Advert for Ewarts Califront hot water 1928" Just turn the tap" Ewarts Califront hot water instantly night or day. Hot water supply to bath, lavatory, basin ect. 1928
Hot water instantly night and day. Date: 1926
Advert for Ewart's Geysers 1924Hot water instantly night or day. Date: 1924
Advert for Ewart's B Califont 1925Just turn the tap - hot water to bath, basin or sink upstairs and downstairs. Date: 1925
Ewarts Geyser AdvertisementAn advertisement for Ewart's Geyser, promoting the availability of hot water instantly, through gas, oil or fuel
Advert for Ewarts Geyser hot water 1928Hot water instantly night or day, maid bringing clean towels to her mistress, who is sitting at the edge of the bath. Date: 1928
Advert for Ewarts Geysers 1923Hot water instantly night and day Ewarts Geysers. 1923
Advert for Ewarts Geyser hot water 1928Hot water instantly night or day, maid in the kitchen, while woman running a bath. 1928
Advert for Ewarts Califont hot water 1926Hot water instantly night or day. Hot water upstairs or downstairs. 1926
Advert for Ewarts Lightning Geyser 1926Hot water instantly night and day. 1926
Advert for Ewarts Geyser hot water 1925Hot water instantly night or day, just turn on the tap - Date: 1925
Advert for Ewarts Califront hot water 1927Advertisement for Ewarts baths and geysers, with a picture of a maid bringing a tray of morning tea to her mistress, who is still reclinging in bed, and clearly too busy to even switch on her bath
Advert for Ewarts Geyser hot water 1926Hot water instantly night or day 1926
Advert for Ewarts Geyser hot water 1927A contented housewife is about to fill her hot water bottle from her Ewarts Geyser water heater. Date: 1927
EWARTs GEYSER 1929Ewarts geyser, for a hot bath in five minutes!