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Educational Collection

Background imageEducational Collection: Early jigsaw puzzle showing Kings & Queens of England

Early jigsaw puzzle showing Kings & Queens of England
A highly instructive jigsaw puzzle from the early nineteenth century, bearing representations of the Kings and Queens of England from William I to George IV. Date: 1937

Background imageEducational Collection: Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist

Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist
Leo Tolstoy (Count Lyev Nikolayevich Tolstoy), Russian novelist, essayist, dramatist and educational reformer

Background imageEducational Collection: Poynton and Worth colliers library and reading room

Poynton and Worth colliers library and reading room

Background imageEducational Collection: Spelt, buckwheat and rice

Spelt, buckwheat and rice
Cereals and grains: spelt or dinkled wheat, Triticum spelta 1, buckwheat, Fagopyrum esculentum 2, and rice, Oryza sativa 3

Background imageEducational Collection: Automaton at the Schoolboys Own Exhibition, 1929

Automaton at the Schoolboys Own Exhibition, 1929
A physiological robot at the Schoolboys Own Exhibition in London, 1929. Designed to show how organs of the body work, here three young visitors take great interest in its insides. Date: 1929

Background imageEducational Collection: Cartoon, The Macmillion (Andrew Carnegie)

Cartoon, The Macmillion (Andrew Carnegie)
Cartoon, The Macmillion -- Andrew Carnegie (1835 - 1919), Scottish-American industrialist, business magnate, and philanthropist

Background imageEducational Collection: Oxford University robes: Proctor (full dress)

Oxford University robes: Proctor (full dress)
A Proctor at Oxford University sporting a mortarboard and long, black gown, with a white fur hood. Date: 1920s

Background imageEducational Collection: Barnard College Campus in New York, USA

Barnard College Campus in New York, USA. Date: circa 1905

Background imageEducational Collection: Cub Seals on Ascension Island, South Atlantic

Cub Seals on Ascension Island, South Atlantic, with a large green turtle on a sandy beach, working towards their conservation badges. Date: circa 1980s

Background imageEducational Collection: Technical College - Glasgow, Scotland

Technical College - Glasgow, Scotland
Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College (1887-1912), afterwards becoming the Royal Technical College (1912-1956) - Glasgow, Scotland. Date: 1909

Background imageEducational Collection: Advert for Parkins and Gotto electrical novelties 1906

Advert for Parkins and Gotto electrical novelties 1906
Advertisement from 1906 for Parkins and Gotto, of Oxford Street, London, showing the wide range of electrical novelties

Background imageEducational Collection: Hydrangea, Hydrangea hortensia

Hydrangea, Hydrangea hortensia. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1802

Background imageEducational Collection: Man, woman and baby of Corea, Korea, 1818

Man, woman and baby of Corea, Korea, 1818

Background imageEducational Collection: College of the City of New York, USA Date: circa 1910

College of the City of New York, USA Date: circa 1910

Background imageEducational Collection: Ducks and geese

Ducks and geese
Bean goose, Anser fabalis a, Brant goose with chicks, Anser bernicla b, male and female eider, Somateria mollissima c, harlequin duck, Histrionicus histrionicus d, velvet scooter, Melanitta fusca e

Background imageEducational Collection: Sea birds

Sea birds
Tern, Sterna hirundo a, pomarine jaeger, Stercorarius pomarinus b, storm-petrel, Hydrobates pelagicus c, wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans d, great white pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus e

Background imageEducational Collection: Ruff, moorhen, rail, jacana, etc

Ruff, moorhen, rail, jacana, etc
Ruff, Calidris pugnax a, moorhen, Gallinula chloropus b, king rail, Rallus elegans c, wattled jacana, Jacana jacana d, black-headed gull, Chroicocephalus ridibundus e, great black-backed gull

Background imageEducational Collection: Heron, bitterns, ibis, snipe, etc

Heron, bitterns, ibis, snipe, etc
Black-crowned night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax a, little bittern, Ixobrychus minutus b, great bittern, Botaurus stellaris c, crane, Grus grus d, African sacred ibis, Threskiornis aethiopicus e

Background imageEducational Collection: Flamingo, storks and herons

Flamingo, storks and herons
American flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber a, white stork, Ciconia ciconia b, black stork, Ciconia nigra c, marabou stork, Leptoptilos crumenifer d, grey heron, Ardea cinera e, and purple heron

Background imageEducational Collection: Pheasants, peacock, turkey, etc

Pheasants, peacock, turkey, etc
Silver pheasant, Lophura nycthemera a, golden pheasant, Chrysolophus pictus b, great argus, Argusianus argus c, Indian peafowl, Pavo cristatus d, Himalayan monal, Lophophorus impejanus e

