Development of a bird, European golden plover, Pluvialis apricaria
Fish development, Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Appearance of the embryonic spot in the egg 1, first embryo lineaments 2, appearance of the heart 3, fully formed 4, ready to hatch 5, and hatched 6
Some Clerical Types by John Kendal, The Embryo. 1901
Seychelles Island cocoa-nut, ripe spadix with husk, ripe nut and embryo, Lodoicea sechellarum.. Illustration by WJ Hooker, engraved by Swan
Bauera rubioides - Anonymous copper engraving based on a drawing by Franz Bauer. Annals of Botany 1: t. 10, London, 1805. Date: 1805
Telfairia pedata, oyster nut, queens nut, Zanzibar oil vine fruit in sections, seed, and embryo.. Illustration by WJ Hooker, engraved by Swan
Caryophyllus aromaticus, clove spice flower, petals, stamen, germen, fruit, berry and embryo.. Illustration by WJ Hooker, engraved by Swan
Dinapore (Danapur) Wolf Cubs, IndiaDinapore (Danapur) Wolf Cubs in embryo, India
Aptenodytes fosteri, emperor penguin eggCollected on the British Terra Nova Antarctic Expedition (1910 - 1913) by Edward Wilson
Lizard embryoModel of a lizard embryo
Aptenodytes forsteri, Emperor penguin eggsEggs of Aptenodytes forsteri (Emperor penguin) brought back from Apsley Cherry-Garrards 1911 Antarctic expedition. The holes were made to allow investigation of the embryos
Protoceratops embryo