Varieties of edible-podded pea, or sugar pea. Chromolithograph, by G. Severeyns, of Brussels, from Ernst Benary, Album Benary. Date: 1876-86
Varieties of pea (Pisum sativum) - second. Chromolithograph, by G. Severeyns, of Brussels, from Ernst Benary, Album Benary. Date: 1876-86
Varieties of carrot (daucus). Chromolithograph by G. Severeyns, of Brussels, from Ernst Benary, Album Benary. Date: 1876-86
Orffyreus Wheel & ManThe perpetual motion wheel of Orffyreus, real name Johann Ernst Elias Bessler, is set in motion by a man
Ernst Werner Von SiemensERNST WERNER VON SIEMENS German engineer
Statue of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) as a child plaWolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). Austrian composer. Sculpture of Mozart child playing the violin by Louis-Ernest Barrias (1841-1905). Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum. Copenhagen. Denmark
Red Hell of Jupiter, Astounding Stories Scifi magazine coverTHE RED HELL OF JUPITER - The Planetary Explorers disintegrate the Rogans with the death tube Date: 1931
Prussian Royal WeddingPrincess Viktoria Luise, only daughter of the Kaiser, is accompanied by King George V in a traditional torch dance after her marriage to Prince Ernst of Cumberland. Date: 31 May 1913
Princess Alice with her childrenPrincess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse (1843-1878) with her children in 1877: (l to r) Ella, Alix, Victoria, Ernst Ludwig and Irene, with the youngest, May sitting on Alices lap
Royal group at Rosenau Castle on the occasion of the BethrotRoyal group at Rosenau Castle in Coburg gathered to celebrate the engagement of the Czarevitch Nicholas (later Czar Nicholas II) to Princess Alix of Hesse
Princess Alices children in 1875The children of Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse and Grand Duke Louis (Ludwig) of Hesse: (l to r) Irene, Ernst Ludwig, Marie ( May ), Victoria
Nepenthes gymnamphora pitcher plantNephenaceae or pitcher plants: Nepenthes gymnamphora (Nepenthes melamphora), carnivorous plant native to Indonesia
Nudibranchia or sea slugs: Hermaea bifida 1, Facelina auriculata coronata 2, Dendronotus frondosus 3, Okenia elegans 4, Doto coronata 5, Tritonia hombergii 6 and Ancula gibbosa 7
Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus (E.T.A.) (1776-1822). German writer. Contes Fantastiques (Fantastic Tales). Edition carried
Russian and Greek royal cousinsThe Tsesarevich Nicholas (Tsar Nicholas II) and Prince George of Greece amusing some of the younger members of the family party in about 1890
Prussian Royal WeddingVIKTORIA LUISE, only daughter of Kaiser Wilhelm II marries Prince Ernst of Cumberland in the Chapel Royal in Berlin - the last gathering of European royalty before WWI
Ctenophora or comb jelliesCtenophora or comb jelly: Haeckelia rubra 1, 2, Hormiphora species 3, Callianira bialata 4, Tinerfe cyanea 5, and Lampea pancerina 6
Ernst Dryden / Party / 314ERNST DRYDEN Poster artist, fashion pioneer and Hollywood costume designer. Fancy dress party in Vienna with Dryden pictured in the centre
Ammonitida or extinct fossil ammonites: Cardioceras cordatum 1, 2, Schloenbachia varians 3, 4, Ptychites opulentus 5, 6, Douvilleiceras mammillatum 7, Puzosia planulatus 8
Acantharia Radiolaria protozoa species: Xiphacantha species 1, Stauracantha spinulosa 2, Phyllostauridae species 3, Pristacantha polyodon 4, Lithopteridae species 5, Gigartaconidae species 6, 7
Ernst KreidolfKonrad Ernst Theophil Kreidolf (1863-1956). Self portrait. Swiss painter and illustrator of childrens books. Date: 1916
Princess Victoria of Hesse with her great-grandsonPrincess Victoria of Hesse, later the Marchioness of Milford Haven (1863-1950) with her great grandson, Ludwig Ernst Andreas of Hesse
Gerhard Nitschke sat in cockpit of Heinkel He 100 V3 42C+11Gerhard Nitschke sat in the cockpit of Heinkel He 100 V3 42C+11, being congratulated by Ernst Heinkel, after a test flight
General Ernst Udet sat in the cockpit of Heinkel He 100 V2, after breaking the World 100km closed-circuit speed record at 634 Km/h, on 5 June 1938. Date: 1938
Little Girl DrinkingA photograph used for advertisement purposes, portraying a little girl drinking from a straw. Date: circa 1939
W. & M. Duncan Advertisement PhotographA photograph used in the advertisement of W. & M. Duncan Ltd. portraying a man swimming by a raft, on top of which is sat a young woman. Date: circa 1939
Coty Ltd Advertisement PhotographA photograph used for the advertisement of Coty Ltd based in England, it portrays a young woman from a side angle, looking at her reflection in the mirror. Date: circa 1939
