First Railway 1825A man on horseback bearing a Union Jack flag heads the very first railway journey in England aboard George Stephensons " Locomotion"
Scrooge and NephewScrooge scorns his nephews enthusiasm for Christmas, saying " Bah! Humbug!"
Jose Maria Urquinaona (1814-1883). Spanish clergyman, bishop of the Canary Islands (1868-1878) and Barcelona (1878-1883). Senator for the Archbishopric of Tarragona in 1881-1882 and 1882-1883
Comic postcard, Father and son at the seaside Date: 20th century
David JonesA coloured reproduction for a David Jones Advertisement, portraying the man himself, whose abounding enterprise and enthusiasm, coupled with a business vision ahead of his time
Patriotic Turkish marchers at start of Italo-Turkish WarPatriotic Turkish marchers at the start of Italo-Turkish War - carrying a banner adorned with two Koranic quotes, that make clear that it is God who grants victory
The Finish of the Mile Race- A Dead HeatA number of exhausted young male runners battle it out as they near the finishing line
Cartoon, Enthusiasm of PaterfamiliasVarying reactions to the newspaper accounts of the glorious charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava - Papa thinks only of the glory, his womenfolk think of the dead October 1854
HOGARTH / CREDULITYCredulity, Superstition and Fanaticism Date: 1762
Beach tumbler, West IndiesLocal man tumbles down the beach doing back flips like an acrobat towards the waves. St Lucia, West Indies. Date: 1986
How to kiss your Rich Aunt ! A rather foolish and foppish young man (with an eye on the prize!) greets his Elderly (and very rich) Auntie with extreme enthusiasm. Date: 1908
Le Mot Juste: WWI cartoon by H. M. Bateman" Le Mot Juste: A careful and economical person. Much given to niceness of expression
Taking a bowA young actor takes a bow, revelling in the enthusiasm of his loving audience as they applaud his perfomance. Date: 1886
Nicolas Chauvin / SoldierNICOLAS CHAUVIN French soldier, legendary for his exaggerated patriotic enthusiasm
Triptych with Descent of the Holy Spirit. 16th century. DiscDisciples of Lucas van Leyden (1494-1533). Triptych with Descent of the Holy Spirit. 16th century. Catharijneconvent Museum. Utrecht. Netherlands
Descent of the Holy Spirit. Haarlem?. Late 15th century. Anonymous. Catharijneconvent Museum. Utrecht. Netherlands
The Black BottomTwo young things demonstrate the Black Bottom for their elders, with immense enthusiasm and a display of leg which both shocks and delights the male spectators. Date: 1927
Boers before the tribunal during the Boer WarIn the Transvaal during the Boer War, Boers have to appear before tribunals who decide if they have defended their homes with too much enthusiasm. Date: 1900
Group of young people at a rock and roll convention in Cornwall, wearing 1950s style costume. Date: 1985
The Monitor: Automatic but not fool-proof by H. M. Bateman" The Monitor
How Big Bill Answered the Call by H. M. Bateman, WW1An American cowboy hears that the USA has entered the war and gallops off on his horse to enlist, encountering unbelievable obstacles on the way including killer eagles
WW2 Christmas card, Good Voyage, Churchill
Duncan Goodhew, British Olympic swimmerDuncan Goodhew (b. 1957), British Olympic swimmer, seen here giving a demonstration to young swimmers at the St Clare Swimming Pool, Penzance, Cornwall
People at a rock and roll convention, in 1950s style costume. 1985
Gathering of rock and roll fans
German and Austrian troops setting off for WW1German and Austrian troops setting off with great optimism and enthusiasm at the beginning of the First World War. Date: 1914
Bonzo persuades a friend to throw a stone by George StuddyBonzo persuades a friend to throw a stone. The stone lands on a man lying on the beach, reading a newspaper, which means that Bonzo and the Bonzolines run right across him
The over-enthusiasm of some sportsmen in the trenches" Libellous? - With a sporting battalion at the front: Highly imaginative drawings" The over-enthusiasm of Harry Lows sporting battalion certainly raises a smile
Amateur wireless hobbyistsTwo amateur wireless hobbyists listening on their headphones
WW1 - German soldiers on a train on their way to the frontGerman soldiers on a train on their way to the front in Germany. On the train are inscribed messages showing enthusiasm of the departing soldiers. Date: circa 1915
Queen Mother 1940SELIZABETH/GEORGE VI George VI and Queen Elizabeth are greeted with enthusiasm as they drive in the royal carriage. Date: 1940s
