Woman wearing her hair in a gold wire hairnet, Paris, 1804Fashionable woman in evening dress. She wears her hair in a gold wire hairnet, with low-cut white dress, gloves, and carrying a red shawl. Reseau en fil d'or
Woman in formal wear drawn at the Opera, Paris, 1803. She wears a lace cap with garland, low-cut gown, gloves and shawl. Grande Parure
Woman on the balcony at the theatre with opera glass, 1802Woman on the balcony at the theatre in cambric turban. She holds an opera glass, wears a dress with scalloped bodice and sleeves, and rests her shawl on the balustrade. Turban de Batiste
Women in evening dresses designed by Luceber, 1931Woman in Always Young evening dress in black crepe de chine, with draped scarf held on the shoulder by a rhinestone buckle. Woman in Divine Mistress evening dress in green Roman crepe
Evening and dinner dresses by Martial et Armand and Lucile ParayMitchette evening dress in black wool by Martial et Armand. Dinner dress in black lace and muslin by Lucile Paray, fashion and costume designer. Marcel wave bob hairstyle
Evening dress in white Romaine crepe by Maggy Rouff, 1931Evening dress in white Romaine crepe, tied with scarf at the back, Ambassadeurs. Marcel wave bob hairstyle. Fashion designs by Maggy Rouff. Belgian-born fashion and costume designer
Women in evening dresses by Henri Paris, 1931Woman in Si Belle evening dress in blue romain crepe. Woman in Vierge Folle evening dress in yellow crepe georgette decorated with spangles. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Elegant evening dress in Nile green silk muslin, 1931Evening dress in Nile green silk muslin designed by Maison Premet, fashion brand led by Madeleine Premet. Both with Marcel wave bobs. Naiade: Robe en mousseline de soie vert Nil
Women in dress and coat of red wool by Zimmermann, 1931Woman in dress in red Moroccan wool with black patent buttons and belt. Woman in calf-length coat in red Moroccan wool, trimmed with silver fox. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in black suit and grey evening dress by Champcommunal, 193Woman in black velvet suit with silver fox collar. Woman in evening dress in grey georgette. Scarf, ruffles and skirt hem finished in an antique style. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Evening dress in lilac velvet chiffon. Robe du soir en velours chiffon
Evening dress of velvet chiffon decorated with gold silk muslinEvening dress of tangerine velvet chiffon decorated with gold silk muslin with silver brocade. Robe de soiree en velours chiffon et mousseline noirs et brocart d'argent
Evening dress of black satin, rose on the hip, with matching black velvet cape. Toilette de soiree en satin, cape en velours chiffon
Black chiffon evening dress and velvet coatEvening dress of black chiffon on a slip of silver lame. Evening coat in blue velvet, silk kimono sleeves, fur collar. Robe du soir en mousseline sur fond de lame argent
Evening dress of black crepe voile on black crepe satin. Robe de soiree en crepe voile noir, sur fourreau de crepe satin
Evening dress of ribbed silver lame with velvet panelsEvening dress of ribbed silver lame, with asymmetrical pale and dark blue velvet panels. Robe du soir en lame cotele et velours chiffon deux couleurs
Informal evening dress of green velvet chiffon. Marcel wave hairstyle. Robe de petit soir en velours chiffon
Evening dress of crepe de Chine with embroidered vest. Robe du soir en crepe de Chine
Evening dress and tunic of metal brocade, 1935Evening dress and tunic of metal brocade. Pointed bodice with ribbed tucks. Wide sleevelets and tunic edged with mink. Trailing skirt
Evening dress of brocaded taffetas, 1935Evening dress of brocaded taffetas. Interesting back decolletage headed with motif of grapes, matching garniture on the sleevelets
Glamorous evening dresses, 1935Evening dress of taffetas moire, crossed enclosure with draped sleevelets 35. Dress of striped metal lame, shoulder straps crossed behind 36
Glamorous evening dresses, 1935Evening dress of faille satin with matching shoulder straps looped behind 32. Evening robe with slightly draped enclosure of gold lame, diagonal cut outs 33
