Jamaicans on board the Empire WindrushJamaican men on board the Empire Windrush who have come to Britain to seek work; some of the men, dressed smartly in jackets and ties, are reading a newspaper
Chisholm (1808-1877)CAROLINE CHISHOLM (1808 - 1877) The Emigrants Friend
Emigrant Ship Leaving Belfast (1852). Wilson, James Glen 1827-1863
The ship Kapunda, 1887The British emigrant Ship, Kapunda, which was run down and sunk off the Coast of Brazil with the loss of 298 lives in 1887
Departure of the Emigrant Ship Lizzie Webber, 1852Engraving showing the two-masted emigrant ship, Lizzie Webber, leaving Sunderland for Australia, 1852. This was the first emigrant ship to make that passage
The Emigrant Ship Hercules off Cambelton, Scotland, 1853Engraving showing the emigrant ship Hercules at anchor in Campbelton Harbour, Isle of Skye, 1853
Royal Line posterPoster promoting Royal Line Northern Canadian railway system and Atlantic steamship service, showing a ship crossing the Atlantic on the way to Canada from Bristol
Irish Emigrant ShipIrish emigrants leaving for a new life in America Date: 1859
Cross-Section of the Emigrant Ship Bourneuf, 1852Cross-section of the emigrant ship Bourneuf of Liverpool, showing the layout of the passengers quarters, 1852
Australian packet ship, the Ben NevisAustralian White Star Line packet ship, the Ben Nevis. Date: 1852
On board the Indus emigrant shipThe cover of The Graphic, 29 June 1872, including five illustrations of life on board the Indus emigrant ship, one of the London Line of Queensland Packets, which set sail from Gravesend
Between Decks on an Emigrant Ship, 1850Engraving showing distressed needlewomen below decks on an emigrant ship, with their belongings, making themselves confortable before the voyage begins
Passengers on the deck of an Emigrant Ship, 1849Engraving showing emigrants on the deck of their ship, at sea, 1849. A group of children are being taught their lessons by a school master whilst a small crowd gathers around the ships galley
Leaving QueenstownA large crowd of Irish emigrants gather at the harbour at Queenstown ready to depart for a new life in America
The Steamer Tiverton off Gravesend, 1884Scene on the River Thames at Gravesend prior to the transatlantic crossing of the emigrant steam ship Tiverton, 1884
United States. Emigrants on carts heading out WestEmigrants on carts heading out West. Engraving by Vernier. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
United States. Emigrants on carts heading out West - VernierEmigrants on carts heading out West. Engraving by Vernier. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
The Emigrant Ship Artemisia en route for Australia(Top) The Emigrant Ship Artemisia en route for Moreton Bay, New South Wales, Australia. (Bottom) Emigrants on the deck of the ship. Date: 1848
Irish emigrants leaving home 1870Morning of departure, the Irish emigrants saying goodbye to love ones, to leave for America. Date: 1870
Emigrant Ship leaving for the USA, 1869Engraving showing an emigrant ship, still alongside the quay, just prior to its departure for America, 1869
Emigrant Life in British North America, Canadian settlers on the road. Date: 1880
Launch of the W. S. Lindsay, iron emigrant ship 1852Launch of the W.S. Lindsay, the new iron emigrant ship, at Willington near Newcastle-upon-Tyne on 30th September 1852. The ship was built entirely for the purpose of emigration. 1852
Paris peacock and mottled emigrant butterflyParis peacock butterfly, Papilio paris 1, 2, and mottled emigrant, Catopsilia pyranthe? 3, 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O
Emigration - Progress and VicissitudesEmigration - Detailing the Progress and Vicissitudes of an Emigrant. 19th century
Emigrants going to Australia 1887Men, women and children travelling to Australia for a new life
Emigrant Ship, DenmarkDanish emigrants board a steamship in the harbour, Copenhagen, for travel to America. Date: 1888
The Fairbridge SocietyAdvertisement for The Fairbridge Society
The Emigrant Ship Eastern Monarch, 1874Engraving showing the three-masted sailing ship, Eastern Monarch, bound for New Zealand with emigrants aboard, 1874
Passengers boarding an Emigrant Ship at Queenstown, IrelandIllustration showing Irish passengers boarding an emigrant ship at Queenstown to travel to America, 1893
In the galley of the Emigrant Ship Indus, 1872Engraving showing the ships cook hard at work in the galley of the emigrant ship Indus, during the passage from Britain to Australia, 1872
