Napoleon on St HelenaNAPOLEON I French emperor exiled to Saint Helena (guard in background)
Felix DzerzhinskyFELIX DZERZHINSKY Polish/Russian agitator, banished to Siberia, exiled for part in 1905 rising, returned 1917, head of secret police (Cheka) etc
Eleftherios Venizelos in exile in ParisEleftherios Venizelos (1864-1936), Greek revolutionary and politician, who served as Prime Minister 1910-1920 and 1928-1932
YAROSHENKO, Nicolai A. (1846-1898). Life is everywhere. 1888. Trainload of criminals exiled to Siberia. Realism. Oil on canvas. RUSSIA. Moscow. Tretyakov Gallery
Charteuse Advert 1906Though expelled from France by the Republican Government, the Carthusian monks exiled to Tarragona, Spain, continue to produce their world-famous Chartreuse liqueur
Alexander HerzenALEXANDER HERZEN Russian revolutionary, editor and writer, son of nobleman, exiled in the west, espoused socialist principles
Thucydides / BustTHUCYDIDES Greek historian, wrote his history while exiled for perceived military failure
Sergius StepniakSERGIUS STEPNIAK Russian nihilist, author of Underground Russia etc. self-exiled to England, lived in Bedford Park, London. Date: 1852 - 1895
Napoleon on BellerophonNapoleon, after his second abdication, on the deck of the Bellerophon before being exiled to St Helena
LEON TROTSKY EXILEDTrotsky, having fallen out of favour with Stalin, is sent into exile in Siberia, being treated roughly by his guards Date: 1928
St John Chrysostom / TheveSAINT JOHN CHRYSOSTOM Archbishop of Constantinople, noted preacher, exiled by the rich and powerful for his outspoken views Date: circa 347 - 407
Portrait of the Prince ImperialPhotograph of Louis Napoleon, the Prince Imperial (1856-1871) as a young boy
Talking on St HelenaGovernor Hudson Lowe allows the exiled Napoleon to talk with a British admiral - but insist on being present
Peter WysockiPETER WYSOCKI Polish patriot, fought the Russians, captured and exiled to Sibera in 1831 until he was pardoned by the Tsar. Date: 1799 - 1875
Dreyfus on Devils IsleALFRED DREYFUS French army officer and victim of injustice as a prisoner on Devils Island
Aristotle / ExiledARISTOTLE Greek philosopher leaving Athens with his followers, having been wrongly accused of impiety
Camoes Grotto in Luis de Camoes Garden, Macau, China. Former home of exiled Portuguese poet Luis de Camoes, bought by the British East India Company
Joust between Duke of Norfolk and Duke of HerefordA joust between Thomas Mowbray, the Duke of Norfolk and Henry Bolingbroke
King Zog I of Albania with familyKing Zog I of Albania (1895-1961) was born Ahmet Muhtar Zogolli
Queen Geraldine of AlbaniaQueen Geraldine (1915-2002), consort of King Zog I of Albania, in exile. Date: 1939
Andreas Papandreou, Greek economist and politicianAndreas G Papandreou (1919-1996), Greek economist and prominent socialist politician
Landing of Dinizulu, the exiled Zulu prince, at St. Helena. Date: 1890
French Communists in London, living crowded together in basic lodgings. Date: 1872
Claude DuvalView of Claude Duvals house in Hornsey. drawn in 1825. Claude Duval (1643-1670) was a French highwayman in Restoration England
Music cover, Napoleons Grand March, with an Introduction composed by Charles W Glover. 19th century
James IIs plan to escape England to France is thwartedJames II and VII (1633-1701) - King of England and Ireland as James II and King of Scotland as James VII discovered trying to escape England
ANTI-POPE FELIX II installed by emperor Constantine, who had exiled Liberius Date: reigned 355 - 365
Victor Hugo - Hauteville House, Guernsey, where Victor Hugo lived during his exile from France from 1856 to 1870. Located at 38 Rue Hauteville in St. Peter Port in Guernsey. Date: 1920s
Don Juan de Borbon with his son, later King Juan Carlos IJUAN CARLOS I of Spain (1938). King of Spain (1975-2014).; JUAN DE BORBON Y DE BATTENBERG (1913-1993). Count of Barcelona. Father of King Juan Carlos I
Fulwell Park, home of ex-King Manuel of PortugalFulwell Park, Twickenham, Middlesex, home of ex-King Manuel of Portugal and his wife, Princess Victoria Augusta of Hohenzollern
Behanzin, The former King of Dahomey in exileBehanzin, the Former king of Dahomey in exile in Algeria. Behanzin (1844-1906) is considered the eleventh King of Dahomey (now Benin). Upon taking the throne, he changed his name from Kondo
Prince Mehmed Ertugrul EfendiHIH Prince Sehzade Mehmed Ertugrul Efendi (1912-1944) - the last crown prince of the Ottoman Empire
