Desdemona, by Sir Frederick Leighton. Date: I
Venice, Italy - Palazzo Contarini Fasan (Casa di Desdemona) Date: 1914
Margaret Halstan (1879 - 1967), English actress, in the role of Desdemona. Date: 1907
Othello by William ShakespeareInside pages of promotional four-page flyer for Herbert Trees production of Othello at His Majestys Theatre, 9th April 1912. Artist: Charles Buchel. Tree, of course, is in the title role
DesdemonaPub: Humphrey Milford, Postcards for the Little Ones. Shakespeares Heroines series. Desdemona from Othello. Artist: Amy Millicent Sowerby Date: 1922
Siddons as DesdemonaSARAH SIDDONS (nee Kemble) actress as Desdemona in Shakespeares Othello. Date: 1755 - 1831
Scene from Othello with Paul Robeson and Margaret Webster i.e. Uta Hagen as Desdemona. Theatre Guild production 1943-44. Date 1943 or 1944?
Palazzo Contarini Fasan. According to the well-known Venetian legend, the building is also called Casa di Desdemona, who was killed by her jealous husband Othello. Date: circa 1910s
Othello & DesdemonaOthello suspicious of Desdemona Date: 1911
G Verdi BalestrieriGIUSEPPE VERDI composing (in his head) his opera, Otello, with the figures of Otello and Desdemona at his side