Queen Elizabeth II visit to Tewkesbury AbbeyQueen Elizabeth II at Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucestershire - distributing Royal Maundry Money. Date: 8th April 1971
Louis Wain Santa ClausA Louis Wain cat Santa Claus distributing toys from his sack to a group of eager kittens amidst a snowy winter scene Date: 1907
Dervish man distributing water in Constantinople, TurkeyDervish man distributing water in Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey. He drives a horse laden with waterskins as an act of Muslim charity
Schembart or maskbeard distributing nuts to children, 16th centuSchembart or maskbeard distributing nuts to good children. He carries a stick under his arm to chastise naughty kids. This ogre appeared at the Nuremberg Shrovetide Carnival
Teachers distributing milk to children, Woolwich, LondonTeachers distributing milk to children at a school in Woolwich, south east London, around the time free school milk was discontinued. The school was distributing milk in defiance of the change
Distributing the Pekin GazetteScenes in China. Distributing the Pekin Gazette. 1873
Lambeth Waterworks, supplying fresh water to parts of south London, photograph showing the pumping room. Date: 1900
DISTRIBUTING SOUP, PARIS 1709Distributing soup to the needy during the Paris food shortage caused by the freezing winter of 1709. Date: 1709
FOOD SHORTAGE PARIS 1709Distribution of bread during the food shortage in Paris during the coldest winter in Europe for 500 years. Date: 1709
COMMUNITY / CHARITYDistributing the Queens Bounty to selected deserving poor, on New Years Day Date: 1846
Titanic - Survivors on board the TitanicSurvivors of the Titanic on board the Carpathia, the ship that rescued people who had escaped in lifeboats. The top picture shows women passengers sewing for the survivors and distributing clothes
Richard Corfield distributing arms at Burao FortRichard Corfield, British colonial and leader of the mounted Camel Constabulary, distributing arms to friendlies in Burao Fort, Somalia just before the evacuation
Father Christmas distributing gifts - children rail stationFather Christmas distributing gifts - children on a railway station. Date: 1902
Plutei of Trajan. Relief. Rome. ItalyPlutei of Trajan. Stone balustrades built by emperor Trajan. 103 AD. Relief detail. Curia Julia. Roman Forum. Rome. Italy
Singapore poster, 1936Singapore, the gateway to Malaya and the distributing centre for the Orient. Address inquiries - The Chairman, Harbour Boards, Singapore. Poster design. Date: 1936
Macpherson Distributing Home, Knowlton, QuebecThe Distributing Home in Knowlton, Quebec, operated by childrens emigration promoter Miss Annie Macpherson to receive a distribute children she brought to Canada from England
The Lotus Club - London Supper Club - Singer performingThe supper room of the Lotus Club in London the club members and guests are enjoying a fine dinner while listening to a special guest singer (right)
Suffragette selling copies of The SuffragetteLondon Life - A Rotary Postcard photograph showing a suffragette selling copies of The Suffragette paper - October, 1912
Father Christmas distributing gifts to the town children. Date: 1902
Label design, Safe Hit Texas Vegetables. early 20th century
Society of Art / PughThe Society of Arts, founded in 1754, distributing its premiums Date: 1804
Macpherson Home, Stratford, OntarioThe distributing home at Stratford, Ontario, operated by emigration promoter Miss Annie Macpherson. A horse-drawn sledge stands in the snow. Date: early 1900s
Fegans Distributing Home, TorontoThe Distributing Home at George Street, Toronto, used to house new emigrants from James Fegans childrens homes in England
Distributing water, Golden Gate, JerusalemDistributing water at the Golden Gate, Jerusalem. Date: 1920s
Greek boy scouts supplying water to children, possibly in the wake of an earthquake
Scouts unloading supplies after earthquake, GreeceScouts unloading supplies soon after an earthquake in the Ionian area of Greece
Scouts distributing water in Zakynthos, GreeceScouts unloading and distributing water on the island of Zakynthos (Zante), Greece. Many earthquakes hit the island in August 1953, the worst one on 12 August destroying many buildings
Scouts distributing food in Zakynthos, GreeceScouts distributing food on the island of Zakynthos (Zante), Greece. Many earthquakes hit the island in August 1953, the worst one on 12 August destroying many buildings
