Franklinia alatamaha, frankliniaDrawing 1 (Ewan Frontispiece) from the Botanical and zoological drawings (1756-1788) by William Bartram
Scottish Pine Forest poster with captions by Barbara Nicholson made for a printed wallchart
Primula auricula, primroseFolio 78 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Oenothera grandiflora, evening primroseUnnumbered drawing (Tab IV) from the Botanical and zoological drawings (1756-1788) by William Bartram. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Primula acaulis (vulgaris), common primrosePainting by Pierre Joseph Redoute (1759-1840), from his publication Choix des plus belles fleurs (The Most Beautiful Flowers), c. 1827-33. Illustration entitled Primevere grandiflore
Oenothera parviflora L. & Oenothera biennis LNorthern evening-primrose and common evening-primrose by John Miller, first published in Figures of the most beautiful, useful
Tea estate, Sri LankaAustralian coral tree in a tea estate in Agrapatana, Sri Lanka. Photographed by Harry Taylor
Rhododendron spWatercolour No. 17 by Ralph Stennett, 1805. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Primula vulgaris, common primroseIllustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London. By William Kilburn (1745-1818)
Primula sinensisPlate 660 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Aphelocoma coerulescens, Florida scrub jayPlate 87 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Melaleuca viridiflora, weeping tea treeFinished watercolour by Fred Polydore Nodder from an original outine drawing by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage across the Pacific, 1768-1771
Diospyros sp. ebony treeIllustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London
Achras zapota, chicle treeIllustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London
Camellia with butterfliesPlate 21 (mounted plates) from the John Reeves Collection of Entomological drawings from Canton, China
Barringtonia calyptrata, mango pine treeFinished watercolour by Fred Polydore Nodder from an original outine drawing by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage across the Pacific, 1768-1771
Rose, primula, Narcissus, FritillariaInk & wash on paper, c. 1820 by Lucy Hardcastle (1771-c.1835). Held in the Library and Archives Date: circa 1820
Rhododendron fulgensHand-coloured lithograph by Walter hood Fitch, 1849-1851, based on sketch by Joseph Hooker Date: 1849
Myrsine retusaIllustration from Plantarum rariorum Horti Csarei Schoenbrunnensis descriptiones et icones, 1797/98, by Nikolaus Joseph Jacquin. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Pressed Auricula specimensSpecimens from the herbarium of Mary Somerset (the Duchess of Beaufort). Pressed by the Duchess herself (1630 - 1714)
Empidonax virescnes, Elliottia racemosa, Callirrhoe triangulAcadian flycatcher, elliottia, poppy mallow and pipit. Drawing 20 (Ewan 46) from the Botanical and zoological drawings (1756-1788) by William Bartram
Camellia thea, teallustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London
Flycatcher, elliottia, purple malve and pipitDrawin 19 from the Botanical and Zoological Drawings, 1756-1788 by William Bartram. Original artwork held in the Natural History Museum, London
Sarracenia flava, yellow pitcher plant & Sarracenia purpureaNelumbo lutea, American lotus & Triodopsis albolabris, land snail & Cemophora coccinea, scarlet snake. Drawing 30 (Ewan 22) from the Botanical and zoological drawings (1756-1788) by William Bartram
Dillenia ornata, camelliaOne of the 162 decorative panels depicting flora that form the ceiling of the Central Hall of the Natural History Museum, London
Myroxylon pereirae, balsam of PeruOne of the 162 decorative panels depicting flora that form the ceiling of the Central Hall of the Natural History Museum, London. Showing Myroxylon pereirae, balsam of Peru
Diospyros embryopterisOne of the 162 decorative panels depicting flora that form the ceiling of the Central Hall of the Natural History Museum, London
Styrax benzoin, gum benjaminIllustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London
Barringtonia speciosa, barringtonia treeNo. 266 from the Botanical Drawings by George Forster made during Cooks second voyage 1772-1775. Illustration annotated with the number 191
Leptospermum fabricia, tea-treeFinished watercolour by Fred Polydore Nodder from an original outine drawing by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage across the Pacific, 1768-1771
Leucopogon ruscifolius, bearded heathFinished watercolour by John Cleveley from an original outline drawing by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage across the Pacific, 1768-1771
Cuculus canorus, common cuckoo chickPlate 68 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 3 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph
Camellia cvPlate 87 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Thea chinensis, teaIllustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London
Rhododendron ponticum, pontic rhododendronIllustration from The Temple of Flora by Robert John Thornton (1768?-1837). Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Leptospermum scoparium, tea treeFinished watercolour by Fred Polydore Nodder from an original outline drawing by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage across the Pacific, 1768-1771
Camellia japonica, Japan roseSingle White Camellia and Single Red Camellia. Plate from A Monograph on the Genus Camellia by Samuel Curtis with original drawings by Clara Maria Pope, 1819
Camelia sp. cameliaPlate 80 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
P. L. Souverain. S. primulaPage 65 (66) from Flora Exotica (1720) by Johann Gottfried Simula
Carduelis flavirostris, twitePlate 50 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 3 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph
Carica papaya and Anagallis spTab 3. Papaya, Anagallis and Gramen, from Plantae et Papilliones Rariores, by Georg Dionysius Ehret (1708-1770), 1748-1759
