Eritrea - Water CarrierEritrea - Female Water Carrier Date: 1936
East Africa - Eritrea - Massawa - The Governors Palace Date: circa 1931
Eritrea / Massawa 1895Eritrea, East Africa: the port and quayside of Massawa
Sudan - Jebel Kassala - Taka MountainsJebel Kassala - on Sudan's eastern border with Eritrea lies an impressive collection of granite walls and domes called the Taka Mountains. Date: circa 1910s
Two Eritrean Warriors - Eritrea, East Africacirca 1910s
Eritrea, East Africa - Asmara, Corso Italia - known for its Italian colonial buildings. Date: 1949
Ethiopian Chief Fitaurari Mangasha and his warriorsEthiopian Commander of the Spearhead Fitaurari (General) Mangasha (with shield centre right) and his fearsome band of warriors pictured in the Arbaate Asmera neighbourhood of Asmara, Eritrea
Piazza Italia in Asmara, Eritrea. Date: circa 1920
Asmaras Opera (Teatro Asmara), EritreaOpera theatre building built in 1918 according to the plans of Italian architect Odoardo Cavagnari in Asmara, capital of Eritrea. Date: circa 1920
East Africa - Eritrea - Sheikh Mohammed Arei - Local Chief. Date: circa 1930s
Eritrea - The old road from Asmara to Massawa - Built by Italians during colonialism. Africa
East Africa - Eritrea - Massawa - Salt Flats at Gherar Date: circa 1910s
Littoria Bank in Asmara, EritreaFront view on Littoria Bank in Asmara, capital of Eritrea. Date: circa 1920
Restaurant Bella Romagna in Dekemhare, EritreaView on the Italian restaurant " Bella Romagna" in Dekemhare, south-east of Asmara in Eritrea. Date: circa 1930
Abdel Kader radio station in Massawa, EritreaAbdel Kader radio station in Massawa (Mitsiwa) on the coast of the Red Sea, Eritrea. Date: circa 1920s
Swedish Evangelical Mission Station, Zazega, East AfricaSwedish Evangelical Mission Station at Zazega, near Asmara, East Africa (now in Eritrea). Date: circa 1910
Swedish Evangelical Mission Station, Geleb, East AfricaAerial view of the Swedish Evangelical Mission Station at Geleb (Gheleb), East Africa (now in Eritrea). Date: circa 1910
Massawa - Old town with local residents. Eritrea - Africa
Eritrean Man - Wearing headwear. Massawa - Eritrea - Africa
Eritrean Girl - Wearing headwear. Massawa - Eritrea - Africa
Valley - Seen from the old road from Asmara to Massawa, built by Italians during colonialism. Eritrea - Africa
East African Jewish Bedouin Musician in Jerusalem, Israel. Playing a masenqo, a single-stringed bowed lute commonly found in the musical traditions of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Date: circa 1920s
Djibouti, East Africa - A Young Serae girl (from Eritrea)Djibouti, East Africa (then French Somaliland) - A Young Serae girl (likely (from Eritrea). Date: 1905
Eritrea - Nefasit and winding road from AsmaraNefasit, a small town in the Northern Red Sea Region of Eritrea (formerly Italian East Africa). View across to the winding road that starts at Asmara. Date: 1930s
ERITREA. Asmara. Old pretrol station known as Fiat Tagliero o L Areoplano (1938), by Giuseppe Pettazzi. Futurism. Architecture
Kern, Eritrea - Ramadan Prayers - genuflection, third phase. Date: circa 1910s
Station in EritreaERITREA : station at Otumlo, near Massawa in Italian Eritrea. Date: 1895
East Africa - Eritrea - Massawa - Underground Water Cistern at Taulud Date: circa 1910s
Eritrea, Africa - Man from the Danakil LowlandsEritrea, Africa - An indigenous man from the Danakil Lowlands Date: circa 1920s
Eritrea - MassauaMassaua, Eritrea (formerly Italian East Afrca)
Eritrea MassawaMassawa is situated on an island in the Red Sea
Racial / E Africa / EthiopiaA soldier of Eritrea of Northern Ethiopia
Copts, Eritrea / 1895A group of Coptic priests, Eritrea