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Dionysus Collection

Background imageDionysus Collection: Bacchus / Dionysus / Wine

Bacchus / Dionysus / Wine
Honouring Bacchus

Background imageDionysus Collection: PRAXITELES (flourished 370, -330 BC). Hermes

PRAXITELES (flourished 370, -330 BC). Hermes bearing the infant Dionysus. ca. 330 BC. Hermes carrying the child Dionysus to the nymphs who were charged with his rearing. Classical Greek art

Background imageDionysus Collection: LEONARDO DA VINCI, school of (first half 16th)

LEONARDO DA VINCI, school of (first half 16th)
" LEONARDO DA VINCI, school of (first half 16th). Bacchus. 1513 - 1516. Painted after Leonardos original " St John the Baptist Dionysus". Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas

Background imageDionysus Collection: Mosaic from the workshop of ANNIUS PONUS or BONUS

Mosaic from the workshop of ANNIUS PONUS or BONUS

Background imageDionysus Collection: Celebrating Bacchus

Celebrating Bacchus
Country folk celebrate a festival in honour of the God of wine: Bacchus. (Greek: Dionysus)

Background imageDionysus Collection: Head of Dionysus. 1st and 2nd centuries AD. From

Head of Dionysus. 1st and 2nd centuries AD. From
Dionysus (Bacchus). God of wine. Head of Dionysus. 1st and 2nd centuries AD. From Mertola, Beja district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageDionysus Collection: Bust of Dionysus. 2nd century AD. Found in

Bust of Dionysus. 2nd century AD. Found in
Dionysus (Bacchus). God of wine. Bust of Dionysus. 2nd century AD. Found in the Roman Villa of Milreu. Faro, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageDionysus Collection: The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel

The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th centuries AD. Detail. From Torre de Palma Lusitan-Roman villa, Monforte, Portalegre district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum

Background imageDionysus Collection: The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel

The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th centuries AD. Detail. From Torre de Palma Lusitan-Roman villa, Monforte, Portalegre district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum

Background imageDionysus Collection: The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel

The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th centuries AD. Detail. From Torre de Palma Lusitan-Roman villa, Monforte, Portalegre district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum

Background imageDionysus Collection: The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel

The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th centuries AD. Detail. From Torre de Palma Lusitan-Roman villa, Monforte, Portalegre district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum

Background imageDionysus Collection: Bacchus, Roman god of wine and drunkenness

Bacchus, Roman god of wine and drunkenness. Crowned with vine leaves, he sits on a chariot drawn by lions, while satyrs and nymphs drink and dance in a bacchanalia

Background imageDionysus Collection: Bacchus Bifrons, with two heads facing in opposite directions

Bacchus Bifrons, with two heads facing in opposite directions, wearing vine leaves and grapes. Roman god of fertility, celebration, ritual, wine and intoxication. Dionysus in Greek mythology

Background imageDionysus Collection: Bacchus, Roman god of grape-harvest, wine and ritual madness

Bacchus, Roman god of grape-harvest, wine and ritual madness
Bacchus, Roman god of the grape-harvest, winemaking and wine, of fertility, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, festivity and theatre. In wreath of vine leaves. Greek god Dionysus

Background imageDionysus Collection: A nurse holding the Roman god of wine Bacchus

A nurse holding the Roman god of wine Bacchus. According to legend, he was raised by Muses or Nymphs in Nysa, India

Background imageDionysus Collection: Acratus, a winged Bacchus with myrtle, ivy and rosebud crown

Acratus, a winged Bacchus with myrtle, ivy and rosebud crown
Acratus or Acratopotes, a winged Bacchus with myrtle, ivy and rosebud crown. Genius of pure wine and companion of Bacchus or Dionysus. From a purple amethyst gem

Background imageDionysus Collection: Heads of Mark Antony and Cleopatra

Heads of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. Marcus Antonius, Roman politician, consul and general, 83-30 BC, wearing a crown of ivy leaves and berries sacred to Bacchus

Background imageDionysus Collection: One of the Bacchantes or Bacchae

One of the Bacchantes or Bacchae. The mother of Dionysus Semele and her sisters Autonoe, Agave and Ino. Or a follower of Bacchus, Roman god of wine and grapes, wearing ivy leaves in her long hair

Background imageDionysus Collection: One of the Bacchantes or Bacchae

One of the Bacchantes or Bacchae. The mother of Dionysus Semele and her sisters Autonoe, Agave and Ino

