Christopher Columbus at La Rabida, 1872. By F. AdamChristopher Columbus (1451-1506). Genoese navigator. Columbus at the Convent of La Rabida, 1872. Copy by F. Adam of the homonimous painting by Eduardo Cano de la Pena. Maritime Museum. Barcelona
Winslow / Massasoit MeetMr Edward Winslow visits Massasoit, chief of the Pokanokets, to explain their reasons for settling upon his lands
French Cake-WalkerAccording to the caption, the cakewalk was invented by the kangaroo, but that doesn t explain this ladys eccentric cakewalking costume - and is that a spear shes holding ?
Message to a FriendDear Sarah Jane this to explain? Artist: Anne Anderson Date: circa 1917
Colonel Ashley with Chelsea Pensioners, WW1Colonel Ashley explaining modern signal methods to Chelsea Pensioners during the First World War. 1914-1918
Major Jackson, Chief of the London Fire Brigade, explaining a print to Battalion Chief, Daniel Deasy of the American Fire Brigade during World War II Date: 1939-1945
ELECTION NOTICES 1978Notices explain to the voter the practices of the election Date: 1978
NATURE VERSUS SCIENCESCIENCE DEFEATED BY NATURE A train is halted by snow. - Ah, but its because its the wrong kind of snow, the railwaymen explain... Date: circa 1850
TANTRUM IN A HAT SHOPA woman wearing a fox stole around her shoulders (complete with two heads) throws a tantrum in the middle of a hat shop - her partner has to explain to the shop assistant. Date: 1930s
Mr Trevor Scott-Chard and Air ScoutsSix Air Scouts stand listening to Mr Trevor Scott-Chard talk about aviation, with a plane visible in the background. circa 1950s
Michelangelo explaining anatomy to his disciples. EngravingMichelangelo (Michelangelo Buonarroti) (1475-1564). Italian artist. Engraving depicting Michelangelo explaining anatomy to his disciples. From the composition of H. Georg Urlaub. Colored
Contact with GanymedeSpace travellers from Earth try to explain where they come from to an inhabitant of Ganymede, a satellite of Jupiter Date: 1937
Christopher Columbus at La Rabida. Engraving. ColoredChristopher Columbus (1451-1506). Genoese navigator. Columbus at the Convent of La Rabida. Engraving after the painting by Felipe Manso in The Spanish and American Illustration, 1892. Colored
Diver and ChildrenTwo children admire a diver in his diving suit while he removes the mouthpiece from the helmet in order to explain how it works. Date: 1900
Cartoon, Acrobatics. Is he an air ace? No, hes just a guy with love troubles ! Date: 1919
Group of four men with hats, showing a delightful glimpse of humour
Initiation of the Prince of the Royal - Secret" The Mason Army camps whilst waiting for the definitive assault" says the Brother charged with explaining the grand battle plan tot eh new candidate. 1890s
Unusual LessonA male teacher uses a broken bicycle wheel to explain something to his class at NUFFIELD SCHOOL, KINGSWOOD, SE27 Date: 1965
Stratification DiagramsTwo diagrams to explain stratification: the books represent the different stratas in a depth of about 5 miles; the hand indicates depth of the coal strata Date: 19th century
Prince George and war ambulancePrince George, later Duke of Kent (1902-1942), fourth son of King George V and Queen Mary, in the courtyard of Buckingham Palace with Mr Hansell
Murder Mystery PartyAn amusing game of Murder in the Dark. Our picture shows the Inquest, when each member of the party is asked to explain where they were when the murder occurred
Robins and PuddingTwo robins explain to their young the mysteris of Christmas
Twin puppies and a smaller puppyTwin puppies, Snip and Snap, do their best to explain to a third puppy, Snorum, which of them is which
Quinine in PeruPeruvian natives explain to Europeans that quinine is what their sick companions need
Toy Stall 1930SA father kneels down beside his daughter to explain that the small deflated balloon will inflate into a giant balloon, just like the one on display at this toy stall