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Emmeline Collection

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst

Emmeline Pankhurst a suffragette, on her way to Cannon Row after smacking Inspector Jarviss face. 1909

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Leading Suffragettes

Leading Suffragettes
Five leading suffragettes: (from left) Lady Constance Lytton, Annie Kenney, Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence, Christabel Pankhurst and Sylvia Pankhurst

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Arrest / Mrs Pankhurst

Arrest / Mrs Pankhurst
Mrs Pankhurst is lifted off the ground when arrested outside Buckingham Palace

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst

Emmeline Pankhurst
Studio portrait of Emmeline Pankhurst

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Demonstration Rally Hyde Park

Suffragette Demonstration Rally Hyde Park
The Great Suffragette Demonstration held on 23rd July 1910. banners held aloft include Fortune Favours The Brave, Arise Go Forth & Conquer and the Emmeline Pankhurst banner. Date: 23rd July 1910

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Keir Hardie addressing suffragettes at Trafalgar Square

Keir Hardie addressing suffragettes at Trafalgar Square
Keir Hardie (1856-1915), founder of the Labour party, addressing suffragettes at a free speech meeting in 1908 - Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928) and Elizabeth Wolstenholme Elmy (1834-1913)

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Hyde Park Demonstration 1908

Suffragette Hyde Park Demonstration 1908. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst stands beside Mrs. Wolstenholme Elmy (1833-1918) Pioneer Suffragist then aged 75 yrs, in a Votes for Women sash

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Mary Jane Clarke W. S. P. U

Mary Jane Clarke W. S. P. U
Mary Jane Clarke W.S.P.U. Mary Jane Clarke, (1863-1910) Younger sister of Emmeline Pankhurst. In 1909, she was organiser for the W.S.P.U, living in Brighton, a year later

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Sylvia Pankhurst

Sylvia Pankhurst
SYLVIA PANKHURST artist & suffragette. Daughter of Emmeline Pankhurst & younger sister of Christabel, she was instrumental along with them in founding the WSPU

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst Trafalgar Square

Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst Trafalgar Square. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst attending a crowd in Trafalgar Square. Invites them to Rush the House of Commons on 13th october 1908. Date: 1908

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragettes in Hastings 1914

Suffragettes in Hastings 1914
Lantern slide showing suffragettes standing in high street of Hastings advertising a speech to be given by Mrs Pankhurst at the Royal Concert Hall in St Leonards on the subject of the German Peril at

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Coronation Procession 1911 Souvenir

Suffragette Coronation Procession 1911 Souvenir
A souvenir and programme of the Womens Coronation Procession, 17th June, 1911, giving details of the Pageants. The Suffrage Societies taking part and the routes

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst Founder W. S. P. U

Emmeline Pankhurst Founder W. S. P. U
Emmeline Pankhurst Founder W.S.P.U. Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928), portrait issued by the National Womens Social and Political Union. Signed and dated 20.7.09. Date: 1909

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Christabel Pankhurst

Christabel Pankhurst
CHRISTABEL PANKHURST Leading Suffragette & member of the Womens Social & Political Union. Daughter of Emmeline Pankhurst

Background imageEmmeline Collection: C. Pankhurst as Baby

C. Pankhurst as Baby
Emmeline with baby daughter Christabel (born 22 September 1880), taken in Manchester

Background imageEmmeline Collection: WOMENs DEPUTATION / 1911

Christabel Pankhurst & Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence on a deputation to Asquith & LLoyd George. Date: 17 November 1911

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Mrs Pankhurst / Arrest

Mrs Pankhurst / Arrest
Mrs Pankhurst arrested in Victoria Street

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Mrs Pankhurst and Maria Bochkareva, Russia, WW1

Mrs Pankhurst and Maria Bochkareva, Russia, WW1
Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928), English founder and leader of the Women's Social and Political Union, and Maria Bochkareva (1889-1920)

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Christabel Pankhurst defending herself in court 1908

Christabel Pankhurst defending herself in court 1908
Christabel Pankhurst shown defending the " rush" on the House of Commons and her role in it at Bow Street Magistrates Court, London

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragettes in wax: a cabinet meeting of the militant ladies who seek the vote

Suffragettes in wax: a cabinet meeting of the militant ladies who seek the vote. The figures of Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst, Emmeline Pethwick Lawrence and Annie Kenny

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Carnation or Dianthus caryophyllus varieties

Carnation or Dianthus caryophyllus varieties
Emmeline and Princess Frederick picotees, and Bijou de Clement and Prince de Nassau carnations, Dianthus caryophyllus. Handfinished chromolithograph by Henry Noel Humphreys after an illustration by

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Lloyd George and Pankhurst as one voice 1915

Lloyd George and Pankhurst as one voice 1915
David Lloyd George, British statesman at the time, speaking on the embankment, London; " We have witnessed a very fine procession of women who are anxious to help their country in the hour of

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette trial of Emmeline Pankhurst

