevelets and tunic edged with mink. Trailing skirt
Youthful style robe in taffetas, 1935Youthful style robe in taffetas. Flounced sleevelets with inset net sections. Ample skirt joined in a point to the waist, pleated net balayeuse
Fitted evening frock of cered lace, 1935Fitted evening frock of cered lace with matching shoulder straps. Casaque, trailing flounce. Evening coat of velvet with fox collar and cuffs
Evening robe in satin cuit, 1935Evening robe in satin cuit. Bretelles of silk roses. Bows and separate train lined in another shade. Trailing flounce. Wine red velvet coat with mink trim