The Emigrant Ship leaving Britain. 1890
United States. 19th century. Union Pacific Company. Railway Station. Engraving in the newspaper Frank Leslies in 1869. Colored
Spanish emigrants on board a ship heading toward Argentina. Brabant engraving for The Enlightenment, 1887. Colored
Barnardos Emigrants in Canada - boy outside homeA Barnardos emigrant outside his new home. A horse and trap stand nearby. Barnardos began sending children to Canada in 1872. Date: circa 1914
Caroline Chisholm 1853CAROLINE CHISHOLM Philanthropist, known as The Emigrants Friend. Date: 1808-1877
Caroline Chisholm, IlnCAROLINE CHISHOLM Philanthropist, known as The Emigrants Friend. Date: 1808-1877
Steerage passengers on an emigrant ship, recreationsSteerage passengers on an emigrant ship out of Liverpool to New York, 1896. Recreations on board - the men appear to be playing chess or draughts
Steerage passengers on an emigrant ship, a familyA family group of steerage passengers on an emigrant ship out of Liverpool to New York, 1896. The journey began in London with an emigrant train from Euston to Liverpool. Date: 1896
Steerage passengers on an emigrant ship out of Liverpool to New York, 1896. Young emigrants working their passage and chatting
Steerage passengers, working ones way outSteerage passengers on an emigrant ship out of Liverpool to New York, 1896, working their passage to America
Steerage passengers on an emigrant ship, outside cabinsSteerage passengers on an emigrant ship out of Liverpool to New York, 1896, huddled on deck outside the cabins
National Childrens Home, Canada - One of Our Boys PloughinA emigrant to Canada from the National Childrens Home (NCH) is operating a horse-drawn plough
REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua. Edward Holdens sonsREYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792). The Children of Edward Holden Cruttenden. Rococo. Oil on canvas. BRAZIL. Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo Museum of Art
Emigrant ship St VincentThe emigrant ship St Vincent, bound for Sydney, Australia, being towed out
Departure of Irish emigrantsPoverty-stricken Irish folk waiting on the railway platform for a train to take them to the port for embarkation to America or elsewhere
Government Inspectors Visit to Canadian EmigrantA Canadian Government Inspector visits a young emigrant from Britain to Canada, placed there by the Waifs and Strays Society
Emigrant landing, New York, USA Date: circa 1903
Hall of Records, New York City, USAHall of Records, Chambers Street, New York City, USA. Contains the offices of the Register, County Clerk, Surrogate, and Tax and Law Departments
Emigrants on the shipdeck
EmigrationA young man, emigrating to America from Sweden says goodbye to his parents. Watercolour. Anonymus. Date: 19th century
Emigrants cottageAn emigrants cottage at Otago, New Zealand
Music sheet cover, Far, Far, Upon the SeaA music sheet cover for a song by Henry Russell, Far, Far, Upon the Sea (words by Charles Mackay), from an entertainment entitled Far West, or the Emigrants Progress from the Old World to the New
Emigrants WWIIDuring World war II
Dancing Between DecksA light-hearted scene during a crossing of emigrants from Britain to New Zealand in 1860, showing passengers dancing to the sound of a fiddle between decks
Emigration. Cheer Boys Cheer An Emigrant Ship Leaving HarbEngraving of ship leaving the dock, steam pouring from the funnel. Everyone on shore and on the boat waving farewell. A winter scene
Emigration. On Board an Emigrant Ship. The Breakfast BellDetailed interior of ship with many passengers crowded on deck. The ship is the steamer Sarnia of the Dominion Line at anchor at Belfast Lough on the way to Canada
Captain of an Emigrant Ship relaxing in his cabin, 1884Engraving showing the Captain of an emigrant ship in his cabin, relaxing with a book, 1884. This image was originally entitled Off Duty
The Saloon of an Emigrant Ship during a storm, Bay of BiscayEngraving showing a chaotic scene below desks in rough seas as food, plates and cutlery are all sent flying by the rough seas, Bay of Biscay, 1887
Dinner on board an Emigrant Ship, 1844Engraving showing life below decks on board an emigrant ship heading from Britain to Australia, 1844. The image shows the sleeping, eating and living area for the emigrant families
