Third Carriage of the Royal Household in Queen Victoria sThird Carriage of the Royal Household. in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Boy scout on Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, PacificBoy scout plaiting palm leaves on Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, Pacific. Date: 1979
Government rest house, Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, Pacific. Date: 1977
Butaritari airfield, Gilbert Islands, PacificAircraft and hut on Butaritari airfield, Gilbert Islands, Pacific. Date: 1977
Scout headquarters, Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, Pacific. Date: 1977
Traditional welcome dance, Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, PacificGirls and women performing a traditional welcome dance, Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, Pacific. Date: 1977
Scouts in Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, PacificScouts taking part in an indoor activity, Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, Pacific Date: 1977
Mrs Edward ElliceMRS EDWARD ELLICE wife of Edward Ellice (statesman 1781-1863) in a fine off-the-shoulder ball dress. Date: CIRCA 1840
Lady Hannah ElliceLADY HANNAH ELLICE who seems to be sitting in front of a cliff, but we don t know why, or who she is, or what she is thinking about... Date: CIRCA 1835
Boy scout on a beach, Gilbert Islands, Pacific. Date: 1968
Scouts singing, Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, PacificScouts (male and female) singing, Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, Pacific. Date: 1977
Venture Scouts, Gilbert Islands, PacificBoys of the King George V School Venture Scout Unit on an outdoor activity, Gilbert Islands, Pacific. Date: 1977
Scouts in Banaba (Ocean Island), PacificScouts on an outdoor activity at night in Banaba (Ocean Island), Pacific
Sea scouts with moped, Gilbert Islands, PacificTwo sea scouts with a moped, Gilbert Islands, Pacific
Village in Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, Pacific. Date: 1977
Boy scouts and leader, Gilbert Islands, PacificBoy scouts and their leader on an outdoor activity, Gilbert Islands, Pacific. Date: 1968
Hut built by scouts, Gilbert Islands, PacificA hut built by scouts on Scout Island, Gilbert Islands, Pacific. Date: 1977
Boy scouts on Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, PacificBoy scouts listening to their leader on Tuvalu, Gilbert Islands, Pacific. Date: 1979
Sir Charles Ellice, Vanity Fair, SpyGeneral SIR CHARLES HENRY ELLICE (1823 - 1888) Adjutant-General to the Forces between 1876 and 1882. Caption: The Adjutant General Date: 1823 - 1888
Anna Countess LeicesterANNA AMELIA, countess of LEICESTER (nee Keppel) second wife of Thomas Coke, first earl : subsequently married Edward Ellice MP. Date: ? - 1844