Barcelona International Exhibition. 1929. Poster from an illustration by R. Bas. View of Paseo de Maria Cristina with the Montju fountains and the National Palace
Cover of Diario de una Bandera by Francisco Franco. 1922Cover of Diario de una Bandera by Francisco Franco.1922
Juan Carlos I. Succession of Franco, 1969Prince Juan Carlos is designed by Francisco Franco successor to the Head of State as a future King. July 21, 1969
Spain (20th c. ). Francos dictatorshipSPAIN. Barcelona. Plaza de Espa Cars Seat 600 parked on Maria Cristina Avenue. Picture of the early 1960s
VALUETRUJILLO MOLINA, Rafael Le as (1891-1961)
CAMAс, Juan L. (1795 - 1877). Soldiers playing cards, from army of Juan Manuel Rosas. Painting of 1852. Oil on wood. ARGENTINA. BUENOS AIRES. Buenos Aires
Spanish family sitting at the table at mealtime. 1950s-1960s
SANTANA Y FAMILIAS, Pedro (1801 - 1864). Dominican military and politician. First President of the Dominican Republic (1844-1848). Oil
FRANCO BAHAMONDE, Francisco (1892-1975). Spanish military man and politician. Dictator of Spain from 1939 to 1975. Sculpture. SPAIN. GALICIA. Valdovi
PRIMO DE RIVERA, Miguel (1870-1930). Spanish military man and politician, dictator between 1923 and 1930. Town Hall of Saragossa: Primo de Rivera and Galo Ponte y Escart Justice minister
PORTUGAL. Lisbon. Portugal (1946). Salazar a dictatorship. Celebration of the 36th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic
Poster of International Exposition of Barcelona
Cavaignac ProclaimsGeneral Cavaignac, given dictatorial powers, posts proclamations to restore order in Paris
Leaders of the TerrorThe three principals of the Montagnard faction - Robespierre, Danton and Marat - meet in the cabaret de la rue de Paon : for a while they wield dictatorial power
Committee Public SafetyThis committee is invested by the Convention with almost dictatorial power : made up of extremists such as Danton and Robespierre, it becomes an instrument of terror