Trams causing havoc on a Belfast streetHorses, carts, wagons and pedestrians in an almighty crash involving two trams in Donegal Place in Belfast. The card caption reads: " Our Trammelled Streets" Date: 1905
Operating Table 1930SA group of student nurses in theatre, observing a surgeon performing an operation
Irish sea serpent off Kilkee, IrelandA large and frightening sea monster seen by several people off the coast of Kilkee, Ireland. 1871
Much Ado About Nothing - title page - the wedding between Hero and Claudio is interrupted. 1862
Comic postcard, Policeman and fainting woman Date: 20th century
Comic postcard, Drunk man speaks to woman in the street Date: 20th century
The Wasp StingReproduction of a painting by Margaret Mower White. Date: circa 1930
Jose Echegaray y Eizaguirre (1832-1916). Spanish engineer, playwright, politician and mathematician. Leading of the Spanish dramatist of the last quarter of the 19th century
Illustration, Malbrough is going to warIllustration, Malbrough s'en va t'en guerre (Marlborough is going to war). Elegant ladies faint when they hear that Monsieur Malbrough is dead and buried as a result of going to war
WOMAN FAINTS"Found Daisy in a dead faint on the floor, and Captain Hallam bending over her." Date: 1890
Stick figures, Dot and Line, dancing and faintingDottator et Lineator Loquitor. Stick figures Dot and Line dancing the poussette, hornpipe, and then fainting and being led out drunk
View and plan of Napoleons final residence on Saint HelenaView and plan of Longwood House, Saint Helena. Final residence of Napoleon Bonaparte, exiled after the Battle of Waterloo
Queen of Scots Meets EiElizabeth meets Mary Queen of Scots in the park of Fotheringhay - a scene from Schillers Mary Stuart which never really occurred
Girl Faints in Mans ArmGirl faints into gentlemans arms after reading the fatal telegram Date: circa 1890
Lady and Smelling SaltsA lady faints and is revived with smelling salts
Shocking by H. M. BatemanThe A. B. who asked for a light
Nursery Rhymes - Level Crossing - 6 Birley StationLevel Crossing - 6 Birley Station - Birley Station - Two men with newspaper, porter & man with fainting woman. Part of Box 52 Boswell collection. Nursery Rhymes. Date: circa 1890s
The Rescue - Group of people fainting lady. Part of Box 79 Boswell Collection. Trap to Catch a Sunbeam. Date: circa 1900
Sacrifice of Joachim and faintness. Codex of Predis (1476). Royal Library. Turin. Italy
Music cover, The Piccolomini Waltz, from Verdis opera La Traviata, as performed at Almacks and the Court Balls
Boy on beach with Sea Mine" Look what I ve found Mummie!" A small boy discovers a mine on the beach whilst making a sandcastle. His Mother is fainting in shock at this explosive discovery. Date: 1940s
Panic in the Year 1000Panic in the church in the year 1000
Dismissed for PregnancyPregnant, is she ? Well, you know the rules - tell her she needn t bother to come to work tomorrow
Fall of meteorites at Hatford, Berkshire, UKWhen meteorites fall at Hatford, Berkshire, Mistress Greene, a witness, has one dug up, though one of the diggers swoons in terror
Girl Faints in StreetA girl passes out in the street, but luckily there is a handsome young man at hand to carry her inert but graceful form to a nearby shop
The Lady FaintsThe Ladys Sorrow Lady collapses - her concerned maids gather round to attend to her while gentlemen look on unconcerned