Background imageEducational Collection: Ptarmigan, grouse, partridges, etc

Ptarmigan, grouse, partridges, etc
Rock ptarmigan, Lagopus muta a, black grouse, Lyrurus tetrix b, western capercaillie, Tetrao urogallus c, grey partridge, Perdix perdix d, red-legged partridge, Alectoris rufa e, rock partridge

Background imageEducational Collection: Doves and pigeons, including extinct passenger pigeon

Doves and pigeons, including extinct passenger pigeon
Stock dove, Columba oenas a, cropper dove, Columba gutturosa b, extinct passenger pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius c, Barbary dove, Streptopelia risoria d, European turtle dove, Streptopelia turtur e

Background imageEducational Collection: Fancy pigeon types and Nicobar pigeon

Fancy pigeon types and Nicobar pigeon
Fancy pigeon types, Columba livia a-e, and Nicobar pigeon, Caloenas nicobarica f. rock pigeon a, trumpeter b, tumbler c, cravate d, and fantail eating maize e

Background imageEducational Collection: Tits, swallows and nightjar

Tits, swallows and nightjar
Great tit, Parus major a, blue tit, Parus caeruleus Parus coeruleus b, coal tit, Parus ater c, crested tit, Parus cristatus e, and marsh tit, Parus palustris e

Background imageEducational Collection: Robin, goldcrest, wren, etc

Robin, goldcrest, wren, etc
European robin, Erithacus rubecula a, goldcrest, Regulus regulus b, Eurasian wren, Troglodytes troglodytes c, redstart, Phoenicurus phoenicurus d, great reed warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus e

Background imageEducational Collection: Nightingale, bluethroat, warblers, etc

Nightingale, bluethroat, warblers, etc
Nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos a, bluethroat, Luscinia svecica b, Eurasian blackcap, Sylvia atricapilla c, greater whitethroat, Curruca communis d, western Orphean warbler, Curruca hortensis e

Background imageEducational Collection: Goldfinch, canary, linnet, etc

Goldfinch, canary, linnet, etc
Goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis a, Atlantic canary, Serinus canaria b, common linnet, Linaria cannabina c, Eurasian siskin, Spinus spinus d, citril finch, Carduelis citrinella e, and corn bunting

Background imageEducational Collection: Buntings, sparrow and finches

Buntings, sparrow and finches
Cirl bunting, Emberiza cirlus a, snow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis b, house sparrow, Passer domesticus c, chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs, brambling, Fringilla montifringilla, white-winged snowfinch

Background imageEducational Collection: Crossbill, grosbeak, finches and yellowhammer

Crossbill, grosbeak, finches and yellowhammer
Red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra a, pine grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator b, bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula c, greenfinch, Chloris chloris d, hawfinch, Coccothraustes coccothraustes e, yellowhammer

Background imageEducational Collection: Thrushes, blackbird and Bohemian waxwing

Thrushes, blackbird and Bohemian waxwing
Mistle thrush, Turdus viscivorus a, fieldfare, Turdus pilaris b, ring ouzel, Turdus torquatus c, blue rock thrush, Monticola solitarius d, blackbird, Turdus merula e, and Bohemian waxwing

Background imageEducational Collection: Larks, starling, dipper, and song thrush

Larks, starling, dipper, and song thrush
Eurasian skylark, Alauda arvensis a, wood lark, Lullula arborea b, crested lark feeding young in nest, Galerida cristata c, starling, Sturnus vulgaris d, white-throated dipper, Cinclus cinclus e

Background imageEducational Collection: Roller, bird of paradise, cock of the rock, etc

Roller, bird of paradise, cock of the rock, etc
European roller, Coracias garrulus, greater bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea apoda, Guianan cock-of-the-rock, Rupicola rupicola, Eurasian golden oriole, Oriolus oriolus, grackle, Quiscalus quiscula

Background imageEducational Collection: Crow, jackdaw, jay, nutcracker, etc

Crow, jackdaw, jay, nutcracker, etc
Hooded crow, Corvus cornix a, Western jackdaw, Corvus monedula b, Eurasian jay, Garrulus glandarius c, spotted nutcracker, Nucifraga caryocatactes d, Alpine chough, Pyrrhocorax graculus e

Background imageEducational Collection: Treecreeper, hummingbirds and ravens

Treecreeper, hummingbirds and ravens
Treecreeper, Certhia familiaris a, hummingbirds and their nests, Trochilus species b, c, d, raven, Corvus corax e, carrion crow, Corvus corone f and rook, Corvus frugilegus g

Background imageEducational Collection: Woodpecker, wryneck, nuthatch, kingfisher, etc

Woodpecker, wryneck, nuthatch, kingfisher, etc
Middle spotted woodpecker, Dendrocoptes medius a, Eurasian wryneck, Jynx torquilla b, Eurasian nuthatch, Sitta europaea c, kingfisher, Alcedo ispida d, bee-eater, Merops apiaster e