Evening robes in silk and satin cuit, 1935Evening robe in artificial silk striped in metal, diagonal cut. Shoulder straps, belt and motif in coloured stones 18. Evening dress of satin cuit
Evening dress of velours chiffon, 1935Evening dress of velours chiffon. Square low-cut neck, bretelles tied behind, cut-outs, trailing skirt. Luxury fur coat
Regency lady in lace evening dress decorated with leaves, 1820Regency lady in lace evening dress decorated with leaves
Regency lady in evening dress reading a musical score, 1820Regency lady in evening dress reading a musical score. Round dress in white crape over sarsnet slip, trimmed with roses, black velours corsage, hair decorated with flowers and pearls
Regency lady in mourning evening dress, 1820Regency lady in mourning evening dress at a party, seated on a chair with footrest.. Black crape dress over sarsnet slip, white crepe trim, demi-cornette under a black crape hat
Regency lady in evening dress reading a musical score, 1820Regency lady in evening dress reading a musical score. Black crape round dress over sarsnet slip, single flounce edged with bugles, low-cut bodice with tucker, black toque with bugles
Regency lady in evening dress reading a book, 1819Regency lady in evening dress reading a book at a party. Dress of cambric muslin with flounce of Urling's lace at bottom, new-style pelerine at the bust, cornette a la Valliere head-dress
Lady in evening dress for a private concert, 1819Regency lady in evening dress for a private concert standing next to a harp
Regency lady in evening dress with bandeau headdress, 1819Regency lady in evening dress. Round dress of pink polka dot gauze with flounces, bodice with lace and bows, lace scarf, bandeau headdress with feather
Regency lady in evening dress seated at a party, 1819. Round dress in white satin with ruche of net roses, low-cut bodice, white satin toque hat with roses and ostrich feathers
Regency woman in evening dress on a balcony, 1809. White satin round robe with demi-traine and military front with gold frogging. White satin pelerine with swansdown trim
Regency lady in evening dress and Cambridge toque, 1818Regency lady in evening dress and Cambridge toque. White gauze round dress with satin rouleau, lemon satin bodice with epaulettes, brimless toque hat with bird-of-paradise plume, plaid scarf. Vol. 5
Regency lady in evening dress and Gloucester turban, 1817Regency lady in evening dress and Gloucester turban. Dress of pale blush gauze over white satin slip, decorated with moss roses, turban with ostrich feathers, pearl necklace
Regency lady in evening dress and transparent silk shawl, 1817. Gown of white crape over satin, decorated with crape draperies and roses, wreath of roses in the hair, necklaces. Vol
Regency woman in evening dress and crape turban, 1815
Regency woman in evening dress reading a musical score, 1815Regency woman in evening dress reading a musical score
Regency woman in lace and satin evening dress, 1814Regency woman in evening dress of blond lace over white satin slip, festoons, roses and ribbons on the hem, hair in curls at the front, pearl necklace, ivory fan decorated with Russian characters
Regency woman in elegant evening dress
Regency woman in full dress
Regency woman in evening dress seated on a stool, 1820Regency woman in full evening dress seated on a stool, holding a fan, 1820
Regency woman in mourning evening dress, 1810Regency woman in mourning evening dress of black gossamer gauze, demi traine, over a black sarsnet slip, Carmelite veil with tassels, hair in dishevelled curlts, Spanish slippers, white kid gloves
Regency woman in full evening dress with two children
Regency women in evening dress looking at a locket, 1810Women in evening dress looking at a locket with a miniature portrait, 1810
Regency women at the opera in evening dresses. Woman (standing) in robe a la Russe of green velvet, Mirza turban, diamond necklace
Regency lady in evening dress, 1820Regency lady in evening dress seated on a chair at a party
Evening dress in white satin trimmed with blue velvet, 1809Evening full dress in white satin trimmed with blue velvet, lace medicis round the back and shoulders, antique stomacher ornamented with diamonds mounted in gold