British Celanese Ltd, Advertisement PhotoA photograph used for the advertisement of British Celanese Ltd, a subsidiary company of fabric manufacturer, Courtaulds Ltd
Plan of the Battle of Vienna, 12 September 1683Holy Roman Empire. Plan of the Battle of Vienna, 12 September 1683. It took place at Kahlenberg Mountain, near Vienna, ather the city had been besieged by the Ottoman Empire during two months
Poster, Montreux-Territet, SwitzerlandPoster, Montreux-Territet, Glion-Caux-Naye, Switzerland Date: circa 1950
Poster, Jungfrau Railway, Bernese Oberland, SwitzerlandPoster, Jungfrau Railway, Jungfraujoch 11333 feet, Bernese Oberland, Switzerland Date: circa 1950
Marianne Winkelstern and Ernst Verebes in Princesse de CirquMarianne Winkelstern and Ernst Verebes in the German film Princesse de Cirque (Die Zirkusprinzessin), 1929 Date: 1929
PRINCESS ELLA OF HESSEPRINCESS ELISABETH OF HESSE nicknamed Ella (1895 - 1903), was the only daughter of Ernst Ludwig, Grand Duke of Hesse and his first wife, Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha
Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882), receiving birthday homage (after his death) from the German biologist Ernst Haeckel. Date: 1909
Costumes of Count Ernst IV von Gleichen and his wivesCostumes of Count Ernst IV von Gleichen with his first wife Ingeborg and second wife Margaretha, 13th century. Graf Ernst von Gleichen. From the effigy in Erfurt cathedral
King and courtiers, battle scene, 13th centuryCostumes of the 13th century. King and ladies sending knights off to battle, and king and his knights in combat with lance and shield
Eye catching womanThe art print shop Hollerbaum & Schmidt, headquartered in Berlin, founded in 1894 (according to different data)
Louisa, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Aaltenburg, wife of Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg. She was mother of Albert, the Prince Consort, husband of Queen Victoria
Filicinae or fern plants: Alsophila species, Polypodium species, Asplenium nidus, Angiopteris species, Monogramma species, and Pteris quadriaurita
Teleostei or ray-finned fish: sea moth, Pegasus laternarius 1, short-snouted seahorse, Hippocampus hippocampus 2, leafy sea dragon, Phycodurus eques 3, Striated frogfish, Antennarius striatus 4
Discomedusae jellyfish speciesDiscomedusae jellyfish: lions mane jellyfish, Cyanea annasethe 1, 2, Floresca species 3, and compass jellyfish, Chrysaora hysoscella 4
Cubomedusae or box jellyfish: Chirodropus palmatus, Chiropsoides quadrigatus, Carybdea obeliscus, Carybdea murrayana, Alatina tetraptera and Tamoya haplonema
Siphonophorae hydrozoa: Epibulia ritteriana 1, 2, and Salacella uvaria 3-6
Tineida or moths: twenty-plume moth, Alucita hexadactyla, white-plume moth and wing scales, Pterophorus pentadactylus, rose-plume moth, Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla, Phyllonorycter populifoliella
Copepod crustaceansCopepoda or copepod crustaceans.: Calocalanus pavo male, Clytemnestra scutellata female, Oncaea venusta male, Cryptopontius thorelli female, Acontiophorus scutatus female, Corycaeus venustus female
Squid and octopiGamochonia octopi and squid: long-armed squid, Chiroteuthis veranii, umbrella squid, Histioteuthis bonnellii, Pinnoctopus cordiformis, common octopus, Octopus vulgaris, and Amphioctopus granulatus
Staurozoa or stalked jellyfish: Tesserantha connectens 1, 2, Haliclystus auricula 3, 4, 5, Lucernaria bathyphila 6 and Lucernaria quadricornis 7
Anthomedusae plantonic medusa: Zanclea gemmosa, Koellikerina fasciculata, Neoturris pileata, Larsonia pterophylla, and Sarsiella dinema
Asteriidae starfish: common starfish, Asterias rubens, sea star, Hymenaster echinulatus 11, and sea star, Pteraster stellifer 12
Merchant cap jellyfish, Periphylla periphyllaPeromedusae jellyfish: merchant cap jellyfish, Periphylla periphylla 1-7
Siphonophora jellyfish colony. Physophora hydrostatica (Discolabe quadrigata), colony, gas bladder, swimming bell, polyp, etc
Leptomedusae jellyfish: Aequorea pensilis 1, Zygocanna diploconus 2, 3, 5, many-ribbed jellyfish, Aequorea forskalea 4, and Orchistoma elegans 6
Echinoidea sea urchins: sea biscuit, Clypeaster rosaceus 1, 2, Encope emarginata 3, 4, green sea urchin, Echinocyamus pusillus 5-9
Trachymedusae jellyfish: Geryonia proboscidalis 1-7. Chromolithograph by Adolf Glitsch from an illustration by Ernst Haeckel from Art Forms in Nature, Kunstformen der Natur, Liepzig, Germany, 1904
