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Encyclopedie Collection

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Workshop handmade candles. 18th century. Engraving

Workshop handmade candles. 18th century. Engraving in Encyclopedie by Diderot et d Alembert. Engraving

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Louis-Bernard Guyton de Morveau (1737-1816). French

Louis-Bernard Guyton de Morveau (1737-1816). French chemist and politician

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Atlas moth and white witch moth

Atlas moth and white witch moth
Atlas moth, Attacus atlas (China) and white witch moth, Thysania agrippina (Cayenne)

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Panther or leopard, vulnerable

Panther or leopard, vulnerable
Panther or leopard, Panthera pardus, vulnerable. Le panthere, le leopard

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Giant sphinx, Rothschildia aurota, Luna moth

Giant sphinx, Rothschildia aurota, Luna moth
Giant sphinx, Cocytius antaeus 1, larva 2, pupa 3, Rothschildia aurota 4, Luna moth, Actias luna 6. Grande sphinx 1, Phalene a miroir 4

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Lion and tiger, endangered

Lion and tiger, endangered
Lion, Panthera leo, and tiger, Panthera tigris, endangered. Le lion, le tigre

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Buru babirusa, South American tapir and capybara

Buru babirusa, South American tapir and capybara
Buru babirusa, Babyrousa babyrussa, South American tapir, Tapirus terrestris, and capybara, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris. Le babi-roussa, le tapir, le cabiai

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Elk and reindeer

Elk and reindeer
Moose or elk, Alces alces, and reindeer or caribou, Rangifer tarandus. L'elan, le renne

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Northern giraffe and mouse deer

Northern giraffe and mouse deer
Northern giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis, and chevrotain or Java mouse deer, Tragulus javanicus. La giraffe, le chevrotin

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Alpine ibex and harnessed bushbuck

Alpine ibex and harnessed bushbuck
Alpine ibex, Capra ibex, and harnessed bushbuck, Tragelaphus scriptus. Le bouquetin, le guib

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: African buffalo and mouflon

African buffalo and mouflon
African buffalo or Cape buffalo, Syncerus caffer, and mouflon, Ovis gmelini. Le buffle, le moufflon

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Skinks and female viper giving birth

Skinks and female viper giving birth
Skink, Scincus scincus, three-toed skink, Chalcides chalcides, and female viper giving birth, Vipera species. Le scinc, le seps, la vipere femelle

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: American crocodile and Tokay gecko

American crocodile and Tokay gecko
American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus, crocodile hatching from egg, and Tokay gecko, Gekko gecko. Le crocodile; oeuf de crocodile; le-toc-kaie

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: American bullfrog and Suriname toad

American bullfrog and Suriname toad
American bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus, and common Suriname toad with eggs and baby toads on its back, Pipa pipa. La grenouille mugissante, le crapaud pipa

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Tortoise, sea turtle and chameleon

Tortoise, sea turtle and chameleon
Land tortoise species, endangered green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas, and Mediterranean chameleon, Chamaeleo chamaeleon. Tortue de terre; tortue de mer, le cameleon

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Right whale, cachalot and narwhal

Right whale, cachalot and narwhal
North Atlantic right whale, Eubalaena glacialis (critically endangered), sperm whale or cachalot, Physeter macrocephalus (endangered) and narwhal, Monodon monoceros

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Black tamarin and marmoset

Black tamarin and marmoset
Black tamarin, Saguinus niger, and common marmoset, Callithrix jacchus. Le tamarin; l'ouistiti

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Barbary macaque and red-shanked douc

Barbary macaque and red-shanked douc
Endangered Barbary macaque, Macaca sylvanus, and critically endangered red-shanked douc, Pygathrix nemaeus. Le macaque, le douc

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Spider monkey and capuchin monkey

Spider monkey and capuchin monkey
Red-faced spider monkey, Ateles paniscus, and tufted capuchin, Sapajus apella. La coaita, le sajou

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Hamadryas baboon and wanderoo

Hamadryas baboon and wanderoo
Hamadryas baboon, Papio hamadryas, and endangered wanderoo or lion-tailed macaque, Macaca silenus, Le papion, l'ouanderou

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Plains zebra and Bactrian camel

Plains zebra and Bactrian camel
Plains zebra, Equus quagga, and Bactrian camel or Mongolian camel, Camelus bactrianus. Le zebre, le dromedaire

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Endangered chimpanzee and gibbon

Endangered chimpanzee and gibbon
Endangered chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, and endangered agile gibbon, Hylobates agilis. Le jocko, le gibbon

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Giant anteater, giant pangolin and long-tailed pangolin

Giant anteater, giant pangolin and long-tailed pangolin
Giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla, endangered giant pangolin, Smutsia gigantea, and long-tailed pangolin, Phataginus tetradactyla. Le fourmilier, le pangolin, le phatagin

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Endangered lemurs and loris

Endangered lemurs and loris
Critically endangered black-and-white ruffed lemur, Varecia variegata, critically endangered mongoose lemur, Eulemur mongoz, and endangered red slender loris, Loris tardigradus

