Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten and General Montgomery, FrancPhotograph showing Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten (1900-1979), then Commander-in-Chief of the South-East Asia Command, talking with General Montgomery (1887-1976) in Normandy, France, 1944
Christopher Columbus at La Rabida, 1872. By F. AdamChristopher Columbus (1451-1506). Genoese navigator. Columbus at the Convent of La Rabida, 1872. Copy by F. Adam of the homonimous painting by Eduardo Cano de la Pena. Maritime Museum. Barcelona
Sense & SensibilityColonel Brandon has some explaining to do with Elinor
School for ButlersTrainee butlers take notes as their teacher points to a blackboard diagram, explaining the correct way to carve lamb
Spanish Civil War. Leaflet explaining how to help the Propaganda Service. Secretaria de Propaganda del gobierno Republicano (Propaganda Department of the Republican Government). Barcelona. Drawing
He appeared thus after his death to the historian Platina, explaining that because he lived like a beast during his lifetime, he did so still, being dead Date: reigned 1034 - 1045
Colonel Ashley with Chelsea Pensioners, WW1Colonel Ashley explaining modern signal methods to Chelsea Pensioners during the First World War. 1914-1918
Postcard explaining the currency of Portugal, with equivalent values for other countries. Date: circa 1900
Postcard explaining the currency of Japan, with equivalent values for other countries. circa 1900
Major Jackson, Chief of the London Fire Brigade, explaining a print to Battalion Chief, Daniel Deasy of the American Fire Brigade during World War II Date: 1939-1945
Explaining theory of circulation to King Charles I
BLUNT / ATMOSPHERIC REFA diagram explaining atmospheric refraction using pictures of ships at sea to illustrate the concept Date: 1849
Fontenelles Entretiens sur la Pluralite des Mondes - explaining the universe to a lady Date: 1701
Mr Trevor Scott-Chard and Air ScoutsSix Air Scouts stand listening to Mr Trevor Scott-Chard talk about aviation, with a plane visible in the background. circa 1950s
Michelangelo explaining anatomy to his disciples. EngravingMichelangelo (Michelangelo Buonarroti) (1475-1564). Italian artist. Engraving depicting Michelangelo explaining anatomy to his disciples. From the composition of H. Georg Urlaub. Colored
Native Doctor - Sierra Leone. Checking a diagnosis by the means of the placement of a set of small stones of seeds
Old Salt teaches knot tying to a young boyAn elderly sailor teaches a young lad how to tie some nautical knots. Watercolour painting by Malcolm Greensmith
Atmospheric RefractionA diagram explaining atmospheric refraction using pictures of ships at sea to illustrate the concept
Postcard explaining the currency of Chile, South America, with equivalent values for other countries. circa 1905
The Man Whose Reservations Blew Overboard by BatemanThe Man Whose Entire Outfit of Hotel, Railroad, and Streamship Reservations Blew Overboard by Bateman. Cartoon by H. M
Christopher Columbus at La Rabida. Engraving. ColoredChristopher Columbus (1451-1506). Genoese navigator. Columbus at the Convent of La Rabida. Engraving after the painting by Felipe Manso in The Spanish and American Illustration, 1892. Colored
Cartoon, Acrobatics. Is he an air ace? No, hes just a guy with love troubles ! Date: 1919
Postcard explaining the currency of Argentina, South America, with equivalent values for other countries. Date: circa 1905
Lectures at the Front, WW1A lecture on scouting by a British officer in a small theatre behind the firing line on the Western Front
Swiss postcard explaining the currency, with equivalent values for other countries. circa 1905
Burmese delegation visiting LFB HQA Burmese parliamentary delegation visiting LFB Headquarters, 29 May 1957. Showing the LFB Assistant Chief Officer explaining the equipment in use in the Brigade to members of the delegation
Battalion commander explaining the next moveBattalion commander and his soldiers having a temporary rest in a derelict building while being instructed where their next move will be using a field map of the district. Date: 1917
Jet propulsion explained by G. H. DavisJet propulsion explained: a system in its practical stage at this phase of the Second World War. Drawings explaining the principle employed in Britains new jet-propelled fighter aircraft. 1944
Professor G. T. R. Hill explaining how a variable pitch pr?Professor G.T.R. Hill explaining how a variable pitch propeller works at a Dr Mann Juvenile Lecture at the Royal Society of Arts, Adelphi, 13 January 1937
Horse Trainer standing up for his principlesOwner - " I heard as how you ve been fighting with Bob Smith?" " Yus. He said my sister was cross-eyed." " But you haven t got a sister?" " I know that
A professor explaining to an audience the nature of a ballooA professor filling and explaining to an audience the nature of a balloon
Wilbur Wright explaining the technicalities of his aircraft to King Edward VII at Pau in 1908. Date: 1908
Zamora Pyxis. 946. This pyxis has a notice explaining
Raphael (1483-1520). Joseph Explaining His Dreams to his Brothers. 1518-1519. VATICAN CITY. Vatican Palaces. Decoration of the Loggia. Representation of the History of Joseph. Renaissance art
The Romance of the Rose. s. XIV. The young boyThe Romance of the Rose. s.XIV. The young boy in love is in the garden of delight, and there he finds a fountain with an inscription explaining that Brother Narcissus died in there. Gothic art
Treatise on the plague in France. Depicting a group of doctors explaining the disease to the King. Gothic art. Miniature Painting. FRANCE. Paris. National Library
Professor demonstrating a balloonA Professor filling and explaining to an audience the nature of a balloon. 1784
Initiation of the Prince of the Royal - Secret" The Mason Army camps whilst waiting for the definitive assault" says the Brother charged with explaining the grand battle plan tot eh new candidate. 1890s
Cubs learning about the Royal NavyA young Naval Officer explains aspects of a Royal Navy ship to a group of Cub Scouts in Aden, Yemen. They lean over a piece of equipment and the officer points at one of the boys. circa 1968
Antonio Arias FernandezANTONIO ARIAS FERNANDEZ Spanish artist, presumably on his deathbed, and presumably explaining what he would like to paint if he only felt up to it. Date: 1620 - 1684
William Ewart Gladstone in the House of Commons, 1886Engraving showing W.E. Gladstone (1809-1898) explaining to the House of Commons his scheme for the Government of Ireland, 8th April 1886
Churchill CartoonChurchill, First Sea Lord, depicted as a circus impresario explaining to the audience that Britannia has been taken ill and will not be able to perform
National InsuranceThe beginning of the Welfare State : a booklet issued by the Ministry of National Insurance, explaining the benefits of the scheme which gives us all sickness benefits
Jesus and JudasHe restrains his disciples from attacking Judas, explaining that he was only doing what he had to do
Blunt / Atmospherical RefA diagram explaining atmospherical refraction