Bryozoa moss animals: Cristatella mucedo 1-5, 10-12, Plumatella repens 6-8 and fungoid bryosoan, Plumatella fungosa 9
Crinoidea sea lilies: Saracrinus angulatus 1, 7, 8, Endoxocrinus maclearanus 2, and Endoxocrinus wyvillethomsoni 3-6
Pennatulacea sea pen corals: Umbellula encrinus 1, Halipteris finmarchica 2, Kophobelemnon leukarti 3, Renilla reniformis 4, 5, 6, Stylatula elegans 7, Stylatula kinbergi 8, Virgularia glacialis 9
Discomedusae jellyfish: Linantha lunulata 1, 2, Palephyra antiqua 3, 4, 5, Palephyra pelagica 6, Coronatae species 7, Nausithoe challengeri 8, and Wyvilles crownjelly, Atolla wyvillei 9
Siphonophorae hydrozoa: Porpema prunella and Porpita species, young and adult colonies, gas bladder, etc
Fucoideae seaweeds and algaeFucoideae seaweeds: bullwhip kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana 1, Cutleria multifida 2, Cystoseira spinosa 3, Agarum clathrus 4, Scaberia agardhii 5, peacocks tail, Padina pavonica 6
The cards never lie, Ladies - social scene. circa 1898
PLANCK, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). German theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. Oil
Ballet Les Sylphides, performed by the Diaghilevs Ballets Russes after the choreography by Mikhail Fokin. Watercolour by Ernst Oppler (1925). Watercolour
Princess Sophie of Greece with in-laws and sonsPrincess Sophie of Greece (1914-2001), seen far right, later Princess of Hesse-Cassel, and through her second marriage to Georg Wilhelm of Hanover, Princess of Hanover
Cecile of Greece wedding, Prince Philip in foregroundRoyal guests leaving the Schlosskirche in Darmstadt after the wedding of Princess Cecilie of Greece and Hereditary Grand Duke Georg Donatus of Hesse-Darmstadt on 2 February 1931
Ernst Ferdinand KleinERNST FERDINAND KLEIN German jurist Date: 1744 - 1810
Marriage of Princess Victoria Melita & Ernst Ludwig of HesseFront-cover wedding portrait of the Grand Duke and Duchess of the Hesse-Darmstadt at Coburg
Field Marshal von Mackensen and Major General BuschField Marshal August von Mackensen (1849-1945) (centre) and Major General Ernst Busch (1885-1945) (right), German Army officers
Alexandra of Hohenlohe-Langenburg with her childrenPrincess Alexandra of Edinburgh and Saxe-Coburg, Princess Ernst of Hohenlohe-Langenburg with her daughters and future son-in-law in 1915: (l to r) Princess Irma, Alexandra herself
Orffyreus WheelThe perpetual motion wheel of Orffyreus, real name Johann Ernst Elias Bessler
Ernst Busch - Sea-Star - Lost in thought Date: circa 1920
Casanova adapted by Harry Graham with music Johann StraussCasanova adapted by Harry Graham from the original by Rudolph Schanzer and Ernst Welisch, with music by Johann Strauss and arrangers Ralph Benatzky and Hans Mueller
Music cover, Der Orlow, operetta by GranichstaedtenMusic cover, Der Orlow, an operetta in three acts, with words by Ernst Marischka and Bruno Granichstaedten and music by Bruno Granichstaedten (1879-1944)
Fate by Hermann Ernst Freund (1786-1840). 1833Hermann Ernst Freund (1786-1840). Danish sculptor. Fate, 1833. Detail. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum. Copenhagen. Denmark
Albert Becker, MusicianALBERT ERNST ANTON BECKER German musician. Date: 1834 - 1899
Franz Ernst BruckmannFRANZ ERNST BRUCKMANN German doctor and mineralogist Date: 1697 - 1753
Udet, Ernst, WW 1 fighter ace and later head of Luftwaffes Technical Office with Destroyat at Le Bourget, 5 Oct 37
Ernst Udet, German pilot and fighter aceErnst Udet (1896-1941), German pilot and fighter ace, seen here standing near his Fokker D VII
Prince Ernst August of Hanover as a baby, WW1Ernest Augustus, Prince of Hanover (19141987). son of the Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia, Duchess of Brunswick (only daughter and youngest child of Kaiser Wilhelm II)
Ernst Werner SiemensERNST WERNER von SIEMENS German engineer Date: 1816 - 1892
Ernst RietschelERNST RIETSCHEL German sculptor from Dresden. Date: 1804 - 1861
The Six Princesses of LuxembourgThe Princesses of Luxembourg (from right): Marie-Adelaide, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg - Charlotte, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg - Hilda, Princess of Schwarzenberg - Antoinette
Prof Dr Ernst Heinkel 1888-1958Prof Dr Ernst Heinkel, 1888-1958. Date: 1958
Princess Victoria Melita of Edinburghs wedding dressA sketch showing the profusely embroidered wedding dress worn by Princess Victoria Melita for her marriage to Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse on 19th April 1894 at Coburg