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Otter, seal and walrus

Otter, seal and walrus
North American river otter, Lontra canadensis, extinct Caribbean monk seal, Neomonachus tropicalis, and walrus, Odobenus rosmarus. La loutre du Canada, le phoque des Indes, le morse

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Armadillo, sloth and opossum

Armadillo, sloth and opossum
Greater naked-tailed armadillo, Cabassous tatouay, Linnaeus's two-toed sloth, Choloepus didactylus, and common opossum, Didelphis marsupialis. Le kabassou, l'unau, le sarigue

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Madagascan rousette, Siberian flying squirrel and eastern chipmu

Madagascan rousette, Siberian flying squirrel and eastern chipmu
Madagascan rousette bat, Rousettus madagascariensis, Siberian flying squirrel, Pteromys volans, and eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus. La rourrette, le polatouche, le suisse

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Eurasian beaver and Indian crested porcupine

Eurasian beaver and Indian crested porcupine
Eurasian beaver, Castor fiber, and Indian crested porcupine, Hystrix indica. Le castor, le porc-epic

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: African civet, large Indian civet and genet

African civet, large Indian civet and genet
African civet, Civettictis civetta, large Indian civet, Viverra zibetha, and common genet, Genetta genetta. La civette, le zibet, la genette

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Striped hyena and brown bear

Striped hyena and brown bear
Striped hyena, Hyaena hyaena, and brown bear, Ursus arctos. L'hyaene, l'ours

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Puma and Eurasian lynx

Puma and Eurasian lynx
Puma or cougar, Puma concolor, and Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx. Le couguar, le linx

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Rattlesnake, eastern mudsnake and Indian cobra

Rattlesnake, eastern mudsnake and Indian cobra
Rattlesnake and tail, Crotalus species, wampum snake or eastern mudsnake, Fanacia abacura, and Indian cobra, Naja naja. Le serpent a sonnette; couleuvre bleue de la Caroline, le serpent a lunette

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms. Includes chabots, poissons, sphinx, sirene, limaces, coquilles, vanets, goujons, sphere, soleil, globe, croissants, flammes, comete, etc

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms. Includes licorne, teste, chats, loup ravissant, renard, ours, phenix, merlettes, grues, perroquet, pelican, grillon, papillons, perdrix, etc

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms. Includes herse, losanges, billettes, carreaux, lion, leopard, testes, griffon, sanglier, hure, cerf, mouton, rustres, etc

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms. Includes croix haute, gringolee, macles, patriarchalle et Lorraine, parti, orle, trescheur charge, trescheur brochant, etc

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms. Includes pals, frette, fasces, burrelles, charge, junelles, bastille, fiche, flamboiant, nebule, etc

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Sash badges of orders of chivalry

Sash badges of orders of chivalry

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Sash badges of orders of chivalry

Sash badges of orders of chivalry

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Sash badges of orders of chivalry

Sash badges of orders of chivalry

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Sash badges of orders of chivalry

Sash badges of orders of chivalry

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Sash badges of orders of chivalry

Sash badges of orders of chivalry

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Coats of arms with crests and supporters

Coats of arms with crests and supporters

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Coats of arms of the French dignitaries, 18th century

Coats of arms of the French dignitaries, 18th century
Coats of arms of French dignitaries, 18th century

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Pennant with 32 quarters

Pennant with 32 quarters. Pennon de 32 quartiers. Castille, Leon, Arragon, Naples, Sicile, Navarre, Grenade, Tolede, etc

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Heraldic terms describing a coat of arms
Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms. Includes filets, devise, champagne, plaine, enchef, barre, renverse, francquartier, canton, pointe, etc

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Coats of arms of French dignitaries

Coats of arms of French dignitaries

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Coats of arms of republics, dukes, admirals, etc

Coats of arms of republics, dukes, admirals, etc. Republic of Geneva, Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans, Chancelier de France, Marechal de France, Amiral de France, Grand Maitre d'Artillerie, etc

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Coats of arms of kings, emperors and sultans

Coats of arms of kings, emperors and sultans

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Coats of arms of kings, queens and emperors

Coats of arms of kings, queens and emperors
Coats of arms with crests and supporters of kings, queens and emperors

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Coats of arms of religious ranks

Coats of arms of religious ranks. Includes the pope, cardinal, archbishop, bishop, Archeevesque Duc de Rheims, Grand Ammonier de France, Evesque Comte et Pair, etc

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Coats of arms, helms, coronets of nobility

Coats of arms, helms, coronets of nobility
Coats of arms of religious ranks, helms, coronets of nobility. Arms of the Abbe Prothonotaire, Abbaye Seculiere, Abbesse de St Antoine, Prieur

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Knights in armour with helmet, crest and mantling

Knights in armour with helmet, crest and mantling
Knights in armour for a tournament with helmet, crest and mantling or Lambrequin. Dukes of Brittany and Bourbon jousting at a tournament. Chevalier de Salvaing in armour with volet or lambrequin

