London UndergroundA Northern Line train in the standard red colour, on its way to Morden, southwest London
The Voice that filled the Albert Hall by H. M. BatemanIllustration by H. M. Bateman showing a buxom, matronly singer hitting a high note in the Albert Hall
Canary Islands - Las Palmas de Gran CanariaLas Palamas - the principal city on Gran Canarai, one of the Cnary Islands, a Spanish Municipality. The Plaza Sta. Ana during the exit of a procession
Abscess from a gunshot wound in the forearm, 1815Abscess in a sailor's forearm from a musket-ball wound in a naval battle, 1815
Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatreCroatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Ruins of the amphitheater, built in the second half of the 2nd century AD
Inauguration of railway - Barcelona to Vilanova i la GeltruSpain, Catalonia. Valls-Vilanova-Barcelona Railway (VVB). Inauguration of the railway from Barcelona to Vilanova i la Geltru on 29 December 1881. Viaduct at the exit of the Falconera Tunnel
Captain Newcome saying goodbye to old crew membersCaptain Johnny Newcome saying goodbye to old crew members and veterans at Greenwich Hospital. Midshipmen in uniforms, peg-legged veterans with walking sticks
Comic postcard, Couple emerge from Tunnel of Love, with baby Date: 20th century
Mooney M.20A ZK-BUN (msn ), at Mangere NZ. on 24 April 1960
Commercial Art, Motor VehicleAn advertisement illustration used in the promotion of motoring, the image shows a guardsman standing beside a car making it's exit. Date: circa 1939
Taking An ExitThis sketch shows a husband and wife leaving a venue, with cases in their hands, the woman looks rather unimpressed. Date: circa 1901
Travel to the TheatrePeople reading and talking as they queue outside the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Oil painting by Herbet Ashwin Budd. Date: circa 1929
Nord Aviation N 500 Cadet (msn 001), at the Paris Air Show held at Le Bourget in June 1967, with airshow serial 344'
Charing Cross - Temporary Entrance 1864Temporary entrance to the station from Villiers Street. 1864
United States Air Force - Boeing OC-135W 61-2670 (MSN 18346), on approach to RAF Mildenhall circa February 1999. Built as a C-135B-BN Stratolifter and converted to WC-135B weather aircraft
Follies poster by John HassallPoster by John Hassall for Harry Pelissiers entertainment troupe, The Follies, showing the audience rushing for the exit. This rather contrary approach by Hassall turned out to be incredibly popular
Regina Rifle Regiment Plaque Juno Beach exitThe Rifles part of 7th Canadian Brigade, landed at 0800 hours on D Day preceded by the flail tanks of the 1st Hussars. All Canadian objectives were secured that day, the only landings that did
US 2nd Armoured Division Hell on Wheels MemorialThese fading plaques are on a wall in the Club Belambra on Omaha Beach. The wall is on what was Exit 3 used for tanks. The Division landed on 9 June and went into action on the 11th
Porta Capuana, Naples, ItalyPorta Capuana, an ancient city gate in Naples, Italy. Date: circa 1900
(insert)Comic Postcard - Don t try to enter by the Exit Door or you will get Squeezed
Palace Theater. Marion. Date: 1945
Goodbye at the Bus Stop
Cartoon, An Exit Speech (Gladstone)Cartoon, An Exit Speech -- Gladstone is isolated and unpopular in his arguments over the Irish Question. Date: 1886
Royal Air Force Armstrong Whitworth A. W. 38 Whitley Mk. IIIRoyal Air Force Armstrong Whitworth A.W.38 Whitley Mk.III. The Tiger engined Mk.III was no longer used operationally by September 1941
22nd Dragoons Plaque Juno Beach exitThe Dragoons were equipped with Flail tanks, one of the Funnies
Exit tango: satire on the end of a dance craze, 1914Satirical comment from Punch Magazine on the end of the tango craze
Kings Fifth Court at Buckingham Palace, LondonThe London Season of 1912: the Kings Fifth Court at Buckingham Palace. A diagrammatic view showing the progress of the debutante from the moment she enters the building to the time she leaves. 1912
Richard von Kuhlmann and Count von Czernin, Brest LitovskRichard von Kuhlmann (1873-1948), German Foreign Secretary, signing the peace treaty of Brest Litovsk, Russia (now Brest, Belarus)
