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Diptera Collection

Background imageDiptera Collection: Mosquito in Dominican amber

Mosquito in Dominican amber
A mosquito in trapped and preserved in Dominican amber. Lower Miocene about 20 million years old. Image from Amber The Natural Time Capsule. Figure 90

Background imageDiptera Collection: H. W. Bates illustrated notebooks

H. W. Bates illustrated notebooks
Plate 7 from a notebook of Henry W. Bates (1825-92) relating to the insect fauna of the Amazon Valley or DRW, 1851-1854

Background imageDiptera Collection: Simulium damnosum, Simulian blackfly

Simulium damnosum, Simulian blackfly
Scanning electron microscope image of the head showing the compound eye (x 130). The fly is a vector of a parasite which causes River Blindness. Coloured artifically by computer

Background imageDiptera Collection: Sandfly

Sandflies belong to the family Phlebotominae and are responsible of spreading sandfly fever

Background imageDiptera Collection: Blackfly antenna

Blackfly antenna
Scanning electron microscope image of a blackfly antenna (x 350). These long sensory organs feel and taste objects as well as sensing vibrations and smells (x 1.1K)

Background imageDiptera Collection: Anopheles gambiae, mosquito

Anopheles gambiae, mosquito
Scanning electron microscope image showing a close-up of the compound eye of a female mosquito (x 2200 on a standard 9 cm wide print)

Background imageDiptera Collection: Gall midge in Baltic amber

Gall midge in Baltic amber
A gall midge is a fragile mosquito-like fly which produces galls on plants, seen here preserved in Baltic amber. Specimen dates from the Upper Eocene

Background imageDiptera Collection: Bluebottle maggots

Bluebottle maggots
Numerous bluebottle fly maggots or larvae feeding on carrion

Background imageDiptera Collection: Pale giant horsefly, deerfly and other flies

Pale giant horsefly, deerfly and other flies
Pale giant horsefly, Tabanus bovinus 1, Hybomitra tropica 2, Atylotus fulvus 3, large marsh horsefly, Tabanus autumnalis 4, splayed deerfly, Chrysops caecutiens 5, 6, 7, and common horse fly

Background imageDiptera Collection: Species of tachinid flies

Species of tachinid flies
Giant tachinid fly, Tachina grossa 1, parasitoid fly, Gymnosoma rotundatum 2, 6, Linnaemya vulpina 3, Tachina fera 4, face fly, Musca autumnalis 5, cheese skipper, Piophila casei 7

Background imageDiptera Collection: Phoenix, brown China mark and other moths

Phoenix, brown China mark and other moths
Clouded carpet or phoenix, Eulithis prunata 1, brown China-mark, Elophila nymphaeata 2, grey waved 3, short-cloak carpet, Euphyia biangulata 4, chocolate bar 5, unnamed 6, 7, and small emerald

Background imageDiptera Collection: Mayfly magnified, with various moths

Mayfly magnified, with various moths
Mayfly magnified through microscope 1, fanfooted or fan-foot moth, Herminia tarsipennalis 2, mayfly 3, scarce burnished brass, Diachrysia chryson 4, green carpet, Colostygia pectinataria 5

Background imageDiptera Collection: Species of bees

Species of bees
Red mason bee, Osmia bicornis 11, large scissor bee, Chelostoma florisomne 12, large carder-bee, Bombus muscorum 14, orange-vented mason bee, Osmia leaiana 15, 16, and other bees

Background imageDiptera Collection: Animals and insects before a statue of Ephesian Artemis

Animals and insects before a statue of Ephesian Artemis
Animals, amphibia and insects in a woodland clearing before a statue of the many-breasted Ephesian Artemis. With frog, beetle, lizard, snail, dragonfly, moth, crocodile, and others

Background imageDiptera Collection: Species of bees

Species of bees
Patchwork leafcutter bee, Megachile centuncularis 2, European wool carder bee Anthidium manicatum 3, red mason bee, Osmia bicornis 4, 7, long-horned bee, Eucera longicornis 5, pantaloon bee

Background imageDiptera Collection: Blue-bordered carpet, frosted yellow, other moths

Blue-bordered carpet, frosted yellow, other moths
Blue-bordered carpet, Plemyria rubiginata 1, 6 (as Clifden beauty), broad-bordered yellow underwing, Noctua fimbriata 2, different from Phalaena interrogationis (scarce silver Y)

Background imageDiptera Collection: Chaser and darter dragonflies

Chaser and darter dragonflies
Four-spotted chaser, Libullela quadrimaculata 1, scarce chaser, Libellula fulva 2, vagrant darter, Sympetrum vulgatum 3, and yellow-winged darter, Sympetrum flaveolum 4. All male dragonflies

