Poster, Zeppelin to South AmericaPoster advertising the German Zeppelin Hamburg-American Line, LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin airship service from Friedrichshafen, Germany, to Buenos Aires, Argentina. circa 1934
Luggage label, Zeppelin to South AmericaLuggage label, Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei (Airline) for the LZ 129 Hindenburg flight to South America. The passenger is a Mrs Sinclair, destination Rio de Janeiro, berth number 32. 1936
Gutenbergs press, with booksGutenbergs press, reconstructed from what was left of it, and housed in the Deutsche Buchgewerbehaus at Leipzig, Germany
The DRG Class SVT 877 Hamburg Flyer sometimes also Flying Hamburger or in German Fliegender Hamburger was Germanys first fast diesel train
Sturmbataillon Schmidt; Deutsche Manner schutt Eure Heimat! Tretet ein beim
Leaflet design, LufthansaLeaflet design, Deutsche Lufthansa, offering Aerobus flights between Cologne and Frankfurt, and steamer trips on the Rhine between Cologne and Dusseldorf. circa 1926
Deutsche Volksspende zum Ankauf von Lesestoff fur Heer und Flotte. Poster shows German soldiers reading books in a trench
Der lezte Deutsche in Paris the Prussians leave the city, derided by the inhabitants : little knowing they'll be back 70 years later - and next time they'll stay longer.. Date: 3 March 1871
Boeing 737-31S D-ADBR (msn 29100 / 2984), of Deutsche BA. Date: circa 2000
Boeing 737-300 D-ADBCBoeing 737-3L9 D-ADBC (msn 26442 / 2277), of Deutsche BA Date: ca2000
Poster, German Armoured Vehicles, WW2, Deutsche Panzerfahrzeuge, a range of different types of tanks and armoured vehicles. (1 of 2) 1940s
Croydon Airport - Junkers Ju52-3m D-AHALJunkers Ju52/3m D-AHAL Otto Bernert (msn 5034), of Deutsche LuftHansa (DLH) on approach to land at Croydon Airport
Croydon Airport - Junkers Ju52-3m D-AFERJunkers Ju52/3m D-AFER Franz Buchner (msn 4047), of Deutsche LuftHansa (DLH) on approach to land at Croydon Airport
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29A 29+08Luftwaffe - Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29A 29+08 (msn 2960525118), a former Luftstreitkrafte der Nationalen Volksarmee aircraft, operated by the Luftwaffe after re-unification
Airship Hindenburg - porcelain dinner plateGerman Hindenburg Zeppelin Airship - porcelain dinner plate, decorated with the logo of the Deutsche Zeppelin Reederei (DZR)
Zeppelin airship, timetable and rate chartZeppelin airship: French and English transatlantic passenger timetable and rate chart. Shows the transatlantic maiden voyage of the Hindenburg. Folded. 4 x 8 inches. Date: 1936
Deutsche Bundesbahn steam locomotive 012 064-2Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB - German Federal Railway) steam locomotive 012 064-2'. Date: circa 1958
Deutsche Bundesbahn steam locomotive 043 315-1Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB - German Federal Railway) steam locomotive 043 315-1'. Date: circa 1958
Deutsche Bundesbahn steam locomotive 042 097-6Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB - German Federal Railway) steam locomotive 042 097-6'. Date: circa 1958
Deutsche Bundesbahn steam locomotive 023 094-6Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB - German Federal Railway) steam locomotive 023 094-6'. Date: circa 1958
Deutsche Bundesbahn steam locomotive 064 247-0Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB - German Federal Railway) steam locomotive 064 247-0'. Date: circa 1958
Deutsche Bundesbahn steam locomotive 043 574-3Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB - German Federal Railway) steam locomotive 043 574-3'. Date: circa 1958
Deutsche Bundesbahn steam locomotive 064 019-3Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB - German Federal Railway) steam locomotive 064 019-3'. Date: circa 1958
Deutsche Bundesbahn steam locomotive 044 678-1Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB - German Federal Railway) steam locomotive 044 678-1'. Date: circa 1958
Deutsche Bundesbahn steam locomotive 011 072-6Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB - German Federal Railway) steam locomotive 011 072-6'. Date: circa 1958
Deutsche Bundesbahn steam locomotive 065 018-4Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB - German Federal Railway) steam locomotive 065 018-4'. Date: circa 1958