Scouts distributing blankets in Zakynthos, GreeceScouts helping nurses with the distribution of blankets on the island of Zakynthos (Zante), Greece
Scouts landing food, Argostolion, Kefalonia, GreeceScouts landing food at Argostolion, Kefalonia, Greece. Four earthquakes hit the island in August 1953, destroying many buildings; the scouts helped with clearing up and humanitarian aid activities
Scouts distributing bread, Argostolion, Kefalonia, GreeceScouts distributing bread in Argostolion, Kefalonia, Greece
Distribution of cigarettes at the front, WW1A battery commander distributing the contents of a parcel of cigarettes amongst his men at the Front at Christmas time
Hot dinner for men in the trenches, WW1A ration party of the Kings Liverpool Regiment preparing to take to the trenches a hot dinner cooked in a travelling kitchen. Date: 1915
The General Strike - distributing the countrys foodVolunteers save the situation: Undergraduate Railway Workers. Illustration by ILN special artist, Steven Spurrier depicting the successful distribution of the countrys food during the General Strike
Japan - Silk Industry - Silkworms feeding on mulberry leaves Date: circa 1909
Drunk writer refuses tract from a benevolent lady - IronyDrunk refuses temperance tract from a benevolent lady, unaware that her sizzled target was actually the author of the aforementioned words of wisdom - wonderfully ironic cartoon by Phil May
Ukbekistan - Mail Carrier distributing newspapersUkbekistan (former Soviet Central Asia) - A horseback Mail Carrier distributing newspapers in the native language. Date: 1933
Distributing fertilizers. Drawing shows a person with a shoulder pole carrying two buckets of fertilizer between rows of seedling plants. Date 1878 Oct
View of the Distributing Reservoir, New York. On Murrays Hill, - City of New York. Date: 1842
Distributing ship cargo of standard buggies coast of Australia
Robert Edwin Peary, full-length portrait, standing on deck of ship or dock, facing left, distributing gifts to Eskimos, Greenland. Date between 1886 and 1909
Sir William Treloar distributing Christmas giftsSir William Purdie Treloar (1843-1923) distributing Christmas gifts to the poor
Red Army distributing Moscow newspapers after invasion of PoRussian soldiers engaged in feeding the liberated Polish population with a plentiful supply of Bolshevik propaganda. The soldiers here are distributing Moscow newspapers to peasants near Vilna
Austrian prisoners given soap by their Italian captors - World War One. Date: circa 1915
Picture No. 10295686Vehicles from the Fatherlands Front (Patriotic Front) distributing flyers in Vienna
Belgian refugee transport WWIIBelgian refugees entering the bus that is to take them to the distributing centre during World War II in London
Refugee distributing centre WWIIBanner stretches across the platform in the distributing centre to welcome Dutch and Belgian refugees to England during World War II
Refugee waiting room WWIIOfficials of the Fulham Borough Council in London take down particulars from refugees in the waiting room of the distributing centre. Note pile of gasmasks in the foreground
Fulham distributing centre WWIIRefugees arriving at the distributing centre organised by the Fulham Borough Council in London during World War II
Refugee distribution centre WWIIAn official interpreter at the distributing centre helps Belgian refugees fill our food ration cards during World War II
Filling in Food ration card WWIIJenny de Graaf, a Belgian refugee arriving in London, fills out a form for a food ration card at the Fulham distributing centre during World War II
Mission to Seamen Chaplain distributing Papers, 1906Photograph showing a Mission to Seamen Chaplain distributing papers and magazines to a merchant ship crew, on their vessel, 1906
Immigrants arriving at Winnipeg, Canada, 1909Photograph of crowds of immigrants arriving at the train station in Winnipeg, Canada, 1909. Winnipeg was at that time the chief distributing centre for Western Canada
Distributing money to the French prisoners of war at PortsmoA scene during the celebrations of George IIIs Diamond Jubilee in 1810 showing threepence being distributed by Burridge
The Cock of the Walk, distributing his favours
Artificial ManuringDistributing artifical manure on a Norfolk farm, England
Distributing the TimesPublishing the Times newspaper. The papers are loaded on to express carts for distribution from the publishing office