Ufos / Santos / BrazilMoyses Santos, of Belo Horizonte, is visited by six 1.2 metre aliens, who float clumsily round the room, bumping into furniture, then exit through the wall
727 Passengers-LufthansaAn Air Hostess checks passengers seatbelts are firmly secured prior to take- off aboard a Lufthansa Boeing 727
Projection window and rear exit in the new Lecture Theatre circa 1960. Date: circa 1960
Two ice skaters in a skating rink, Cornwall. Date: circa 1980s
Black and white couples mixed on the dance floor in NottinghNottingham. Black and white couples dancing at a party with other people- back of picture. Exit sign on top of the door. Date: 1960s
Underground station entrance, East Berlin, Germany -- possibly a ghost station, no longer in use at the time because of the Berlin Wall. Date: 1970s
Decoration. Exit door. Vatican MuseumsVatican Museums. Detail of the exit door. Vatican City
Italy. Venice. St. Zacharias church. 15th-16th centuries. Facade
URBAN II (c. 1035 - 1099). Pope of the Catholic Church (1088-1099). He preached the First Crusade (1096-1099)
Limestone formations on the exit from the cave, that features a limestone karst mountain landscape with an 8.2 km. navigable underground river
The exit (between the rocks) of a Big Lagoon of El Nido Minilok island, corals are visible in clear waters. Near El Nido Minilok resort, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines. February
Landport Gate, Gibraltar, on the boundary between Spanish and British territory. Date: circa 1910
Vision of the Channel Tunnel in 1909Artists impression of the exit of the Channel Tunnel at Dover showing a variety of motor cars and omnibuses arriving from France
Thessaloniki, Greece - Harbour exit and Greek Custom House Date: circa 1910
A New Seaside TenorA new Seaside Tenor launches into his signature tune. It looks as if the audience may just be making use of the extra exit in case of emergency... " Please vacate the aria !!! " Date: 1901
Istanbul, Turkey - Rocky Cliffs at exit of the Bosphorus Date: circa 1922
Istanbul, Turkey - Cliffs at the exit of the Bosphorus Date: circa 1922
Bristol Centaurus radial reverse flow test unit, ventral exit type
DENIS BELGRANO, Jos頨1844-1917). The Exit fromDENIS BELGRANO, Jos頨 1844-1917). The Exit from
Interior of a Valencian
Spain (1893). Fear scene at the exit of the Gran
View of Madrid, from the exit of the Segovia Bridge, with un
Kamayut fire walking festival - Rangoon - Down the centre is a shallow pit about 20 feet long, 4 feet wide of glowing charcoal fire
The Dolly Girls and a maze
Jack and the Beanstalk being watched by teddy bears
LCC-LFB Breathing apparatus entry control pointAt larger fires more detailed entry control procedures were put in force to control the entry, and more importantly, the exit of firefighters in breathing apparatus
India - Train coming out of the tunnel at BarogIndia - Train coming out of the longest tunnel at Barog on the Kalka-Shimla Railway. The Barog tunnel is named after the engineer in charge of construction. Date: circa 1910
Air Steward 1960SAn Air Steward pushes a trolley down the aisle of a Lufthansa Boeing 727 aeroplane, offering passengers light refreshments. Date: late 1960s
Chapel exit indicator, Pentonville PrisonDevice to signal prisoners order of exit from chapel at Pentonville Prison, London. Date: 1862
Leaving the room with finesseIllustration showing an elegant and slightly haughty woman leaving a room through the door, putting on her hat and grabbing her coat as she sweeps away, casting a glance backwards
Sir Henry Morton Stanley and his men exit a forest, CentralEngraving showing Sir Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) (centre with walking stick), the Anglo-American journalist and explorer, and his companions leaving a dense forest, Central Africa
Shooting cotton bales into a river-steamerCotton bales leaving the exit of a 350 foot downhill shoot and landing on the front of the paddle boat steamer, the Magnolia
Exit the DevilEXIT THE DEVIL Trevor Dearing (exorcist, portrayed on this cover)
Mr Popple Gets StuckMr Popples horse gets stuck in the mud, at the only exit from Watchers Wood
New York Subway / 1909A Train-despatcher
Offenbach Hoffmann PeddiThe gondola as getaway vehicle - a dramatic scene from Offenbachs Tales of Hoffmann