Background imageEducational Collection: Parrots, toucan, and woodpeckers

Parrots, toucan, and woodpeckers
Endangered grey parrot, Psittacus erithacus a, sulphur-crested cockatoo, Cacatua galerita b, endangered channel-billed toucan, Ramphastos ariel c, black woodpecker, Dryocopus martius d

Background imageEducational Collection: Shrikes and parrots

Shrikes and parrots
Great grey shrike, Lanius excubitor a, red-backed shrike with cricket, Lanius collurio b, lesser grey shrike with bee on thorn, Lanius minor c, scarlet macaw, Ara macao d, Alexandrine parakeet

Background imageEducational Collection: Owl species

Owl species
Eurasian eagle-owl, Bubo bubo a, long-eared owl, Asio otus b, tawny owl, Strix aluco c, short-eared owl, Asio flammeus d, and little owl, Athene noctua e

Background imageEducational Collection: Peregrine, hobby, kestrel, sparrowhawk and goshawk

Peregrine, hobby, kestrel, sparrowhawk and goshawk
Peregrine falcon with prey, Falco peregrinus a, hobby, Falco subbuteo b, kestrel, Falco tinnunculus c, Eurasian sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus d, and pale chanting goshawk, Melierax canorus e

Background imageEducational Collection: Harrier, buzzard, osprey, gyrfalcon and goshawk

Harrier, buzzard, osprey, gyrfalcon and goshawk
Montagu's harrier, Circus pygargus a, common buzzard, Buteo buteo b, osprey with fish, Pandion haliaetus c, gyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus d, and northern goshawk, Accipiter gentilis e

Background imageEducational Collection: Eagles and kite

Eagles and kite
Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos a, white-tailed eagle with fish, Haliaeetus albicilla b, short-toed snake eagle with snake, Circaetus gallicus c, and red kite, Milvus milvus d

Background imageEducational Collection: Vultures and condor on a horse carcass

Vultures and condor on a horse carcass
Egyptian vulture eating entrails, Neophron percnopterus a, Eurasian griffon vulture, Gyps fulvus b, Andean condor, Vultur gryphus c, bearded vulture, Gypaetus barbatus d

Background imageEducational Collection: Varieties of beetles

Varieties of beetles

Background imageEducational Collection: A fox watching a wild boar sharpen its tusks on a tree

A fox watching a wild boar sharpen its tusks on a tree in preparation. The fox and the wild boar. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A large sow in a pig sty snarling at a wolf

A large sow in a pig sty snarling at a wolf. Sow and Wolf. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: Lion, bear, wolf and fox fight over the carcass of a deer

Lion, bear, wolf and fox fight over the carcass of a deer
A lion stands with its left foreleg on the belly of a deer, watched by a snarling bear, wolf and fox. Lion, bear, fox and wolf. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A horse and wild boar face off in a pasture

A horse and wild boar face off in a pasture before a castle, in a battle over water. The horse and wild boar. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A lion and wild boar fight while vultures circle above

A lion and wild boar fight while vultures circle above. Wild boar and lion. Illustration of a Greek fable

Background imageEducational Collection: A goose insults a pet mandrill in a walled garden

A goose insults a pet mandrill in a walled garden
A goose insults a pet mandrill chained to a block in a walled garden. Baboon and poultry. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageEducational Collection: A turkey hen leads its chicks into the woods to eat ants

A turkey hen leads its chicks into the woods to eat ants. The turkey and ants. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageEducational Collection: Two owls and a sparrow

Two owls and a sparrow
A sparrow talks to a long-eared owl and a barn owl perched on a branch in a stone archway. Two owls and a sparrow. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageEducational Collection: A young colt tries to stir a mutiny in the stables

A young colt tries to stir a mutiny in the stables. Council of horses. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageEducational Collection: A flock of sheep wait for slaughter by a butcher

A flock of sheep wait for slaughter by a butcher, and a boar mocks them from the long grass. Wild boar, sheep and butcher. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageEducational Collection: A frog inflates itself to become a big as a cow

A frog inflates itself to become a big as a cow
A frog near a pond inflates itself to become a big as a cow, but explodes. The envious frog and ox. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A setter creeps up on a game bird

A setter creeps up on a game bird while two hunters with nets approach. Setting dog and partridge. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageEducational Collection: A pack of foxes meeting in a forest

A pack of foxes meeting in a forest
A pack of foxes meeting at the roots of a large tree in a forest. A vixen feeds her cubs. Council of foxes. Possibly to illustrate Jean de la Fontaine's The Fox With His Tail Cut Off

Background imageEducational Collection: A hunted hare is betrayed by farmyard animals