Emigrant Ship at sea in a Gale, 1887Engraving showing an emigrant ship, en route to Australia, lurching in tempestuous seas
Emigrant Ship off Gravesend; English Channel, 1875Engraving showing the deck of an emigrant ship, bound for America, off the coast of Kent, 1875
Passengers on an Emigrant Ship, Britain, 1869Engraving showing a number of passengers on the deck of an emigrant ship, as the ship is loaded prior to its journey to the USA, 1869
Passengers going to bed on an Emigrant Ship, 1884Engraving showing a man trying to get his children into their bunks at bed time on board an emigrant ship heading for America, 1884
Emigrant Ship leaving a British Quayside, 1887Engraving showing a dockside scene with young women seeing off their sweethearts and husbands, waving handkerchiefs, Great Britain, 1887
Emigrants queuing for Berth Numbers on their ship, GravesendEngraving showing emigrant passengers being allocated berth numbers at the beginning of a voyage to Australia, 1887
Dinner on an Australian Emigrant Ship, 1849Engraving showing dinner taking place in the forecastle of an Australian emigrant ship, 1849
Dining Room on board an Emigrant Ship, 1852Engraving purportedly showing the dining saloon of a British Government emigrant ship, 1852
The Government Inspectors Office, Liverpool, 1850Engraving showing emigrants queueing outside the Government Inspectors Office, Liverpool, 1850. Passengers were checked at the office, for infectious diseases, prior to departure
Searching for Stowaways on board an Emigrant Ship, 1850Engraving showing the crew of an emigrant ship searching their vessel for stowaways prior to departure for America, 1850
Taking the Roll Call on an Emigrant Ship, 1850Engraving showing the passengers of an emigrant ship gathered on the quarterdeck for the roll call, 1850
Passengers on board the emigrant ship Artemisia, 1848Engraving showing passengers on the deck of the Artemisia leaning over the side, as the boat leaves a British harbour bound for Australia, 1848
The Emigrant Ship Artemisia, 1848Engraving showing the three-masted emigrant ship, Artemisia leaving Britain for Moreton Bay, New South Wales, 1848. Date: 1848
Emigrants sighting land, 1871Engraving showing a scene on the deck of an emigrant ship, as the passengers sight land, 1871. In the foreground a lady is sewing and a family with very young children look anxiously towards land
An Emigrant Ship leaving Great Britain, 1844Engraving showing a three masted sailing ship being towed out of the harbour at the start of its journey to Australia, 1844
Female Passengers on the deck of the emigrant ship, IndusEngraving showing the well-dressed female passengers, in bustles and shawls, of the emigrant ship Indus, 1872
The Crew of an Emigrant Ship prepare for inspection, 1884Engraving showing the Captain and officers of an emigrant ship checking their vessel in preparation for a Government Inspection, 1884. Date: 1884
Immigration. Immigrants in America. A Lonely EmigrantA young woman emigrant wait in the immigration depot in New York on her own. With her feet on her box and wrapped in a cloak, she is gazing wistfully into the distance
German Emigrant Ship in Southampton Docks, Great Britain, 18Engraving showing a German emigrant ship, en route to America, berthed in Southampton Docks, 1881. A number of emigrants are seen lining the sides of the ship, looking at the British dockside
Passengers on board an Emigrant Ship, 1884Scene showing passengers on the deck of an emigrant ship just prior to its departure from Britain, 1884. The passengers include babies, small children, wealthy people and a preacher
A Sailor Heaving the Lead, at sea, 1884Engraving showing a seaman, on the side of an emigrant ship, heaving the lead to check the depth of the water with a plumb line, 1884
Embarkation of an Emigrant Ship, Liverpool, 1850Engraving showing a bustling dock yard scene as emigrants, with trunks and boxes, line up to board their ship at Waterloo Docks, Liverpool, 1850
A Visitor to an Emigrant Ship being soaked by Seamen, 1884Sketch showing sailors scrubbing the decks and an early visitor getting soaked by them, 1884
Below Decks on an Emigrant Ship, 1849Engraving showing a family of emigrants, below decks, poring over a large map, working out the position of the ship on its long voyage to Australia
Emigrants boarding a ship for the USA, 1909Illustration showing European emigrant families coming alongside and boarding a transatlantic liner, bound for the USA, 1909