The Mice Family's Christmas Pudding Date: 1908
DOMESTIC COMMUNISMCOMMUNISM IN THE HOME The servants share the familys clothes and possessions, the ladies take part in the housework... Date: 1850
THE FAMILYS RETURNTHE UNEXPECTED RETURN Servants giving a party are disturbed when Master and Mistress come home sooner than expected (scene from a play, Les Cuisinieres)(the cooks) Date: 1823
Father CMas - Birch TwigFather Christmas arrives at the Thalberg familys house bearing gifts for the good children but a birch twig for the naughty children. He receives a mixed reception. Date: Circa 1815
Powell-Cotton family with donkeyHannah Powell-Cotton in her uniform as Commandant of the Birchington VAD
Princess Elizabeth in pantoPhotograph of the Queen Elizabeth taken in 1944 when Princess Elizabeth
Grocery Shop RationsA shopkeeper measures out a weeks rations on his weighing scales. During World War Two, planning a familys meals often depended upon what an individual shop had in stock
The 1940S HouseThe television crew film the Hymers familys departure from Otley, Yorkshire, destination The 1940s House, West Wickham, Kent. Lots of neighbours turn out to watch
King Edwards day comparment, on the royal trainKing Edward VIIs newly built train on the London and North Western Railway showing a view of the royal day compartment. The train was first used on the royal familys journey to Gopsall
Edward VIIs sleeping compartment on the royal trainKing Edward VIIs newly built train on the London and North Western Railway showing a view of the sleeping compartment. The train was first used on the royal familys journey to Gopsall
Domestic CommunismCOMMUNISM IN THE HOME The servants share the familys clothes and possessions, the ladies take part in the housework
FATHERs RETURN 1910Father returns home, to the familys great delight
Father C mas / Birch TwigFather Christmas arrives at the Thalberg familys house bearing gifts for the good children but a birch twig for the naughty children. He receives a mixed reception