Background imageDiptera Collection: Species of humble-bees, bumblebees and mining bees

Species of humble-bees, bumblebees and mining bees
Species of bees. Early humble-bee, Bombus pratorum 9, 10, large red-tailed humble-bee, Bombus lapidarius 12, 15, carder bee, Bombus pascuorum 13, buff-tailed bumblebee, Bombus terrestris subsp

Background imageDiptera Collection: Ghost moth, beautiful yellow underwing, etc

Ghost moth, beautiful yellow underwing, etc
Ghost moth or ghost swift, Hepialus humuli, female c, male d, larva b and pupa a, beautiful yellow underwing, Anarta myrtilli e, gold swift, Phymatopus hecta f, unnamed moth species g

Background imageDiptera Collection: Twenty-plume moth and other moths

Twenty-plume moth and other moths
Twenty-plume moth, Alucita hexadactyla 1, spear moth, la lance phalene 2-5, the olive moth 6, hornet clearwing, Sesia apiformis 7, and broad-bordered bee hawk-moth, Hemaris fuciformis 8

Background imageDiptera Collection: European honey bee, sea aster bee, nomad bee, etc

European honey bee, sea aster bee, nomad bee, etc
European honey bee, Apis mellifera m 9, f 10, A

Background imageDiptera Collection: Species of bumble-bees and carder bees

Species of bumble-bees and carder bees
Buff-tailed bumblebee, Bombus terrestris 1, red-tailed bumblebee, Bombus lapidarius 2, garden bumblebee, Bombus hortorum 3, early humble-bee, Bombus pratorum 4, red mason bee, Osmia bicornis 5

Background imageDiptera Collection: Species of wasps and hornets

Species of wasps and hornets

Background imageDiptera Collection: Snipefly, black snipefly, small fleck-winged snipefly, etc

Snipefly, black snipefly, small fleck-winged snipefly, etc
Snipefly, Rhagio scolopacea 1, 2, 5, Rhagio tringaria 3, 4, black snipefly, Chrysopilus cristatus 6, 10, Rhagio derelictus 7, Rhagio caelebs 8, small fleck-winged snipefly, Rhagio lineola 9

Background imageDiptera Collection: Banded and beautiful demoiselles

Banded and beautiful demoiselles
Banded demoiselle, Calopteryx splendens male 1, female 3, beautiful demoiselle, Calopteryx virgo var. anceps male 2, female 4, C. virgo or splendens female 5, nymph 6

Background imageDiptera Collection: Vine hawk-moth, dagger wasps and horntails

Vine hawk-moth, dagger wasps and horntails
Vine hawk-moth or silver-striped hawk-moth, Hippotion celerio, digger wasps, Sphex species, and horntails or wood wasps, Sirex species. Lepidoptera

Background imageDiptera Collection: Large red, common blue and azure damselflies

Large red, common blue and azure damselflies
Large red damselfly, Pyrrhosoma nymphula, male 1, female 2, common blue damselfly, Enallagma cyathigerum, male 3, female 4, and azure damselfly, Coenagrion puella, male 5, female 6

Background imageDiptera Collection: Clouded straw, wood leopard, scallop shell moth, etc

Clouded straw, wood leopard, scallop shell moth, etc
Clouded straw moth, female, 1, 2, wood leopard, Zeuzera pyrina 3, 4, scallop shell, Hydria undulata, 5, 6, and twenty-plume moth, Alucita hexadactyla 7

Background imageDiptera Collection: Migrant hawker, downy emerald and hairy dragonflies

Migrant hawker, downy emerald and hairy dragonflies
Migrant hawker, Aeshna mixta 1, downy emerald, Cordulia aenea 2, hairy dragonfly, Brachytron pratense, female 3. As Libellula coluberculus, Libellula aenea, Libellula aspis

Background imageDiptera Collection: Species of parasitic and shield bugs

Species of parasitic and shield bugs

Background imageDiptera Collection: Golden-ringed and blue hawker dragonflies

Golden-ringed and blue hawker dragonflies
Golden-ringed dragonfly, Cordulegaster boltonii, female 3, and southern hawker or blue hawker dragonfly, Aeshna cyanea, male 4. Libellula forcipata, Libellula anguis

Background imageDiptera Collection: Species of cuckoo wasp

Species of cuckoo wasp
Cuckoo wasp, Sphex ignita 1, shimmering ruby tail, Chrysis fulgida 2, Chrysura radians 3, C. veridans 4, C. hephaestites 5, Order I. Chrysis curax, Order II, Chrysis politus, Order III. Hymenoptera

Background imageDiptera Collection: Rose, cabbage, mallow and pea aphids

Rose, cabbage, mallow and pea aphids
Rose aphids, Aphis rosa-suaveolens, 1-3, cabbage aphids, Brevicoryne brassicae 4-6, mallow aphids, Aphis althaea 7-9, and pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum 10-12

