Siegfried and FafnerSiegfried confronts Fafner, who has taken on the shape of a dragon while he protects his hoard of treasure
Siegfried Forges NotungInstructed by Mime, Siegfried forges the magic sword Notung with which he will slay the dragon Fafner
Siegfried Kills FafnerAct two : armed with the magic sword Notung, Siegfried kills Fafner, who has taken on the form of a dragon
FAFNER GUARDS THE RINGAct Three : Fafner, in the form of a dragon, guards the Ring
Siegfried slaying the great dragon FafnerAct two : armed with the magic sword Notung, Siegfried kills Fafner, who has taken on the form of a dragon. Scene from Wagners Siegfried. Date: 1903
Richard Wagner. SiegfriedWAGNER, Richard (1813-1883). German composer of Romanticism. Skech of the dragon Fafner for the opera Siegried. Paris Opera. 1902
Siegfried and NotungAct one : Siegfried wields Notung, the magic sword which he has just re-fashioned with the help of Mime, and with which he will slay the dragon Fafner
Dragons BloodAct two : Siegfried discovers the secret of dragons blood after slaying Fafner who has taken on the form of a dragon, the better to guard his hoard
Fafner Demands the Ring
Fafner in Dragon FormAct one : Fafner, in the form of a dragon, guards the stolen hoard
Freia Abducted by GiantsFreia/Freya abducted by the giants Fasolt and Fafner