Spain, Andalusia, Granada. The Generalife. Occupied the slopes of the Hill of the Sun (Cerro del Sol)
Dick WhittingtonScene from Dich Whittington from an 18th century chapbook Date: circa 1750
A feathery scene The World of Herons in James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
Showgirls in James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
Two performers, including Hans Albers in James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
Showgirls in pearls in James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
The scene Living Easter Flowers from James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
A scene from James Klein sZieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 with Hans Albers and Vicky Werkmeister Date: 1928
A swimming pool scene from James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
The scene The Living Bell from James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
The scene The Living Four Poster-bed from James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
A showgirl (Lotte Ziesemer) in The Living Flowerbed scene from James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
The scene The Living Flowerbed from James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
Scenes from James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928, including the Komische Oper Girls Date: 1928
The scene The most beautiful of the four poster bed from James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus, Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
A scene from James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
The scene At the Court of Nebukadnezars from James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
A showgirl in James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
Front cover for souvenir brochure for James Kleins Zieh Dich Aus (Undress Yourself), Komische Oper, Berlin, 1928 Date: 1928
Dein Vaterland ist in Gefahr, melde dich!. Poster shows a German soldier, holding a grenade in one hand and a rifle in the other; in background a barbed wire fence and flames
Wahr dich, Wehr dich, Wach auf. Melde dich zur Bayr. Reichswehr. Poster shows a German soldier holding a rifle. Text: Defend yourself, protect yourself, wake up. Enlist in the Bavarian Reichswehr
Fairytale TischleinTable, Set Yourself... A scene in which the table has evidently set itself with food and drink, much to the enjoyment of all concerned