Background imageDiptera Collection: Southern hawker or blue hawker dragonfly, Aeshna cyanea

Southern hawker or blue hawker dragonfly, Aeshna cyanea. Male 1, female 2, eggs 3. Large green. Libellulae wings expanded

Background imageDiptera Collection: Cranefly species

Cranefly species, Tupila maxima 1, Limonia stigma 2, Ctenophora pectinicornis 3, Tipula vernalis 4, and winter crane fly or tell-tale, Trichocera (Trichocera) saltator 5. Diptera. Tipulidae

Background imageDiptera Collection: Brown hawker or large brown dragonfly, Aeshna grandis

Brown hawker or large brown dragonfly, Aeshna grandis. Male 1, female 2, nymph 3, and face 4

Background imageDiptera Collection: Large emerald, bee hawk-moth and other moths

Large emerald, bee hawk-moth and other moths
Large emerald, Geometra papilionaria 1, broad-bordered bee hawk-moth, Hemaris fuciformis 2, peach blossom, Thyatira batis 3, oak beauty, Biston strataria 4, dark prominent, Notodonta torva 5

Background imageDiptera Collection: The old lady and herald moths

The old lady and herald moths
The old lady or black underwing moth, Mormo maura, male a and female b, the herald moth, Scoliopteryx libatrix, d and e, larva on leaf c and pupa f

Background imageDiptera Collection: Calliphora, bluebottle

Calliphora, bluebottle
A bluebottle laying eggs on carrion

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 768

Curtis British Entomology Plate 768
Diptera: Hydrotaea ciliata = Hydrotaea diabolus [Plant: Anagallis minima (Chaffweed)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 765

Curtis British Entomology Plate 765
Diptera: Simulium trifasciatum Curtis [Plant: Limosella aquatica (Mudwort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 761

Curtis British Entomology Plate 761
Diptera: Lonchoptera flavicauda = Lonchoptera lutea [Plant: Cucubalus baccifer (Berry Catchfly)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 749

Curtis British Entomology Plate 749
Diptera: Eumerus litoralis Curtis = Eumerus sabulonum [Plant: Phleum pratense (Timothy)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 757

Curtis British Entomology Plate 757
Diptera: Pipunculus pratorum = Pipunculus thomsoni [Plant: Asperugo procumbens (Madwort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 753

Curtis British Entomology Plate 753
Diptera: Syrphus lucorum [Plant: Marrubium vulgare (White Horehound)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 745

Curtis British Entomology Plate 745
Diptera: Psychoda sexpunctata = Tinearia alternata [Plant: Herniaria glabra (Smooth Rupturewort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 737

Curtis British Entomology Plate 737
Diptera: Baccha elongata [Plant: Agrostis tenuis (Common Bent-grass)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 729

Curtis British Entomology Plate 729
Diptera: Nemotelus nigrinus [Plant: Coriandrum sativum (Coriander)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 725

Curtis British Entomology Plate 725
Diptera: Platycephala planifrons [Plant: Blysmus compressus (Flat-sedge)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 721

Curtis British Entomology Plate 721
Diptera: Heteroneura albimana = Anthomyza albimana [Plant: Phalaris arundinacea (Reed Canary Grass)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 713

Curtis British Entomology Plate 713
Diptera: Leptis diadema, probably = Chrysopilus asiliformis [Plant: Hornungia petraea (Hutchinsia)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 705

Curtis British Entomology Plate 705
Diptera: Rhagio heyshami Curtis = Rhagio notatus [Plant: Sisymbrium officinale (Hedge Mustard)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 697

Curtis British Entomology Plate 697
Diptera: Phasia speciosa Curtis = Phasia obesa [Plant: Allium scorodoprasum (Sand Leek)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 689

Curtis British Entomology Plate 689
Diptera: Trigonometopus frontalis [Plant: Deschampsia caespitosa (Wavy Hair-grass)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 677

Curtis British Entomology Plate 677
Diptera: Myopa fulvipes = Thecophora fulvipes [Plant: Lepidium campestre (Field Pepperwort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 669

Curtis British Entomology Plate 669
Diptera: Pipiza biguttata Curtis = Trichopsomyia flavitarsis [Plant: Aegopodium podagraria (Ground-elder)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 665

Curtis British Entomology Plate 665
Diptera: Stomoxys siberita = Prosena siberita Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 661

Curtis British Entomology Plate 661
Diptera: Hybos pilipes = Hybos grossipes [Plant: Sesleria caerulea (Blue Moor-grass)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 653

Curtis British Entomology Plate 653
Diptera: Chrysotoxum octomaculatum Curtis [Plant: Persicaria vivipara (Polygonum viviparum, Alpine Bistort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 649

