Hawksbees 2nd MachineEnglish physicist Francis Hawksbees second version of his electrostatic generator, based on a rotating glass sphere
WIMSHURST MACHINEAn electrostatic machine invented by James Wimshurst. Date: 1880s
Ramsden electric machine designed by Jesse Ramsden (1735-18Ramsden electric machine used for producing electricity. It was designed by Jesse Ramsden (1735-1800), English optician and astronomical and scientific instrument maker
Hawksbees 1st MachineEnglish physicist Francis Hawksbees first version of his electrostatic generator, based on a rotating glass sphere. Date: 1706
Nottingham incinerator electrostatic precipitator
Basingstoke incinerator cooling tower and electrostatic precipitator
LEYDEN JAR / 1882An electrostatic generator connected to a Leyden Jar, a cylindrical device used by early experimenters to store electrical energy. Date: 1882
A Calculating machineThe control panel of the automatic sequence-controlled calculating machine at Manchester University; showing the monitor cathode-ray tube with Dr. T. Kilburn (left) and Professor F. C
Electrostatic GeneratorElectrostatic generator by James Wimshurst (1832 - 1903)