Background imageDionysus Collection: Head of Roman god Bacchus with horns

Head of Roman god Bacchus with horns
Head of Roman god of wine and grapes, Bacchus, with horns, as described by historian Diodorus Siculus. A plump youth with horns on his forehead and ivy leaves and berries in his hair

Background imageDionysus Collection: Two-faced bust of Bacchus, Roman god of wine and grapes

Two-faced bust of Bacchus, Roman god of wine and grapes. With bearded face and shaven face, wearing vine leaves and grapes in his hair. From a marble sculpture. Bacco Biforme

Background imageDionysus Collection: Head of Bacchus, Roman god of wine and grapes

Head of Bacchus, Roman god of wine and grapes
Head of Bacchus, called Dionysus by the Greeks. Roman god of wine and grapes, depicted as a youth with crown of ivy leaves and berries. From a bronze medal. Bacco detto da Greci Dionisio

Background imageDionysus Collection: Marble statue of Silenus cradling the infant Dionysus, Louvre

Marble statue of Silenus cradling the infant Dionysus, Louvre
Marble statue of Silenus cradling the infant Dionysus. Roman copy of a bronze original by Lysippos. Borghese Collection, now in the Louvre. Fauni statua vetus marmorea

Background imageDionysus Collection: Statue of the Greek god Dionysus as an old man

Statue of the Greek god Dionysus as an old man
Statue of Dionysus Sardanapalus, Neo-Attic statue of the Greek god Dionysus as an old man with ivy wreath and long beard. Roman copy of a Greek orirginal from the 4th century BC, now in the Vatican

Background imageDionysus Collection: Statue of a drunken Faun or Satyr holding grapes

Statue of a drunken Faun or Satyr holding grapes, wearing a nebris (faun skin), holding a pedum. Fauno rosso, Hadrianic copy in red marble of a Greek original from Hadrian's Villa

Background imageDionysus Collection: Bust of a Bacchante wearing a Nebris fawn skin

Bust of a Bacchante wearing a Nebris fawn skin
Bust of a Bacchante wearing a Nebris or fawn skin tied over one shoulder. In chacedony sapphire. Bachante. In calcidonio zaffirino

Background imageDionysus Collection: Mask of Bacchus, Roman god of wine

Mask of Bacchus, Roman god of wine, for a woman's use in a Bacchanalia. With wreath of vine leaved and grapes, hair gathered in ringlets. Bacho. In cameo

Background imageDionysus Collection: Sacrifice to a statue of Priapus Bacchus in cameo

Sacrifice to a statue of Priapus Bacchus in cameo
Sacrifice to a statue of Priapus Bacchus with a thyrsus on his shoulder in cameo. A woman and boy bring votive offerings of clay apples and phalli in a basket

Background imageDionysus Collection: Bust of Silenus, companion to the wine god Dionysus

Bust of Silenus, companion to the wine god Dionysus
Bust of Silenus, companion and tutor to the wine god Dionysus in Greek mythology. In carnelian. Sileno. In corniola

Background imageDionysus Collection: Sileno. In corniola

Sileno. In corniola
Figure of bearded satyr Silenus, companion to the Greek god of wine Dionysus, with faun, bunch of grapes and ribbons in the boder.. In carnelian. Sileno. In corniola

Background imageDionysus Collection: Bust of Bacchus. Sculpture by Jan van Logteren (1709-1745)

Bust of Bacchus. Sculpture by Jan van Logteren (1709-1745)
Jan van Logteren (1709-1745). Netherlandish artist. Bust of Bacchus. Amsterdam, 18th century. White marble. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugalon, Portugal

Background imageDionysus Collection: Opium poppy varieties, Papaver somniferum

Opium poppy varieties, Papaver somniferum, and Anemone mexicana

Background imageDionysus Collection: Athens, Greece - Relief sculptures - Theatre of Dionysus

Athens, Greece - Relief sculptures - Theatre of Dionysus

Background imageDionysus Collection: Theatre of Dionysus, Athens, Greece, early 1900s

Theatre of Dionysus, Athens, Greece, early 1900s

Background imageDionysus Collection: Hermes and the Infant Dionysus (detail)

Hermes and the Infant Dionysus (detail)
Close-up facial detail of Hermes and the Infant Dionysus

Background imageDionysus Collection: Two photographs of Ruth St Denis and Ted Shawn, 1930

Two photographs of Ruth St Denis and Ted Shawn, 1930
Two photographs of Ruth St Denis (In her Lamp dance) and Ted Shawn (in a scene for Orpheus Dionysus at the Munich Dance Congress), 1930 Date: 1930