Lithuanian Scouts in Exile at campScouts in Exile at camp. They belong to the National Association of Russian Scouts, formed when scouting was exiled from Russia after the Revolution of 1917. Seen here is a group from Lithuania
The Former king of Dahomey and his wivesBehanzin, the Former king of Dahomey and his wives in exile in Algeria. Behanzin (1844-1906) is considered the eleventh King of Dahomey (now Benin)
Kaiser Wilhelm II in exile, Huis Doorn, NetherlandsKaiser Wilhelm II (1859-1941), the deposed German Emperor, seen here with a companion, strolling in the grounds of his place of exile, Huis Doorn (Doorn Castle) in the Netherlands. Date: circa 1920s
Emperor Than Thai - Tonkin, VietnamAnnam Emperor Than Thai (Nguyen Phuoc Chieu) (Nguyen Phuoc Buu Lan) (1879-1954) (reigned 1889-1907)
Marius in CarthageExiled by Sulla, the former Roman military commander Caius Marius sits in despair among the ruins of the great city of Carthage
Napoleon ShootingThe exiled Napoleon goes partridge-shooting on Saint Helena
Dictating to Las CasasThe exiled Napoleon dictates his memoirs of the Egyptian campaign to le comte de Las Casas, on Saint Helena
Napoleon Exiled on ElbaNapoleon exiled to Elba - a French view which accuses him of blowing himself up so big that finally he burst !
Cartoon, Lord Garmoyle in IndiaCartoon, Lord Garmoyle -- in India
Abdication of Isabella II of Spain (1830-1904). Engraving. CIsabella II of Spain (1830-1904). Queen of Spain. Abdication of Isabella of Bourbon in favour of her son Alphonse XII. June 25, 1870. Paris, France. Engraving by Capuz
Isabella II of Spain (1830-1904) arriving to Irun, 1879. EngIsabella II of Spain (1830-1904). Queen of Spain. Arrival of Isabella of Bourbon to the station of Irun, 1879. Engraving by Rico. The Spanish and American Illustration, 1879. Colored
Isabella II of Spain (1830-1904) arriving to Madrid, 1876. EIsabella II of Spain (1830-1904). Queen of Spain. Arrival of the Queen Mother, Isabella of Bourbon to Madrid, October 13, 1876. Engraving by Capuz in The Spanish and American Illustration, 1876
The Fall of Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, English statesman and historian, who was exiled and impeached after losing favour with Charles II over the Second Anglo-Dutch War. 1667
Ferd. Freiligrath - 3FERDINAND FREILIGRATH German writer and translator, exiled for his radical views, friend of Marx whom he assisted in London. Date: 1810 - 1876
Ferd. Freiligrath - 4FERDINAND FREILIGRATH German writer and translator, exiled for his radical views, friend of Marx whom he assisted in London. Date: 1810 - 1876
Ferd. Freiligrath - 1FERDINAND FREILIGRATH German writer and translator, exiled for his radical views, friend of Marx whom he assisted in London. Date: 1810 - 1876
Ferd. Freiligrath - 2FERDINAND FREILIGRATH German writer and translator, exiled for his radical views, friend of Marx whom he assisted in London. with his autograph Date: 1810 - 1876
Antoine CourtANTOINE COURT French protestant, exiled in Switzerland. Date: 1696 - 1760
Comte De Chambord ExileWhile Bourbon pretender le comte de CHAMBORD is exiled from France, he lives in this stately home at Frohsdorff, Austria. Date: 19th century
Emilio Castelar - 2EMILIO CASTELAR Y RIPOLL Spanish statesman, President 1873-4, exiled after military coup; historian and biographer of Fra Lippo Lippi and Byron (!) Date: 1832 - 1899
Jerome Bonaparte 1850SJEROME BONAPARTE, youngest brother of Napoleon I; sometime King of Westphalia : Fought at Waterloo, exiled in Italy, returned to France as marechal and senator. Date: 1784 - 1860
Jerome BonaparteJEROME BONAPARTE, youngest brother of Napoleon I; sometime King of Westphalia : Fought at Waterloo, exiled in Italy, returned to France as marechal and senator. Date: 1784 - 1860
Quersonnieres (117)NOEL DES QUERSONNIERES French official during the Revolution, subsequently exiled himself to London where he presumably died, aged 118. Date: 1728 - 1846
John Frost (Read)JOHN FROST Social reformer, leading Chartist, convicted of treason and exiled to Tasmania 1840 - 1854 Date: 1784 - 1877
John Frost / ChartistJOHN FROST English reformer, leading member of the Chartist Movement, convicted of high treason and exiled to Tasmania from 1840 until 1854 Date: 1784 - 1877
Bussy-RabutinROGER de RABUTIN, comte de BUSSY, known as BUSSY-RABUTIN French soldier, known for his libertine lifestyle, echoed in his writings for which he was exiled from the court Date: 1618 - 1693
