Social / Norway PostmanNeither snow, ice, hail nor trolls can discourage the Norwegian postman as he skis o er fjell and fjord
Cortes Sinks ShipsIn order to discourage any faint-hearted Spanish from deserting the Conquest, Cortes sinks his fleet
GUILLOTINE AT ORANGEIn many provinces, distant from Paris, the Revolution is opposed. Here at Orange a guillotine is erected to discourage the recalcitrant. Date: circa 1791
Norwegian PostmanNeither snow, ice, hail nor trolls discourage the Norwegian postman as he skis oer fjell and fjord Date: circa 1900
Medieval PorterThe porter or warder, gate keeper of a castle, with his mastiff and his mighty club to discourage unwelcome visitors, his horn to sound a warning, and of course his keys. Date: 1480
China / Seaou-Koo-ShanA remarkable island (the name means Little Orphan Hill) in the Yangtse-Kiang river : it is surmounted by a temple although its situation must discourage worshippers
Prester JohnPRESTER JOHN legendary ruler of Ethiopia, to whom the Egyptians pay tribute to discourage him from damming the Nile which would destroy their economy
Lack of funds need not discourage from seeking competent medical care consult your health bureau. Poster promoting better health care. Date between 1936 and 1939
Intemperance / W H RobinsonBarbed wire surrounding a public house - a sure way to discourage intemperance. Please note: Credit must appear as (c) Courtesy of the estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/Mary Evans Picture
Royalist PortraitsTo discourage legitimism, portraits of the comte de Chambord, who claims the throne, and his countess, are seized in the atelier of artist Perignon, Paris
Junk Shop ExteriorExterior of a junk shop; junk is piled high in a yard with a guard dog to discourage thieves
Living Shield, BelgiumTo discourage the enemy from shooting at them as they invade Belgium, the Germans round up local civilians and force them to go ahead of them as a living shield
Nuns Tied to BridgeTo discourage the French from blowing up a Belgian bridge ahead of the advancing invaders, the Germans have the bright idea of tying a group of nuns to it