Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. 14th C. Engraving by GustaDivine Comedy. Epic poem written by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) between 1308 and his death in 1321. Paradiso Canto III. Piccarda Donati and souls whose vows had been broken
Carlo DolciCARLO DOLCI (or Dolce) Italian artist from Florence, who did religious subjects, landscapes, and portraits like the one hes holding. Date: 1616 - 1686
St Cecilia / Payne / DolceSAINT CECILIA Roman saint and martyr, patron saint of musicians, playing a portative organ
Lodovico DolceLODOVICO DOLCE Italian writer Date: 1508 - 1568
Frank Hedges Butlers balloon Dolce Far Niente (45, 000cuft) ascending from Monmouth Gas Works on 16 April 1906 during an Easter House Party at the Hendre, Lord Llangattocks seat. Passengers were F
Auber Score / MuettePart of the score of Aubers opera La Muette de Portici