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms. Includes singe, hermines, haie, larmes, corniere, caillons, bourse, bouterolles, escarre, merlettes, tortue, glands, etc

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: An apartment in the Palais-Royal, Paris

An apartment in the Palais-Royal, Paris. Plans of the games room, salon and parade room 35, ornaments in the three rooms 36, ceiling cornice and sofa in the salon 37

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms

Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms. Includes azur, sable, hermines, vaire, lozanges, or, barre, chevron, sautoir, nuage, bande, etc

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Elevation of a games room in an apartment in the Palais-Royal

Elevation of a games room in an apartment in the Palais-Royal
Elevation of a wall with fireplace in a games room in an apartment in the Palais-Royal, Paris

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Elevation of a games room in an apartment in the Palais-Royal

Elevation of a games room in an apartment in the Palais-Royal
Elevation of a games room, with door to the salon, in an apartment in the Palais-Royal, Paris

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Elevation of the fireplace wall in a room in the Palais-Royal

Elevation of the fireplace wall in a room in the Palais-Royal
Elevation of the fireplace wall in a room in an apartment in the Palais-Royal, Paris

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Plans for a private house designed by François II Franque

Plans for a private house designed by François II Franque, Royal Architect. Cross-section and elevation along the length of the building

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Plans for a private house designed by François II Franque

Plans for a private house designed by François II Franque, Royal Architect. Elevations of the court side and garden side, cross-section of the grand staircase

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Cross-section and profile of Pentemont Abbey

Cross-section and profile of Pentemont Abbey, Paris, proposed by François II Franque

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Proposed facade of Pentemont Abbey, Paris

Proposed facade of Pentemont Abbey, Paris
Elevation of the facade of Pentemont Abbey, Paris, garden side, proposed by François II Franque, Royal Architect

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Workers trimming tiles in a roof-tile works, 18th century

Workers trimming tiles in a roof-tile works, 18th century
Workers trimming tiles in a roof-tile works in front of stacks of tiles, 18th century. Tuilerie

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Roof-tile works, 18th century

Roof-tile works, 18th century
Tile works, 18th century. Workers baking roof tiles in a factory, drying tiles on the ground, and view of a tile-maker in a room. Tuilerie

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Quarrymen plasterers and their tools, 18th century

Quarrymen plasterers and their tools, 18th century. Workers at a plaster stone quarry, with axe, shovel, hammer, pick, etc. Architecture: Maconnerie, carrier-platrier

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Tilers working on a building floor, 18th century

Tilers working on a building floor, 18th century. Workers laying floor tiles, paving stones, and various tools, trowel, level, hammer, pin, basin, etc. Architecture: Carreleur

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Staircase in Vauluisant Abbey

Staircase in Vauluisant Abbey
Plan of the ground floor and elevation of the staircase from the cloister to the dormitory of Vauluisant Abbey, designed by François II Franque, Royal Architect

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Roofers working on a building, 18th century

Roofers working on a building, 18th century
Roofers working on a building, laying slate tiles on a roof, 18th century. Various roofing tools, hammers, trowels, ladders, etc. Couvreur

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Masons working on a building, 18th century

Masons working on a building, 18th century
Masons working on a building, using trowels, chisels, hods, levels and other tools. and various types of brickwork 1-8. Architecture: maconerrie

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Cross-section elevation through a windmill

Cross-section elevation through a windmill for stone cutting, drilling and turning machines

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Orders of windows in Greek and Roman architecture

Orders of windows in Greek and Roman architecture: Tuscan, Rustic, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Staircase in Vauluisant Abbey

Staircase in Vauluisant Abbey
Plan of the ground floor and elevation of the staircase from the cloister to the dormitory of Vauluisant Abbey, designed by François II Franque, Royal Architect

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Orders of niches and pediments in classical architecture

Orders of niches and pediments in classical architecture
Orders of niches and pediments in Greek and Roman architecture: Rustic, Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Orders of balustrades in Greek and Roman architecture

Orders of balustrades in Greek and Roman architecture: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Orders of gates in Greek and Roman architecture

Orders of gates in Greek and Roman architecture: Rustic, Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Orders of capitals in Greek and Roman architecture

Orders of capitals in Greek and Roman architecture: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Modern Ionic, Corinthian and Composite

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Five orders of columns in Greek and Roman architecture

Five orders of columns in Greek and Roman architecture: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Cluster of basalt prisms near St Sanduox, 18th century

Cluster of basalt prisms near St Sanduox, 18th century
Cluster of basalt prisms near St Sanduox. Basalt mass, Pereneire, Auvergne, France. Copied from an engraving in Diderot's Encyclopedie. Amas basaltique de Pereneire en Auvergne

Background imageEncyclopedie Collection: Fencing positions and equipment

Fencing positions and equipment
Sword and cloak versus sword and lantern, defensive guard of small and broad swords, and weapons, breastplate, mask, glove

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