Suffragette trial of Emmeline Pankhurst
Suffragettes waiting for the court to open during the trial of Emmeline Pankhurst: from the Papers of Molly de Morgan Date: 1912

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette W. S. P. U Hammer Brooch

Suffragette W. S. P. U Hammer Brooch
Suffragette brooch or badge in the shape of a hammer, inscribed on the head, March 1912. The silver brooch was presented to those W.S.P.U members who had smashed windows for the cause

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Arrested near Buckingham Palace 1914

Suffragette Arrested near Buckingham Palace 1914
A suffragette is arrested after the demonstration at Buckingham palace, May 21st 1914. (Some sources date this image to 1907)

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette W. S. P. U Suffrage Fete 1908

Suffragette W. S. P. U Suffrage Fete 1908
Suffragette W.S.P.U Suffrage Fete 1908. W.S.P.U leaders in front of the Votes for Women stand at the Suffrage Fete. Earls Court, 25th July, 1908

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Play An Allegory Vera Wentworth

Suffragette Play An Allegory Vera Wentworth. A one-act play, An Allegory was published in 1913, by the Actresses Franchise League

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragettes W. S. P. U Caxton Hall 1908

Suffragettes W. S. P. U Caxton Hall 1908
Suffragettes W.S.P.U Caxton Hall 1908. A meeting at Caxton Hall before the deputation and Rush the House demonstration, October 13th 1908. Mrs

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Trial of Suffrage Leaders

Trial of Suffrage Leaders. Shows Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, Christabel Pankhurst and Flora Drummond at the W.S.P.U offices, while Inspector Jarvis issues summonses for their arrest

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst Prison Dress

Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst Prison Dress. Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel Pankhurst, arm in arm, both wearing prison dress

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst Importance of the Vote

Emmeline Pankhurst Importance of the Vote. Pamphlet by Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928) The Importance of the Vote based on a speech given at the Portman Rooms, 24th March 1908 Date: 1908

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Elsie Howley

Suffragette Elsie Howley
Elsie Howey on horseback at the head of the procession celebrating the release of Emmeline Pethick Lawrence from prison, April 1909. Date: 1909

Background imageEmmeline Collection: John Hawkesworth - 1

John Hawkesworth - 1
JOHN HAWKESWORTH English writer. Wrote the play Edgar and Emmeline in 1761. Date: 1715 - 1773

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Mrs Pankhurst Arrested

Mrs Pankhurst Arrested
Emmeline Pankhurst arrested outside Buckingham Palace, carried off the field of battle Date: 21 May 1914

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst, My Own Story

Emmeline Pankhurst, My Own Story
Frontispiece and title-page of Emmeline Pankhursts My Own Story Date: 1914

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette deputation, June 1909

Suffragette deputation, June 1909
Police-guarded deputation headed by Emmeline Pankhurst with large crowds in London. Mrs. Pankhurst had given the signal and 108 arrests by violently smacking a genial inspectors face

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst Grave Brompton Cemetary

Emmeline Pankhurst Grave Brompton Cemetary
The grave of Emmeline Pankhurst in Brompton Cemetery, London. The headstone, a celtic cross in red sandstone was designed by the sculptor Julian Phelps Allan (1892-1996)

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst Statue

Emmeline Pankhurst Statue
The sculptor Arthur George Walker R.A (1861-1939) working on the plaster version of his statue of Emmeline Pankhurst. The bronze version, unveiled in 1930, stands in Victoria Tower Gardens

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst Funeral

Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst Funeral
The order of service for the funeral of Emmeline Pankhurst, held at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, Monday 18th June, 1928

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette W. S. P. U Badge Emmeline Pankhurst

Suffragette W. S. P. U Badge Emmeline Pankhurst
Celluloid badge or button with a photograph portrait of Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, (made by Merchants Portrait Co.) for the Womens Social & Political Union. Date: circa 1908

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst Daily Mail 1913

Emmeline Pankhurst Daily Mail 1913
A newspaper placard advertising the Daily Mail dated Monday December 8th, 1913, with the headline, Mrs. Pankhurst Last Nights Decision

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragettes Released Emmeline & Christabel Pankhurst

Suffragettes Released Emmeline & Christabel Pankhurst. Mrs. Pankhurst and Christabel released from Holloway Prison, 22nd december 1908, in open horse-drawn carriage. To Victory banner behind

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Mrs. Pankhurst Forcible Feeding

Suffragette Mrs. Pankhurst Forcible Feeding. Policeman waves a babys dummy at an irate Emmeline Pankhurst, holding a placard Indignation Meeting Fed by Force Date: 1913

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette A Call to Women W. S. P. U

Suffragette A Call to Women W. S. P. U
Suffragette A Call to Women W.S.P.U. Mrs. Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence appeals to women to join the movement for the freedom and welfare of all Date: circa 1908

