REMBRANDT / LIZ 1906 Self portraitREMBRANDT VAN RIJN Dutch painter and etcher in middle age, in a self-portrait, 1652-4 Date: 1606 - 1669
Goya (Postcard)FRANCISCO JOSE DE GOYA Y LUCIENTES Spanish painter, etcher and lithographer
Claude Lorrain, French painter, c.1600-1682Claude Lorrain, French painter, draughtsman and etcher of the Baroque era, c.1600-1682. Born Claude Gellee, known as le Lorrain from his birthplace. Claudius Gilli alias Lorraines Dictus
Jan Dirksz Both, Dutch painter, c.1610-1652Jan Dirksz Both, Dutch painter, draughtsman, and etcher, c.1610-1652. Born in Utrecht, he made an important contribution to the development of Dutch Italianate landscape painting
Frans Floris, Flemish painter, c.1515-1570Frans Floris, Flemish painter, draughtsman, etcher, print artist and tapestry designer, opened a workshop in Antwerp, c.1515-1570. Franz Flores Antverpiensis
Jan Gossaert, Dutch draftsman and engraver, 1478-1532Jan Gossaert, Dutch draftsman, engraver, etcher, designer for woodcuts, glass paintings, and sculptures in metal, stone and wood
Johannes Sebald Beham, German painter and printmaker, 1500-1550. Etcher, woodcut maker, designer of glass paintings, book illustrations, mainly known for his very small engravings
Jakob Binck, German painter and engraver, c.1495-1569Jakob Binck, German engraver, etcher, painter, sculptor, medalist, copyist and art dealer, c.1495-1569. Iacob Binckus Pictor et Sculptor. Self-portrait with skull with his monogram IB
James Callot, Baroque printmaker and draftsmanJames Callot or Jacques Callot, Baroque printmaker and draftsman, c.1592-1635
Wenceslaus Hollar, Bohemian engraver, 1607-1677
Lodovico Carracci, Italian, early-Baroque painter and etcher, 15Lodovico Carracci, Italian, early-Baroque painter, etcher, and printmaker, 1555-1619
Andrea Meldolla, Italian Renaissance painter and etcher, c.1510Andrea Meldolla, or Andrea Lo Schiavone, Italian Renaissance painter and etcher, c.1510-1563. Born Andrija Medulic in Zara, Dalmatia (now Zadar, Croatia). Andrea Schiavone, Pittore
Carel de Moor, Dutch Golden Age painter, 1655-1738Carel de Moor, Dutch Golden Age etcher and painter, 1655-1738. A pupil of Gerard Dou and member of the Leiden Guild of St. Luke. Oval miniature portrait with date MDCXCI 1691. Carlo Moor, Pittore
Matthieu van Plattenberg, Flemish painter, c.1607-1660Matthieu van Plattenberg, Flemish Baroque painter, draughtsman, etcher and engraver, c.1607-1660. Specialized in marine paintings and landscapes. Matteo van Platten, detto il Montagna, Pittore
Orazio Borgianni, Italian painter and etcher, 1574-1616Orazio Borgianni, Italian painter and etcher of the Mannerist and early-Baroque, 1574-1616. Worked in Spain for Philip II, and for the Spanish ambassador in Rome. Pittore
Jacques Courtois, Franche-Comtois-Italian painter, 1621-1676Jacques Courtois or Giacomo Cortese, called il Borgognone or le Bourguignon, Franche-Comtois-Italian painter, draughtsman, and etcher, 1621-1676. Jacopo Cortesi della Compagnia di Gesu, Pittore
Jan Miel, Flemish painter and etcher, 1599-1664Jan Miel, Flemish painter and etcher who was active in Italy, 1599-1664. Giovanni Miel, detto Giovannino della Vite, Pittore
Antonio Tempesta, Italian painter and etcherAntonio Tempesta, c.1555-1630, Italian painter, draughtsman and etcher from Florence. Produced print series of battles and of hunts. Anthony Tempesta, landscapes, animals and huntings
Bonaventura Peeters the Elder, Flemish marine painterBonaventura Peeters the Elder, 1614-1652, Flemish painter, draughtsman and etcher