Background imageDionysus Collection: Tulip varieties, Tulipa gesneriana

Tulip varieties, Tulipa gesneriana. Tulipa odorata flore luteo gemino, Tulipa explicata florum candidorum linearum rubearian, Tulipa ex luteo rubro et viridi variegata. Date: 1736

Background imageDionysus Collection: Gromwell varieties, Lithospermum species

Gromwell varieties, Lithospermum species. Lithospermum flore caeruleo, Lithospermum seu Milium solis grenil, Lithospermum arvense radice alba, Lithospermum linariae folio sue Lingua passerina

Background imageDionysus Collection: Tufted titmouse, northern mockingbird and ovenbird

Tufted titmouse, northern mockingbird and ovenbird
Tufted titmouse, Baeolophus bicolor, northern mockingbird, Mimus polyglottos and ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapilla. Tufted titmouse 1, mocking-bird 2 and oven-bird 3

Background imageDionysus Collection: BACCHUS / VINES / VIRGIL

Tending the vines, while Bacchus presides over the activities. Date: First published: 29 BC

Background imageDionysus Collection: Dionysus Bevilacqua. Roman sculpture after Greek originals o

Dionysus Bevilacqua. Roman sculpture after Greek originals of the 4th century BC, previously in the Bevilacqua Collection (Verona). Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageDionysus Collection: Dionysus fighting with the Indians. Mosaic. Palazzo Massimo

Dionysus fighting with the Indians. Mosaic. Palazzo Massimo
Pavement mosaic depicting Dionysus fighting with the Indians. 4th century. From Villa Rufinella. Roman National Museum. Palazzo Massimo. Rome. Italy

Background imageDionysus Collection: Roman Art. Statue of Dionysos leaning on a female figure ( H

Roman Art. Statue of Dionysos leaning on a female figure ( Hope Dionysos ). Marble. Augustan or Julio-Claudian period. 27 B.C.-68 A.C. Roman copy of Greek original

Background imageDionysus Collection: Dionysus. Bust. 2nd century AD. Marble

Dionysus. Bust. 2nd century AD. Marble
Greek mythology. Dionysus. God of wine. Roman statue. 2nd century AD. Marble. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Copenhagen, Denmark

Background imageDionysus Collection: Bacchus with satyr and panther. Marble

Bacchus with satyr and panther. Marble
Bacchus (Roman) also known as Dionysus (Greek). God of the grape harvest in classical mythology. Statue of Bacchus with satyr and panther. From roman Villa of Pozzuoli, near Naples, Italy

Background imageDionysus Collection: Codex Lebuinus. 825-850. Binding

Codex Lebuinus. 825-850. Binding
Codex Lebuinus. Northern France, 825-850. Detail of binding, Cologne, 11th-12th centuries. Decorated in silver, ivory and precious stones. The central figure depicts Bacchus

Background imageDionysus Collection: Roman sarcophagus. About 140 AD. Marriage of Dionysus and Ad

Roman sarcophagus. About 140 AD. Marriage of Dionysus and Adriadne. Detail Adriane in the carriage. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageDionysus Collection: Pergamon Altar. Telephos Frieze. Detail

Pergamon Altar. Telephos Frieze. Detail
Pergamon Altar. 164-156 BC. Telephos Frieze. Detail. Cults at the Sanctuary of Dionysus. Pergamon Museum. Berlin. Germany

Background imageDionysus Collection: Base with maenads dancing

Base with maenads dancing
Base with dancing maenads. Pentelic white marble. Modified roman copy after a original greek of 5th century BC. Sciarra Collection. Roman National Museum. Palazzo Massimo. Rome. Italy

Background imageDionysus Collection: Dyonisus. Roman mosaic

Dyonisus. Roman mosaic
Roman mosaic depicting god Dionysus. Detail of the mosaic Meeting between Ariadne and Dionysus. 4th century. Anniboni. National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain

Background imageDionysus Collection: Satyr. Roman mosaic

Satyr. Roman mosaic
Roman mosaic depicting a Satyr. Detail of the mosaic Meeting between Ariadne and Dionysus. 4th century. Anniboni. National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain

Background imageDionysus Collection: Dancing Maenad. Italica. Spain

Dancing Maenad. Italica. Spain
Dancing Maenad. Circular Altar. Pulpitum of the Italica Theater. 1st century. Archaeological Museum. Seville. Spain

Background imageDionysus Collection: Sarcophagus depicting Dionysus and his wife, Ariadne. Rome