Cheering citizens hail passing royal bride, 1893Loyal citizens wave their handkerchiefs joyously and lean out of the window to caught a glimpse of the royal bride, Princess May of Teck(later the Duchess of York, then Queen Mary) as she passes by
Young BirdwatchersYouthful enthusiasm! Young birdwatchers observing waterfowl through their binoculars, Pen Ponds, Richmond Park, Surrey, England. Date: 1950s
Sick Girl in BedA sick girl in bed drinks a bowl of hot broth with a marked lack of enthusiasm Date: circa 1900
Enthusiasm on the eve of King Faruks weddingPolice keeping the eager populace at bay during one of King Faruks many public appearances in Cairo prior to his marriage to Farida, the daughter of Yussuf Pasha Zulficar
The royal couple acknowledge Cairos ovationKing Faruk and his Queen standing together on the balcony of the palace; only one of their many appearances to satisfy the demands of the loyal Cairenes
Public celebrations at the royal weddingPublic entertainments in Cairo to celebrate the royal wedding of King Faruk to Farida
A busy time for the police: King Faruks weddingAttempting to hold at bay the people that thronged round the Abdin Palace and nearly penetrated the courtyard
Car jumpers escort Nahas Pasha to the royal weddingCairos youth escort Nahas Pasha, the recently deposed premier, when he returned to the city for the royal wedding of King Faruk to Queen Farida
Model fishing boat maker, CornwallA model fishing boat maker in his workshop, somewhere in Cornwall. He is in the process of constructing a new boat with two masts
Englands test match victory: pitch invasionThe enthusiasm of the crowd after Englands victory: spectators flocking on to the field, while the players make a dash for the pavilion
Amateur photography in the East End of London, 1895Illustration showing a crowd of East Londoners gathering around an amateur photographer, 1895
Arthur Du Cros - Racing CyclistArthur Du Cros - Du Cros was a racing cyclist, enthusiast of cars when they were invented, and founder of the Dunlop company
Italian UnenthusiasmThe Italian authorities make a big thing out of going to war - but the public soon lose their enthusiasm
Edward VII in the Royal Box at AscotEdward VII (1841-1910) seen here in the Royal Box at Ascot during the visit of King Alfonso of Spain in 1905. Edward had many leisure interests including his enthusiasm for horse-racing
Louis Comes to ParisEven after the fall of the Bastille, Parisians remain loyal to the monarchy, and the royals are welcomed with enthusiasm when they return to Paris from Versailles
Russian Troops LeaveRussian troops leave Petrograd to take part in the June offensive, though enthusiasm is limited
Italians Enter VeronaThe Italians enter Verona, now abandoned by the Austrians : the populace welcome their liberators with enthusiasm
Napoleon Back in ParisHe is greeted with enthusiasm on his return to Paris after escaping from Elba : the scene in the faubourg Saint- Antoine
American Revival MeetingCAMP MEETINGS are popular social as well as spiritual events among the rural population, often provoking spectacular outbreaks of communal enthusiasm
Crystal Palace / ShillingTHE FIRST SHILLING DAY - GOING IN Visitors pushing and shoving and generally losing all sense of decorum (not to mention other apparel !) to get in
THE CHASE 1904THE CHASE ! A symbolic depicting of the immense enthusiasm for motor racing at this period when cars were still a novelty
Seine Boat Excursion 2Parisians enjoy a steamboat excursion on the Seine to Saint-Germain : packed lunch boxes are opened with enthusiasm - the river air gives one an appetite !
Deslon CensuredDeslon, one of Mesmers few supporters at Paris, is censured by the medical establishment who don t share his enthusiasm for the Viennese charlatan
French Regiment 1895The 200th Regiment is cheered as it leaves for Madagascar
Lady into CabA lady enters a Paris cab. The horse (with docked tail) conceals his enthusiasm. This type of cab is known as a pot de chambre (chamberpot) for no obvious reason
Admiring a Small DogShe asks her friends to admire her cute little dog : they do so without enthusiasm - what might it do to their costumes by Doeuillet and Premet ?
Mercia V WalesThe Mercians attack the Welsh, who have sided with the Danish invaders : Ethelflaed, sister of Alfreds son Edward the Elder, leads the Mercian cavalry with enthusiasm
German EnthusiasmWhile the ladies knit socks for those in the trenches, a hero from the front recounts his glorious exploits
Out of Work MediumsAs the first enthusiasm for spiritualism wanes, the mediums find themselves out of a job