Luca Giordano, Italian late-Baroque painter and etcherSelf-portrait of Luca Giordano in spectacles, 1634-1705, Italian late-Baroque painter and printmaker/etcher. Court painter to King Charles II of Spain. History and portrait painter
Portrait of Jan Dirksz Both, Dutch landscape painter and etcherPortrait of Jan Dirksz Both, Dutch landscape painter, draughtsman, and etcher, c.1610-1652. John Both, Landscape painter, born at Utrecht
Walter Boodle, landscape painter and etcherCaricature of Walter Boodle, landscape painter and etcher, by Philippe Ledoux Date: circa 1930
Augustus Edwin John, A. R. AA portrait painting of the Welsh painter, draughtsman and etcher, Augustus Edwin John, A.R.A, one of the most important artists in Britain for a time
Christopher Richard Wynne NevinsonA self portrait of English painter, etcher and lithographer, Christopher Richard Wynne Nevinson, A.R.A. 1889-1946, who was one of the most famous war artists during WW1. Date: circa 1918
Portrait of James McBeyA Portrait painting of James McBey, a self-taught artist and etcher, sitting calmy at a desk. Date: circa 1929
Shipyard SceneA shipyard scene by Leon Alaric Shafer (1866-1940) He was a popular painter, etcher and illustrator who made his mark at the turn of the 20th century
Three Child Faces - From sketches by Paul Helleu (1859-1927). A French oil painter, pastel artist, drypoint etcher, and designer
Piano LessonEllen et sa Grandmere. From a drypoint by Paul Helleu (1859-1927). A French oil painter, pastel artist, drypoint etcher, and designer
Willem Roelofs (1822-1897). A Dutch painter, water-colourist, etcher, lithographer and draughtsman. Roelofs was one of the forerunners of the Dutch Revival art
Rembrandt (1606-1669) Dutch painter and etcher. The SacrifiRembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669) Dutch painter and etcher.The Sacrifice of Isaac, 1636. Alte Pinakothek. Munich. Germany
Augustus John at his Daughters WeddingWelsh artist Augustus John attends the wedding of his eldest daughter, Poppet Jackson to Sec.-Lieut. Villiers A Court Bergne. 1940
Rembrandt / Miniature SelfREMBRANDT VAN RIJN Dutch painter and etcher as a young man, in a self-portrait
Baroque. Rembrandt Harmenszoom van Rijn (1606-1669). HendricBaroque. Rembrandt Harmenszoom van Rijn (1606-1669). Dutch painter and etcher. Hendrickje Stoffels. Portrait. Museum of Louvre. Paris. France
Rembrandt (1606-1669). Self-Portrait, 1633Baroque. Rembrandt Harmenszoom van Rijn (1606-1669). Dutch painter. Self-Portrait wearing a Toque and a Gold Chain, 1633. Oil on wood. Museum of Louvre. Paris. France
Hendrik Goltzius - 2HENDRIK GOLTZIUS Dutch engraver, etcher and painter Date: 1558 - 1617
John Clerk of EldinJOHN CLERK OF ELDIN merchant, etcher, geologist and naval tactician. His son was Lord Eldin the judge. Date: 1728 - 1812
Augustus Edwin John - Welsh artistAugustus Edwin John (18781961) - Welsh painter, draughtsman, and etcher. Date: 1926
Henry Tonks & Augustus JohnPhotograph of Henry Tonks (1862-1937), professor at the Slade School of Fine Art and painter with Augustus John (1878-1961), painter & etcher Date: 1934
Punch / Ruskin / WhistlerJAMES ABBOTT MCNEILL WHISTLER American painter and etcher Punch comment on his winning his court fight with Ruskin Date: 1834 - 1903
Rembrandt / Officer SelfREMBRANDT VAN RIJN Dutch painter and etcher in middle age, in a self-portrait as an officer
Hendrik Goltzius / BoulonoHENDRIK GOLTZIUS Dutch engraver, etcher and painter
Goya (Milius)FRANCISCO JOSE DE GOYA Y LUCIENTES Spanish painter, etcher and lithographer
James Whistler / V. FairJAMES ABBOTT MCNEILL WHISTLER American painter and etcher