Lucien BonaparteLUCIEN BONAPARTE brother of Napoleon I, exiled for disagreeing with his policies Date: 1775 - 1840
Farewell of Louis XVIII in the Tuileries Palace on the night of March 20, 1815. Work of 1817. Central detail
A royal group at St. Mortiz, 1920The two elder daughters of ex-King Constantine (Tino) of Greece, Princess Helen and Princess Irene (who were also nieces of the ex-Kaiser), pictured together with H.R.H
Tatler cover - King Constantine of Greece at St. MoritzEx-King Constantine ( Tino ) of Greece (1868-1923), pictured on holiday at St. Moritz holding the hand of his youngest daughter Katherine (later Lady Katherine Brandram). Date: 1920
Russian Scouts in Exile at campScouts in Exile at camp. They belong to the National Association of Russian Scouts, formed when scouting was exiled from Russia after the Revolution of 1917. Date: circa 1930s
Ukrainian scouts from Germany at a camp. Date: 1957
Scouts in Exile at camp. They belong to the National Association of Russian Scouts, formed when scouting was exiled from Russia after the Revolution of 1917
Latvian Scouts in Exile at campScouts in Exile at camp. They belong to the National Association of Russian Scouts, formed when scouting was exiled from Russia after the Revolution of 1917. Seen here is a group from Latvia
Scouts in Exile at camp, Grange Rimade, FranceScouts in Exile, at camp in Grange Rimade, Alpes Maritimes, France
Scouts in Exile with bicycles, South of FranceScouts in Exile, taking part in a bicycle trip in the South of France
Scouts in Exile, at camp in Fabregas, France. They belong to the National Association of Russian Scouts, formed when scouting was exiled from Russia after the Revolution of 1917
Scouts in Exile, at camp in Triveaux, France. They belong to the National Association of Russian Scouts, formed when scouting was exiled from Russia after the Revolution of 1917. Date: 1935
Scouts in Exile, at camp in Montfort-l Amaury, FranceScouts in Exile, at camp in Montfort-l Amaury, near Paris, France. They belong to the National Association of Russian Scouts, formed when scouting was exiled from Russia after the Revolution of 1917
Scouts in Exile, in a club room, Paris, FranceScouts in Exile relaxing in a club room in Paris, France. They belong to the National Association of Russian Scouts, formed when scouting was exiled from Russia after the Revolution of 1917
Princess Marie-Jose of Belgium as a scout in England, WW1Princess Marie Jose of Belgium, daughter of King Albert, pictured at Brentwood School during the First World War, when she and her brothers spent the war in England
King Manuel & Queen Augusta at Chelsea Flower ShowKing Manuel of Portugal, who spent most of his exile in England, together with his wife, Queen Augusta (formerly Princess Augustine Victoria of Hohenzollern)
Reactionary DeputiesFollowing a meeting at the Tuileries, Paris, reactionary deputies are suppressed by Napoleon and others : some will be exiled to Cayenne. Date: 4 September 1797
Louise Michel PhotoCLEMENCE-LOUISE MICHEL French schoolmistress, radical politician and ardent feminist who was exiled to Nouvelle Caledonie for her part in the Commune : photo in 1899. Date: 1830 - 1905
Napoleon III in Exile 2The last photograph taken of LOUIS NAPOLEON III : exiled to England, he stands, bowed and defeated, in the grounds at Chislehurst. Date: 1808 - 1873
HUGO PHOTOVICTOR HUGO French poet, playwright and political figure, who exiled himself to the Channel Islands rather than live in the France of Napoleon III. Date: 1802 - 1885
Duc De Nemours and WifeLOUIS CHARLES PHILIPPE RAPHAEL d ORLEANS, duc de NEMOURS second son of Louis Philippe, with his bride, Victoire de Saxe-Coburg, who died in 1857 while exiled in England. Date: 1814 - 1896
Pierre Le CourayerPIERRE FRANCOIS LE COURAYER French Catholic churchman, theologian and librarian, exiled to England. Date: 1681 - 1776
Pierre Le Courayer - 2PIERRE FRANCOIS LE COURAYER French Catholic churchman, theologian and librarian, exiled to England. Date: 1681 - 1776
Prince William of Wied, Prince of Albania and his wifePrince William of Wied, Prince of Albania (Wilhelm Friedrich Heinrich, Princ Vidi)
The Ex-President of South Africa, Paul Kruger - in exileThe Ex-President of South Africa, Paul Kruger (1825-1904) in exile toward the end of his life, possibly at his final home in Clarens, Switzerland. Date: circa 1904
King Manuel II of Portugal (1889-1932) - the last King of Portugal, from 1908 to 1910. Exiled to Twickenham, London after the Republican Revolution of 1910