Doubting ThomasJesus appears, after his death, to Doubting Thomas and other disciples
Thomas the Apostle 2THOMAS DIDYMUS is famous for doubting the resurrection of Jesus; later he went as a missionary to Parthia and India, where he was pierced with lances near Madras
The unbelief of St. Thomas the Apostle. MuralThe unbelief of St. Thomas the Apostle. Thomas denies the Resurrection of Christ, as long as he is not able to see and touch the wounds suffered by Jesus on the Cross. Mural painting
Finding of the body of Saint Thomas in IndiaThe Portuguese in India find the body of Saint Thomas at Meliapur (near Madras) and take it to Goa
Caricature of the actors Edwin Booth and Henry IrvingCaricature of the American actor Edwin Booth (right) and the English actor Henry Irving (left). Booth wonders why Irving is being so civilised
Starting to Spit ?A lady takes a doubting look at the sky before she sets out on a visit with a basket of flowers