A hunted hare is betrayed by farmyard animals
An exhausted hare chased by hounds is betrayed by farmyard animals. Horse, cow, and sheep refuse to help. Hare and many friends. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageEducational Collection: Old hag seated at the hearth in a hovel surrounded by cats

Old hag seated at the hearth in a hovel surrounded by cats and taken for a witch. The old woman and her cats. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageEducational Collection: A hunter whips a foxhound Ringwood for barking

A hunter whips a foxhound Ringwood for barking and yelping during the hunt. The hound and hunstman. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageEducational Collection: Jupiter's bird admonishing an assembly of animals

Jupiter's bird admonishing an assembly of animals
Jupiter's bird, the eagle, admonishing a lion, fox, greyhound and rooster. The eagle and assembly of animals. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageEducational Collection: A traveller in turban begs for his life from a lion

A traveller in turban begs for his life from a lion. The male lion stands on the carcass of a leopard. The lion, the tiger and the traveller. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageEducational Collection: An eagle presides over a court of birds in a tree

An eagle presides over a court of birds in a tree.A magpie, owl, vulture, and sparrow in attendance. Council of birds. The vulture, the sparrow and other birds

Background imageEducational Collection: A fox foolishly approaching a male lion in his den

A fox foolishly approaching a male lion in his den. Fox and the lion. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A traveller in turban plays dead while attacked by a bear

A traveller in turban plays dead while attacked by a bear. Another traveller hides in a tree. The bear the two travellers. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A raven tries to wash to be more like the white swans

A raven tries to wash to be more like the white swans
A raven tries to wash out its black colour to be more like the pure-white swans in a pond. Raven and swans. An illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A young lioness crushing a mouse under its paw

A young lioness crushing a mouse under its paw, unaware that the mouse was to be her husband. Fatal marriage. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A rooster finds a precious jewel in a barnyard but discards it

A rooster finds a precious jewel in a barnyard but discards it. Cock and jewel. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A stag with does and fawns. Stag and fawn

A stag with does and fawns. Stag and fawn. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: The wolf and the porcupine by Roger L'Estrange

The wolf and the porcupine by Roger L'Estrange
A wolf tries to trick a porcupine to remove its quills. Wolf and porcupine. Illustration of a fable by English pampheteer Roger L'Estrange

Background imageEducational Collection: A lion eating the carcass of a stag in a cave

A lion eating the carcass of a stag in a cave. A cunning fox had flatttered it into the lion's den. Stag in the lion's den. The lion, fox and stag

Background imageEducational Collection: A beaver biting off its own tail to escape from hunters

A beaver biting off its own tail to escape from hunters. Behind it, some natives with spears and hounds. Hunted beaver. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: Two spaniels barking at a bulldog with a bell on its collar

Two spaniels barking at a bulldog with a bell on its collar. Dog with a bell. The mischievous dog. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A jackdaw sings on the back of a ram

A jackdaw sings on the back of a ram. A shepherd and a boy run toward them, as other rams lie in the grass near a rock. Jackdaw and ram. Illustration of Aesop's fable the sheep and the crow

Background imageEducational Collection: A tailless monkey asks a fox for some of his tail. Ape and fox

A tailless monkey asks a fox for some of his tail. Ape and fox. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: Two bulls locking horns near a pond full of frogs

Two bulls locking horns near a pond full of frogs. Fighting bulls and frogs. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A tortoise overtakes a sleeping hare in a race

A tortoise overtakes a sleeping hare in a race. The hare and the tortoise. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A camel begging Jupiter for horns

A camel begging Jupiter for horns. The Greek god rides on an eagle. The camel and Jupiter. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: Three hounds attack a stag caught by its antlers

Three hounds attack a stag caught by its antlers. The stag entangled by his horns. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A porcupine's sharp quills drive out a nest of snakes from a cav

A porcupine's sharp quills drive out a nest of snakes from a cav
A porcupine agrees to share a cave with a nest of snakes, but its sharp quills drive them out. Porcupine and snakes. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: Two roosters fighting in a barn yard below an eagle

Two roosters fighting in a barn yard below an eagle
Two roosters fighting in a barn yard while an eagle hovers above. The eagle takes the winner. Cocks fighting and eagle. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A crane puts its head into a wolf's mouth

A crane puts its head into a wolf's mouth to remove a bone stuck in its throat. Wolf and crane. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A vixen and a lioness discuss the size of their broods

A vixen and a lioness discuss the size of their broods of cubs. Lioness and fox. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageEducational Collection: A fox hound berating a mastiff chained to a kennel

A fox hound berating a mastiff chained to a kennel
A mastiff chained to a kennel arguing with a hunting hound. The fox hound complains that the guard dog is fed with meat from the chase despite doing nothing. Mastiff and hound

Background imageEducational Collection: Wary mice above a cat pretending to sleep

Wary mice above a cat pretending to sleep in a barn. Cat and the mice. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

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