Phallic dance. Mesolithic art. Cave. Proc: SPAIN. El Cogul. Cova dels Moros
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). No envieu els vostres productes al mercat lliure. Veneu-los a traves dels sindicats agricoles (Don't send you produces to the free market)
SPAIN. Tirig. Cova dels Cavalls (Horses Cave). Hunting scene. Mesolithic art. Cave
Spain. Catalonia. Barcelona. House Bruno Cuadros or House of Umbrella. Renovated building at 1888 for Josep Vilaseca i Casanovas (1848-1910). Modernist style. Detail dragon
Phalic dance of type stylized-naturalistic. Mesolithic art. Cave. SPAIN. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia. Proc: SPAIN. El Cogul. Cova dels Moros
Lady of Ibiza. 3rd c. BC. Lady of Ibiza. Punic art. Sculpture. From: Puid dels Molins necropolis. Carthaginian art. Terra-cotta. SPAIN. Madrid. National Museum of Archaeology. Proc: SPAIN. IBIZA
Miquel dels Sants Oliver i Toira (1864-1920). Spanish writer. Portrait by Joan Piza. Town halll of Palma de Mallorca. Balearic Islands. Spain
France. Medieval stele, erected in 1960, in memory of the Cathars were burned as heretics in the 13th century, after the crusade by Pope Innocent III. Meadow of Burned (Camp dels Cremats). Montsegur
Spain. Lleida. Seu Vella. Godsons Door (Porta dels Fillols)Spain. Lleida. Seu Vella. 13th century. Temple of transitional style between Romanesque and Gothic. Godsons Door (Porta dels Fillols), 1220. Catalonia
Pere Tomich (d. after 1448). Catalan writer and historian. Historias e Conquestas Dels Excellentissims e Catholics Reys De Arago. Home edition printed in 1534
Spain (17th c. ). Reapers War (1643)Spain. Catalonia. Guerra dels Segadors (Catalan revolt or Reapers War), 1643
SPAIN. BARCELONA. Baix Pened賮Sant Jaume delsSPAIN. BARCELONA. Baix Pened賮 Sant Jaume dels Domenys. Roman aqueduct ruins. Roman art
Phallic dance. Mesolithic art. Cave. SPAIN. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia. Proc: SPAIN. El Cogul. Cova dels Moros
DESCLOT, Bernat (13th century). Catalan chronicler" DESCLOT, Bernat (13th century). Catalan chronicler. " Llibre del rei en Pere d Arag dels seus antecessors passats" (Book of the king Peter of Aragon and his ancestors)
Weapons. Silex arrow tip with bifacial retouching. Bronze Age. Proc: SPAIN. Tirig. Cova dels Melons
Spain. Crown of Aragon. 13th c. Chronicle of" Spain. Crown of Aragon. 13th c. Chronicle of James I or " Llibre dels Feyts" of father Pere Marsili. Fol. 109v. Jaime I and brother Miguel Fabra of the Order of Preachers
Deers and cows in naturalistic-stylized style
Phallic dance in naturalistic-stylized style. Mesolithic art. Cave. SPAIN. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia. Proc: SPAIN. El Cogul. Cova dels Moros
Spain. Crown of Aragon. 13th c. Facsimile of the Chronicle of James I or Llibre dels Feyts (Book of the Facts) by father Pere Marsili
Eguilazn. Eguilaz. Phalic dance. Mesolithic art. Cave. Proc: SPAIN. El Cogul. Cova dels Moros
ROIG, Jaume ( -1478). Valencian writer. Title page of the Llibre dels consells, edition of Valencia from 1551. Engraving