Japan - Geisha - See no evil, Hear no evil, speak no evilJapan - Three Geisha girls - miming the phrase See no evil, Hear no evil, speak no evil. Date: circa 1904
Ufos / Cussac, FranceTwo boys report seeing four aliens - they describe them as little devils - who fly round a spherical craft landed in a field
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Good EggThe caption is Good Egg. As the egg has not yet been opened let us hope so. A good egg is of course used to describe a reliable person
LA CONDAMINE, Charles-Marie de (1701-1774). Map" LA CONDAMINE, Charles-Marie de (1701-1774). Map of Quito. 1741
American guide week, Nov. 10-16 Take pride in your country : State by state the WPA Writers Projects describe America to Americans
Land of NodThe Land of Nod is one way to describe the dream world. Here the signpost points to a village of the same name in East Riding, Yorkshire. But is the man really asleep?
Imaginary AbductionAt the close of the 20th century, many thousands claim to be taken aboard alien spacecraft : this is a typical scene as they describe their experience
Rolls Motor Car 1905No one could describe this Rolls 10 HP two-cylinder Royce car as elegant - yet it is the precursor of the most respected marque in motoring design
Domestic Cat (Bewick)Felis felis : to describe an animal so well known, might seem a superfluous task