Sarcophagus depicting Dionysus and his wife, Ariadne. Rome
Sarcophagus depicting Dionysus and his wife, Ariadne. Came from the area via Labicana. Dated in the first decade of the 3rd century AD. National Roman Museum. Baths of Diocletian. Rome. Italy

Background imageDionysus Collection: Reconstruction of the theatre of Dionysus, Athens

Reconstruction of the theatre of Dionysus, Athens

Background imageDionysus Collection: The Temple of Bacchus at Baalbek, Lebanon

The Temple of Bacchus at Baalbek, Lebanon

Background imageDionysus Collection: Sarcophagus, marble. Tel Turmus. Roman period. 3rd century A

Sarcophagus, marble. Tel Turmus. Roman period. 3rd century AD. At the center, Dionysus. Israel

Background imageDionysus Collection: Roman mosaic of Bacchic scene from workshop of Anmus Ponius

Roman mosaic of Bacchic scene from workshop of Anmus Ponius. From Merida (Augusta Emerita), Spain. 4th C. National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain

Background imageDionysus Collection: Dionysus. Bust

Dionysus. Bust
Dionysus. God of the grape harvest. Roman equivalent, Bacchus. Bust. Young Dionysus. Roman copy of a Greek work. 2nd AD. British Museum. London. United Kingdom

Background imageDionysus Collection: Alabastron. 6th century BC. Empuries. Spain

Alabastron. 6th century BC. Empuries. Spain
Alabastron for perfumes with scene depicting Dionysus accompanied by a bearded satyr with billy goat body. Black figures. 6th century BC. From Empuries. Girona Archaeological Museum. Spain

Background imageDionysus Collection: Sarcophagus. Modern work after 2nd century AD originals. Mar

Sarcophagus. Modern work after 2nd century AD originals. Mar
Front side of sarcophagus. Modern work after 2nd century AD originals. Marriage of Dionysus and Adriane. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageDionysus Collection: Detail of the masks of a votive stele. 4th century BC

Detail of the masks of a votive stele. 4th century BC
Votive stele depicting a sacrificial procession to Dionysus and Artemis for the win in a contest of theater. Votive offering, ca. 360 BC. Detail of the masks. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageDionysus Collection: Votive stele depicting a sacrificial procession to Dionysus

Votive stele depicting a sacrificial procession to Dionysus and Artemis for the win in a contest of theater. Votive offering, ca. 360 BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageDionysus Collection: Bacchus. Engraving by G. Dore. Colored

Bacchus. Engraving by G. Dore. Colored
Bacchus. Engraving by Gustave Dore. 19th century. Colored

Background imageDionysus Collection: Masks of Dionysos and Silenos. Roman relief. 2nd century AD

Masks of Dionysos and Silenos. Roman relief. 2nd century AD
Roman relief depicting masks of Dionysus and Silenos. Marble. First half of 2nd century AD. Museum of Fine Arts. Budapest. Hungary

Background imageDionysus Collection: Model of Pergamum

Model of Pergamum
Model of the city of Pergamum. Pergamon Museum. Berlin. Germany

Background imageDionysus Collection: Ariadne sleeping. Roman mosaic

Ariadne sleeping. Roman mosaic
Roman mosaic depicting Ariadne sleeping. Detail of the mosaic Meeting between Ariadne and Dionysus. 4th century. Anniboni. National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain

Background imageDionysus Collection: The Listening Dionysus

The Listening Dionysus, God of the grape harvest, wine-making and wine, of ritual madness and religious ecstasy in Greek mythology Date: 1910

Background imageDionysus Collection: Parthenon pediment Figure of Dionysus

Parthenon pediment Figure of Dionysus
PHIDIAS (490 -431 BC). Figure of Dionysos from the east pediment of the Parthenon. 438 - 432 BC. Classical Greek art. Sculpture on marble. UNITED KINGDOM. ENGLAND. London. The British Museum

Background imageDionysus Collection: Interior of the Temple of Bacchus at Baalbek, Lebanon

Interior of the Temple of Bacchus at Baalbek, Lebanon

Background imageDionysus Collection: GREECE. ATTICA. Athens. Acropolis. Theatre of

GREECE. ATTICA. Athens. Acropolis. Theatre of

Background imageDionysus Collection: Greek Flag - Sculpture by Praxiteles

Greek Flag - Sculpture by Praxiteles
Sculpture by Praxiteles of Hermes with the Infant Dionysus, (discovered at Olympia in 1877) set in a border of the modern Greek flag

Background imageDionysus Collection: St Dionysuss Priory

St Dionysuss Priory
The Priory of St Dionysus, or Dionisius, Hampshire

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