Ducking a Scold - or Duckynge a Scolde. Cartoon showing the medieval practice of ducking women to punish them for a nagging tongue. Date: 1913
Peasants ducking for apples in a barrel, 18th centuryPeasants ducking for apples in a barrel. A man pushes down the heads of two competitors. English school caricature, 18th century
The Ducking Stool, Fordwich, Kent Date: 1909
Old Ducking Stool, Fordwich, near Canterbury, Kent. circa 1923
Fordwich Church, Ducking Stool and Ancient Town Hall, KentChurch of St Mary the Virgin, Ducking Stool and Ancient Town Hall, at Fordwich, Kent. Date: circa 1940s
Ducking Stool, River Stour, Canterbury, Kent, England circa 2008
West End riots: mob in St James street, 1886A mob in St James Street, opposite the new university club
West End riots: ducking an unpopular speaker, 1886Ducking an unpopular speaker at an open air meeting of unemployed East End dock workers and artisans in Trafalgar Square
Hallowe en in New York - ducking for plums. Illustration shows Charles F
Ordeal by DuckingORDEAL BY DUCKING The suspect is bound and thrown into a river; if he drowns he is innocent, if he floats he is guilty
THE PRIVATEER DUKEDuke, the ship in which Captain Woodes Rogers made his global expedition, harassing Spanish shipping, and finding Alexander Selkirk on the isle of Juan Fernandez
Maypole (Casella)Country people dance round the maypole, the girls ducking in and out of the ring formed by the men