Camellia japonica, camelliaSketch 169 by Georg Ehret Dionysius (1708-1770). Original artwork held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Tea fields, Sri Lanka
Oenothera erythrosepala, evening primroseDrawing by Arthur Harry Church. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Azalae pontica, yellow azaleaAn illustration of fragrant azalea or yellow azalea (1796) by Henry Andrews, 1796, from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London
Primula vulgaris, primrosePrimrose (Primula vulgaris) in the Wildlife Garden at the Natural History Museum, London. Photographed by Derek Adams
John Lettsoms Natural History of the Tea TreeColoured front piece of John Lettsoms Natural History of the Tea Tree. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Kinkaku-ji, Golden Temple, Kyoto City, JapanA photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
Balsam Bog, Port Stanley, Falkland Islands
Norantea guianensis, red hot pokerPlate 87 from Original Watercolour Drawings of Plants made in British Guiana by Sir Robert Hermann Schomburgk (Dicotyledons)
Sarracenia purpurea ssp venos, purple pitcher plantA carnivorous plant attracting insects with sweet nectar on the top of the pitcher. The surface is slippery and the insects fall in. Unable to climb out, the prey is digested by enzymes
Primula officinalis, cowslipIllustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London
Darlingtonia californica, California pitcherplantDrawingby Arthur Harry Church, 1909. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London. Plate 134
Daboecia polifolia, heatherWatercolour by Arthur Harry Church, 1908. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Rhododendrum, loders white. Dried specimen taken from the museum herbarium. Flowers mauve-pink in bud, opening to pure white. No 2044, 14.5.1981
Rhododendron, dawns delight. Dried specimen taken from the museums herbarium. Flowers red, bell-shaped. Collected by BM(NH) staff 14.5.1981. no 2009
Epacris longiflora, fuschia heathOutline drawing by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage, 1768-1771. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Clethra arborea soland, lily of the valley treeA watercolour painting of the plant Clethra arborea Soland, from Madeira. Painted by Francis Masson
Dendroica fusca, Blackburnian warblerPlate 135 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1831-34), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Zenaida macroura, mourning dovePlate 17 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Ammodramus henslowii, Henslows sparrowPlate 70 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Melospiza lincolnii, Lincolns sparrowPlate 193 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1831-34), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Contopus cooperi, olive-sided flycatcherPlate 174 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1831-34), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Regulus cuvieri, Cuviers kingletPlate 55 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Contopus virens, eastern wood peweePlate 115 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1831-34), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Regulus calendula, ruby-crowned kingletPlate 195 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1831-34), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Spizella pusilla, field sparrowPlate 139 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1831-34), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Limnothlypis swainsoni, Swainsons warblerPlate 198 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1831-34), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Lagopus lagopus, willow grousePlate 191 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1831-34), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Passerculus sandwichensis, Savannah sparrowPlate 109 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1831-34), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Ammodramus savannarum, grasshopper sparrowPlate 130 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1831-34), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Cyclamen persicum, Persian cyclamenDrawing by Richard Lancake [Pl 115]. Image used in The Chelsea Gardener Philip Miller (1990) by Hazel Le Rougetel, plate 9
Camellia japonica L. camelliaType specimens of plants named by Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778). From Amoenitatum exoticarum politico (1712) by Engelbert Kaempfer
Polyanthus sp. primroseFolio 64 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Impatiens balsamina, garden balsamFolio 61 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Rhododendron arborcum, Indian rosebay
Lysimachia leschenaultii, primrose familyButterflies feeding on Lysumachia Leschenaultii. Plate 14 by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn (1829-1928). Held at the Natural History Museum, London
Thea viridis, teaPlate 17 by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn (1829-1928). Held at the Natural History Museum, London
Gentiana, Vaccinuim sp. & Exacum bicolorWhite gentian, pink arbutus and dumcasia congesta. Plate 27 by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn (1829-1928). Held at the Natural History Museum, London
Rhododendron sp. pink rhododendronPlate 39 from Neilgherry birds and Miscellaneous (1858) by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn (1829-1928)
Camellia japonica woodsii, camelliaIllustration from Illustrations & descriptions..of Camelli (1831) by William Beattie Booth (1804-1874) with drawings by Alfred Chandler
Camellia japonica paeoniflora rosea, camelliaIllustration from Camellieae 1837, by William Beattie Booth (1804-1874) with drawings by Alfred Chandler
Camellia japonica fimbriata, camelliaIllustration from Camellieae 1837, by William Beattie Booth (1804-1874) with drawings by Alfred Chandler
Auricula spIllustration from page 64/65 of Flora Exotica (1720) by Johann Gottfried Simula. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London