Alice: dormouse in TeapotThe Hatters Mad Tea Party The Hatter and the Hare put the Dormouse in the tea-pot
Alice / Hatter SingsThe Hatter sings
The Hatters Tea Party
The Mad Hatters Tea Party, Alice in Wonderland at theatreAlice in Wonderland, performed on stage in 1918 at the Savoy Theatre, and starring Estelle Dudley as Alice, Adrienne Puret as the March Hare
On Christmas Day in the country - some of the animals which might be found hibernating or over-wintering in the vicinity of farm buildings - a hidden population of winter sleepers
Fashionable women in cloche hats and fur coats, 1926Fashionable women in cloche hats, short bob haircuts and luxury fur coats. Jacket in baby lamb with tiger trim, jaquette 3/4 en breitschwanz 45
Alice in Wonderland, Mad Hatters Tea PartyAlice in Wonderland, Alice having tea with the Mad Hatter, the Dormouse and the March Hare. Date: early 20th century
Scene from Alice in WonderlandScene from the tea part in Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll) performed at the opera comique in 1898. Miss Rose Hersee as Alice and Mr
Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatters tea party starring Marie Studholme as Alice and Stanley Brett as the Mad Hatter at The Prince of Wales Theatre, West End, London. Date: 1907
Dormouse, Glis glis (Myoxus avellanarius). After an illustration by James Stewart
Red squirrel and Senegal dormouseEurasian red squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris, and Senegal dormouse, Graphiurus species. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Rene Primevere Lessons Complements de Buffon, Pourrat Freres, Paris, 1838
Common dormouse, Muscardinus avellanarius (Muscardin dormouse, Mus avellanarius)
Edible dormouse, Glis glis (Fat dormouse, Myoxus glis)
Old Maid card game - Doorman Dormouse. circa 1950s
Forest dormouse (Dryomys nitedula). deciduous forests of South Ural Mountains, nocturnal; South Russia, summer
Egyptian jerboa, Syrian jerboa, dormouse, tamarisk rat, lineated mouse, and economic mouse.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from Ebenezer Siblys Universal System of Natural History, 1794
Dormouse, Glis glis, and rat, Rattus norvegicus.. Handcolored copperplate stipple engraving from Frederic Cuviers Dictionary of Natural Science: Mammals, Paris, France, 1816. Illustration by J. G
Forest dormouse, adult, climbs out of its shelter (a tree-hollow) (Dryomys nitedula). in deciduous forests of South Ural Mountains, nocturnal; South Russia, summer
Forest dormouse, adult, (Dryomys nitedula). common in deciduous forests of South Ural Mountains, nocturnal; South Russia, summer
Deciduous forest in river Sakmara valley (a tributary of river Ural) in South Ural Mountains, just before the river enters the steppes (Dryomys nitedula )
de Havilland DH42 Dormouse J7005de Havilland DH42 Dormouse, J7005
Muscardinus avellanarius, common dormouseDetail from plate 136 Dormouse. Original watercolour drawing from The Naturalists Library, Mammalia, Vol. 3, 1833-1843, by Sir William Jardine (1800-1874)
Harold Hare
Dormouse / Stewart C1840The dormouse. Date: circa 1840
Alice Stage Prod. 1888Isa Bowman as Alice and Emmie Bowman as the Dormouse, in a stage production
Various types of rodent: Agouti, Hamster, Marmot, Squirrel, Fat Dormouse, Fieldmouse, House Mouse, Black Rat, Woodmouse, and Blind Mole Rat
DORMOUSE(muscardinus avellanarius) on the left is a suirrel- tailed dormouse, on the right a garden dormouse : they hibernate in wnter, dormant, hence their name
Bewick / Chipmunk(tamias striatus) Bewick calls this the dormouse or ground squirrel but it seems to be identical with the North American Eastern Chipmunk