Deutsche Bundesbahn steam locomotive 064 305-6Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB - German Federal Railway) steam locomotive 064 305-6'. Date: circa 1958
MBB BK-117B-1 D-HIMU (msn 7204), of Deutsche Rettungs Flugwacht (DRF), at Nordholz Air Base for an air display on 18 August 1996. Date: 1996
Focke-Wulf GL18b D-1097Focke-Wulf GL18a D-1097 (msn 31 ), used mostly by Deutsche Verkehrsfliegerschule GmbH (DVS Gmbh) for training. Date: circa 1928
Caspar C 27 M owe (seagull) 2-seat floatplane trainer. One of two built, it is unclear which one this photo depicts
HYGIENE MUSEUM DRESDENThe Deutsche Hygiene Museum at Dresden is a tribute to the healthy regime made available by the National Socialist principle of Kraft durch Freude (Strength through joy). Date: circa 1938
ASSORTED DOG BREEDSA variety of breeds from St Bernard to Zwergaffenpinscher (the scruffy one lower left); the dangerous-looking black- and-white dog upper right is the Deutsche Tiger-Dogge Date: circa 1890
WWI German commemorative desk ornamentFirst World War German commemorative desk ornament, dated 1914-1918 and engraved Unseren Helden/Deutsche Treue (Our Heroes and Loyalty to Germany).. Trench Art
Cartoon, More Hands Wanted, WW1Cartoon, More Hands Wanted
Germany. Berlin. Building of Deutsche Bahn (DB). Effect of the lights
SCHMIDTs BUTCHERS 1900The Schmidt family stand proudly in the doorway of their famous butchers shop, Deutsche Wurstfabrik etc. A taste of Germany in London. Date: early 1900s
Hrosvitha / Mamz / DeutscheHROSVITHA or HROSTVITHA Benedictine nun, Abbess of Gundersheim, poet and historian, presents her writings to Archbishop Wilhelm von Mainz Date: circa 935-1000
Deutsche Haus (Athenaeum), Indianapolis, Indiana, USADas Deutsche Haus (later renamed the Athenaeum), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. The building is connected to the citys German-American community, dating back to the 19th century. Date: circa 1905
Deutsche Luftpost advert. circa 1931. Date: 1931
Deutsche Zeppelin leaflet for services to the United States in the Hindenburg during 1936. Date: 1936
Lufthansa Poster, summer flights in EuropePoster, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, showing summer flights serving cities in Europe from 1 April to 5 October 1935. 1935
Deutsche Ausstellung, Sparsame Baustoffe. Ausstellungshallen am Zoo, 16. November bis 22 Dezbr. Poster shows a money box and coins in front of an Ionic column
Deutsche Luftkriegsbeute Ausstellung, Munchen, 1918. Poster shows a German land/sea biplane, the Wolfschen, flying over Africans(?) who appear to be reacting with fear
Deutsche Kriegs-Ausstellung... Leipzig 1916-17. Poster shows an armor-clad arm holding a sword; in background a red globe. Text announces a war exhibit to aid the Red Cross. Date 1916
Nur noch kurze Zeit. Deutsche Luftkriegsbeute Ausstellung... Poster shows a black eagle diving after a bullet-ridden, badly damaged British biplane which is plunging to earth
Der deutsche Schmied, ein vaterlandisches Spiel... Poster shows a blacksmith with a raised hammer. Text is advertisement for a play to benefit the War Aid, organized by Berlin Military Headquarters
Deutsche Kriegsausstellung... Ausstellungshallen am Zoo
Deutsche Luftkriegsbeute Ausstellung. Poster shows a burning British biplane plunging toward the ground. Date 1918
Deutsche Kriegsausstellung Hamburg. Poster shows a stylized German flag(?)
Freiheit, Friede, Arbeit. Wahlt die Deutsche Volkspartei in Bayern. Poster shows a farmer sowing seeds. Text: Freedom, Peace and Work
Deutsche Luftskriegsbeute Ausstellung Munchen 1918. Poster shows a black eagle sitting on the wing of a downed British biplane. Text announces an exhibition in Munich of the spoils of the air war
Hungersnot bedeutet der Verlust der Ostprovinzen!... Deutsche! Rettet den Osten! Freiwillige vor!
Der Deutsche Ring, Cologne, the Rhine, Germany. Date between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900
Poster advertising Deutsche Afrika LinesPoster advertising cruises on the Deutsche Africa Lines, showing a man on a donkey with a child in a basket on either side
Germans Born SoldiersDer Deutsche ist der geborene Soldat - Germans are born soldiers... (NOTE : this is a PRO-German cartoon, not an ANTI-German !)
Old & New Germany / 1933DEUTSCHE JUGEND The new Germany leap frogs over the old