Background imageEmmeline Collection: W. S. P. U Defence of Militancy Old Bailey

W. S. P. U Defence of Militancy Old Bailey
W.S.P.U Defence of Militancy Old Bailey. Entitled The Mans Share this is Frederick Pethick-Lawrences Defence of Militancy delivered from the Dock of the Old Bailey, May 20th 1912. Mr & Mrs

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst Parliament

Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst Parliament. A crowd scene outside the Houses of Parliament. Emmeline Pankhurst celebrates as Mr. Stangers Bill was carried on its second reading. Illustration by A

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette In Police Van Womens Parliament

Suffragette In Police Van Womens Parliament. A W.S.P.U publicity stunt ahead of the Womens Parliament at Caxton Hall and the deputation to the Prime Minister Asquith, 24th February 1909

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst

Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928) standing beside the W.S.P.U Staff Car, the Austin presented to Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence in 1909

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Mr & Mrs. Pethick-Lawrence 1908

Suffragette Mr & Mrs. Pethick-Lawrence 1908. Mrs. Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence, Frederick Pethick-Lawrence and Christabel Pankhurst arriving at Bow Street Court, October 14th 1908

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Christabel Pankhurst Bow Street 1908

Christabel Pankhurst Bow Street 1908. Christabel and Emmeline Pankhurst leaving Bow Street Magistrates Court in October 1908

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette Leaders Mrs. Pankhurst in W. S. P. U Car

Suffragette Leaders Mrs. Pankhurst in W. S. P. U Car
Suffragette Leaders Mrs. Pankhurst in W.S.P.U Car. Mrs Pankhurst, Annie Kenney and Mrs. Pethick-Lawrence (standing) preparing to set off in the W.S.P.U motor cat

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragette leaders W. S. P. U Edinburgh 1909

Suffragette leaders W. S. P. U Edinburgh 1909
Suffragette leaders W.S.P.U Edinburgh 1909. Mrs. Pankhurst, Christabel Pankhurst, Adela Pankhurst and Mrs. Pethick-Lawrence, pictured in Edinburgh

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst Imprisoned Leaders

Emmeline Pankhurst Imprisoned Leaders. Emmeline Pankhurst, Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence and Frederick Pethick-Lawrence, described as the Imprisoned Suffragist leaders May 22nd 1912

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence

Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence. Mrs Pethick-Lawrence (1867-1954) portrait. Joint editor of Votes for Women Honorary Treasurer National Womens Social & Political Union. Date: circa 1910

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst & Christabel

Emmeline Pankhurst & Christabel. Mrs Pankhurst (1858-1928) and her daughter Christabel, portrait. Date: circa 1911

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928)

Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928). Founder of the W.S.P.U (Womens Social and Political Union) Portrait issued by the W.S.P.U Votes for Women caption. Date: circa 1909

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragettes at Buckingham Palace, London

Suffragettes at Buckingham Palace, London
Suffragettes, led by Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst, attempting to present a petition to King George V at Buckingham Palace, London. Numerous arrests were made

Background imageEmmeline Collection: C & E PANKHURST, 1913

Christabel & her mother Emmeline in Bois de Boulogne, Paris

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Adopted Daughters

Adopted Daughters
EMMELINE PANKHURST with the four daughters war babies she patriotically adopted

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Pankhursts Go to USA

Pankhursts Go to USA
CHRISTABEL sees her mother EMMELINE off to America

Background imageEmmeline Collection: The Pankhursts

The Pankhursts
Suffragettes. A photo of Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel, leaders of the physical-force party in the votes-for-women campaign

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Suffragettes in France

Suffragettes in France
Emmeline Pankhurst (seated on left) and her secretary (miss Lawrence) visit their French sisters to compare notes : Mme Schmahl welcomes them at a Paris meeting

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Pankhursts & Friends

Pankhursts & Friends
EMMELINE & CHRISTABEL PANKHURST. Shown here with friends in the garden of their home in Manchester, circa 1898

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst 1875

Emmeline Pankhurst 1875
EMMELINE PANKHURST (nee Goulden) aged 17, 2nd from right, in Geneva with the Rochefort family. Her school friend Noemi Rochefort is on far left

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Richard Pankhurst

Richard Pankhurst
Portrait of Richard Pankhurst taken in a Manchester studio at around the time of his marriage to Emmeline Goulden

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst 1879

Emmeline Pankhurst 1879
A portrait of Emmeline Pankhurst (nee Goulden) taken in a studio in Manchester at around the time of her marriage to Richard Pankhurst

Background imageEmmeline Collection: C. Pankhurst as Dancer

C. Pankhurst as Dancer
Christabel Pankhurst, aged 17, while staying with the Rochefort Du Faux family in Geneva. Her mother Emmeline hoped for a time that she would become a ballet dancer

Background imageEmmeline Collection: Pankhurst Funeral

Pankhurst Funeral
At the funeral of Emmeline Pankhurst at St Johns church, Smith Square, are her sister, Mrs Ada Goulden Bach; with Christabel and Sylvia

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