Diogenes (412-323 BC), Greek philosopher in his home
Diogenes the Cynic, Greek philosopher, c.412-323 BCDiogenes, also known as Diogenes the Cynic or Diogenes of Sinope, Greek philosopher, one of the founders of Cynicism, c.412-323 BC. Diogenes
Diogenes, Greek philosopher, c.404-323 BCDiogenes, Greek philosopher and one of the founders of Cynicism, c.404-323 BC. Diogenes the Cynic or Diogenes of Sinope
Diogenes of Sinope (ca. 412 BC - 323 BC). Greek philosopher belonging to the Cynic School. Engraving by A. Roca. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume I, 1854
Diogenes of Sinope (ca. 412 BC - 323 BC). Greek philosopher belonging to the Cynic School. Engraving by A. Roca. Detail. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume I, 1854
Box crabs, floral egg crab and hermit crabsBox crab, Calappa hepatica 1, giant box crab, Calappa calappa 2, floral egg crab, Atergatis floridus 3, Diogenes hermit crab, Diogenes pugilator 4, 5, and soldier crab, Pagurus bernhardus 6
Peacocks tail algae and hermit crabsPeacocks tail algae, Padina pavonica 1, common hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus 2, blue-eyed hermit crab, Paragiopagurus diogenes 3, and Pagurus alatus 4. Padine, Pagures
Diogenes with LanternThe Greek philosopher Diogenes, crouching beside the barrel which serves him as home, holds a lantern with which he searches Athens for an honest man... Date: 412-323 BC
Hermit crab, Petrochirus diogenes.. Handcolored copperplate zoological engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1792
Diogenes PortraitGreek philosopher Date: 412-323 BC
Carlyle (Waddy)THOMAS CARLYLE Scottish philosopher and historian, depicted as Diogenes in his tub Date: 1795 - 1881
Diogenes (Thevet)DIOGENES Cynic philosopher who lived in a tub Date: 412 - 323 BC
Diogenes and AlexanderThe story of Diogenes (who lived in a barrel) and Alexander, acted out by a monkey (as Diogenes) and a Mastiff Dog (as Alexander)
DIOGENES of Sinope (413-323 BC). Greek philosopher. Portrait appeared in the work Illustrium imagines ex antiquis marmoribus
Diogenes in his BarrelThe Greek philosopher Diogenes, living in a barrel, is an object of curiosity to Athenians
Alexander Meets DiogenesAlexander the Great meets the famous philosopher Diogenes the Cynic, who is unimpressed by Alexanders fame and merely asks him to stand aside and stop blocking out the sun!
Jesus Source of PowerAll power comes from Jesus, but he passes it on to rulers he approves of, such as the Byzantine emperor Romanus IV Diogenes and his wife Eudoxia
Romanus IV DiogenesROMANUS IV DIOGENES and his wife Eudoxia are blessed by Jesus, but by no one else, for he is soon deposed, blinded and eventually murdered