Platter from Faenza, Italy, Renaissance maiolica ware with portrait of a young man inside a border of gold foliage
Faenza, Italy - Chiesa S. Domenico Date: circa 1910s
Faenza, Italy - Loggiato Orifici (The Goldsmiths Portico) Date: circa 1910s
Faenza, Italy - Loggiato Palazzo Zauli on the Piazza del Popolo. Date: circa 1910s
Faenza, Italy - Loggiato PodestaFaenza, Italy - Stalls under the arches of the Loggiato of the Palazzo Podesta on the Piazza del Popolo Date: circa 1910s
Faenza, Italy - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele Date: circa 1910s
Faenza, Italy - Panoramic View Date: circa 1910s
Faenza, Italy - The MunicipioFaenza, Italy - La loggia del municipio Date: circa 1910s