Curtis British Entomology Plate 649
Diptera: Ortalis guttata = Otites guttatus [Plant: Cirsium heterophyllum (Melancholy Thistle)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 645

Curtis British Entomology Plate 645
Diptera: Leia pulchella = Allocotocera pulchella (Curtis) [Plant: Antennaria dioica (Cat?s-foot)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 637

Curtis British Entomology Plate 637
Diptera: Macrocera stigma Curtis [Plant: Sedum rosea (Roseroot)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 641

Curtis British Entomology Plate 641
Diptera: Sciophila sylvatica = Tetragoneura sylvatica (Curtis) [Plant: Pseudorchis albida (Small-white Orchis)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 629

Curtis British Entomology Plate 629
Diptera: Ocyptera brassicaria = Cylindromyia brassicaria [Plant: Corrigiola littoralis (Strapwort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 621

Curtis British Entomology Plate 621
Diptera: Lucina fasciata = Salticella fasciata [Plant: Stellaria nemorum (Wood Stitchwort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 613

Curtis British Entomology Plate 613
Diptera: Bombylius major [Plant: Salix repens (Creeping Willow)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 609

Curtis British Entomology Plate 609
Diptera: Scenopinus rugosus = Scenopinus niger [Plant: Crocus maesiacus ] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 605

Curtis British Entomology Plate 605
Diptera: Sapromyza litura = Peplomyza litura [Plant: Viola tricolor var. ] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 593

Curtis British Entomology Plate 593
Diptera: Paragus sigillatus Curtis = Paragus haemorrhous [Plant: Sonchus arvensis (Perennial Sow-thistle)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 589

Curtis British Entomology Plate 589
Diptera: Peronecera fuscipennis = Hexatoma fuscipennis (Curtis) [Plant: Euphorbia helioscopia (Sun Spurge)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 581

Curtis British Entomology Plate 581
Diptera: Messala saundersii = Bolitophila saundersii Curtis [Plant: Thymus serpyllum (Breckland Thyme)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 585

Curtis British Entomology Plate 585
Diptera: Ornithomyia fringillina = Ornithomya fringillina Curtis [Plant: Angelica sylvestris (Wild Angelica)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 573

Curtis British Entomology Plate 573
Diptera: Geranomyia unicolor (Long-lipped Crane-fly) [Plant: Saxifraga umbrosa (London Pride)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 568

Curtis British Entomology Plate 568
Diptera: Rhaphium macrocerum = Rhaphium monotrichum (Long-horned Rhaphium) [Plant: Veronica verna (Vernal Speedwell)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 557

Curtis British Entomology Plate 557
Diptera: Erioptera crassipes = Molophilus obscurus (Short-legged Crane-fly) [Plant: Hedera helix (Common Ivy)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 549

Curtis British Entomology Plate 549
Diptera: Musca chloris = Neomyia chloris (Green-cheeked Fly) [Plant: Silaum silaus (Peucedanum silaus, Meadow Sulphur-wort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 545

Curtis British Entomology Plate 545
Diptera: Helomyza rufa = Suilla rufa (Red-thoraxed Helomyza) [Plant: Hypericum androsaemum (Tutsan)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 541

Curtis British Entomology Plate 541
Diptera: Porphyrops wilsoni = Raphium melegantulum (Bute Porphyrops) [Plant: Apium inundatum (Hydrocotyle inundata, Floating White-rot)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 537

Curtis British Entomology Plate 537
Diptera: Culex guttatus = Aedes guttatus (White-spotted Mosquito) [Plant: Ajuga chamaepitys (Ground Pine)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 533

Curtis British Entomology Plate 533
Diptera: Gonia ruficeps = Gonia picea (Red-headed Gonia) [Plant: Carex pseudocyperus (Carex pseudo-cyperus, Bastard Cyperus Carex)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 529

Curtis British Entomology Plate 529
Diptera: Miltogramma punctata (Colletes? Attendant, or Bees?-nest Fly) [Plant: Coincya (Rhynchosinapis) monensis (Brassica monensis, Arran Cabbage)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 525

Curtis British Entomology Plate 525
Diptera: Haematopota italica = Haematopoa grandis? (Mersey Island Clegg) [Plant: Juncus gerardii (Juncus coenosus)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 521

Curtis British Entomology Plate 521
Diptera: Phthiria pulicaria (Sea-shore Bee-fly) [Plant: Calystegia soldanella (Convolvulus soldanella, Sea Bindweed)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageDiptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 513

Curtis British Entomology Plate 513
Diptera: Heleodromia bistigma (Stigma-spotted Heleodromia) [Plant: Tulipa sylvestris (Wild Tulip)] Date: 1824-39

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