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Delle Collection

Background imageDelle Collection: Twinflower, Linnaea borealis

Twinflower, Linnaea borealis, Linnea boreale

Background imageDelle Collection: Ghost plant or Indian pipe, Monotropa uniflora

Ghost plant or Indian pipe, Monotropa uniflora. Monotrope a une fleur

Background imageDelle Collection: Black truffle, Tuber melanosporum

Black truffle, Tuber melanosporum (Tuber cibarium, Tartufo commestibile, Lycoperdon tuber)

Background imageDelle Collection: Goose barnacles

Goose barnacles, Alepas species 1, 2, Pentalepas laevis 3, Pollicipes 4, and goose neck barnacle, Pollicipes pollicipes 4, 5, extinct Litholepas 6

Background imageDelle Collection: Great argonaut, cuttlefish and flying squid

Great argonaut, cuttlefish and flying squid
Great argonaut, Argonauta argo 1, cuttlefish, Sepia tuberculata 2 and European flying squid, Todarodes sagittatus 3. Polpo dell argonauta, Seppia tubercolata, Calamajo sagittato

Background imageDelle Collection: Battle of Waterloo (18th June 1815). Napoleon s

Battle of Waterloo (18th June 1815). Napoleon s
" Battle of Waterloo (18th June 1815). Napoleons flight. Litography. ITALY. Milan. Civica Raccolta delle Stampe " Achille Bertarelli" (Achille Bertarelli collection of prints)."

Background imageDelle Collection: German empress cactus, Disocactus phyllanthoides

German empress cactus, Disocactus phyllanthoides. Cactus phyllanthoides, Cactus speciosus, Catto elegante

Background imageDelle Collection: Tropical pitcher plant, Nepenthes distillatoria

Tropical pitcher plant, Nepenthes distillatoria, Nepenthes indica, Nepente dell Indie

Background imageDelle Collection: Octopus and squid species

Octopus and squid species
Common octopus, Octopus vulgaris 1, musky octopus, Eledone moschata 2, European flying squid, Todarodes sagittatus 3, and glass squid, Cranchia scabra 4

Background imageDelle Collection: Norway lobster and shrimp

Norway lobster and shrimp
Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus 1, and shrimp, Atya scabra 2. Nefrope di Norvegia, Atia spinosa

Background imageDelle Collection: Milan Royal Palace. Engraving. ITALY. Milan

Milan Royal Palace. Engraving. ITALY. Milan
" Milan Royal Palace. Engraving. ITALY. Milan. Civica Raccolta delle Stampe " Achille Bertarelli" (Achille Bertarelli collection of prints)."

Background imageDelle Collection: Bird of paradise, Strelitzia reginae

Bird of paradise, Strelitzia reginae
Crane flower or bird of paradise, Strelitzia reginae, Strelitzia della Regina

Background imageDelle Collection: Tetratheca glandulosa

Tetratheca glandulosa, Tetrateca glandulosa

Background imageDelle Collection: Lychee fruit, Litchi chinensis

Lychee fruit, Litchi chinensis. Euphoria punicea, Scythalia chinensis, Euforia color di sangue

Background imageDelle Collection: Radiated tortoise, Astrochelys radiata. Critically

Radiated tortoise, Astrochelys radiata. Critically endangered. Testudo coui. Testuggine coui

Background imageDelle Collection: Black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci

Black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci (Serranus arara, Serrano arara)

Background imageDelle Collection: Red mangrove, Rhozophora mangle

Red mangrove, Rhozophora mangle, Rizofora dei paduli. Mangle

Background imageDelle Collection: Sea mice, Aphrodita aculeata and Laetmonice hystrix

Sea mice, Aphrodita aculeata and Laetmonice hystrix
Sea mouse, Aphrodita aculeata 1 and Laetmonice hystrix 2. Afrodita aculeata, Ermione ispida

Background imageDelle Collection: Fish leech and freshwater leeches

Fish leech and freshwater leeches: Branchiobdellida 1, Pontobdella spinosa 2, Whitmania laevis 3, Hirudo vittata 4, Piscicola geometra 5, Ichthyobdella geometra 5, Geobdella trochetii 6

Background imageDelle Collection: Neptune grass, Posidonia oceanica

Neptune grass, Posidonia oceanica
Neptune grass or Mediterranean tapeweed, Posidonia oceanica. Caulinia oceanica, Zostera oceanica, Cauline de l ocean

Background imageDelle Collection: Jequirity bean or rosary pea, Abrus precatorius

Jequirity bean or rosary pea, Abrus precatorius, Abro da corone

Background imageDelle Collection: Drooping sheoak, Allocasuarina verticillata

Drooping sheoak, Allocasuarina verticillata, a nitrogen-fixing tree native to Australia. Casuarina quadrivalvis, Casuarina a quatre valves

Background imageDelle Collection: Fossils of extinct ammonite species

Fossils of extinct ammonite species. Ammonite di Caen, Ammonite di Deslongchamps, Ammonite di Bayeux, Ammonite di Braikenridge

Background imageDelle Collection: Parasitic plant, Cytinus hypocistis

Parasitic plant, Cytinus hypocistis, Citino ipocistide

Background imageDelle Collection: Hermit crabs and coconut crab

Hermit crabs and coconut crab
Hermit crab, Pagurus excavatus 1, common hermit crab in shell, Pagurus bernhardus 2, and coconut crab, Birgus latro 3. Paguro angoloso, Paguro bernardo, Birgo ladro

Background imageDelle Collection: Fossils of extinct lamp shells

Fossils of extinct lamp shells. Kirkidium knightii 1, Araxilevis intermedius 2, Uncites grifoides 3. Pentamerus knightii, Productus martini, Uncite grifoide

Background imageDelle Collection: Yellow mombin or hog plum, Spondias monbin

Yellow mombin or hog plum, Spondias monbin. Spondia di frutti rossi

Background imageDelle Collection: Common guava, Psidium guajava

Common guava, Psidium guajava
Common guava, yellow guava or lemon guava, Psidium guajava (Psidium pomiferum, Psidio pomifero)

Background imageDelle Collection: Rhytidophyllum grande

Rhytidophyllum grande. Gesnere a grandes feuilles, Gesneria grandis. Near threatened

Background imageDelle Collection: Skeleton of a Cuban hutia, Capromys pilorides

Skeleton of a Cuban hutia, Capromys pilorides
Skeleton of a Cuban hutia or Desmarests hutia, Capromys pilorides. Utia di Cuba

Background imageDelle Collection: Mayapple, Podophyllum peltatum

Mayapple, Podophyllum peltatum
May apple, mayapple, American mandrake, wild mandrake and ground lemon, Podophyllum peltatum

Background imageDelle Collection: Bird of paradise flower, Strelitzia reginae

Bird of paradise flower, Strelitzia reginae
Crane flower or bird of paradise flower, Strelitzia reginae, Strelitzia della Regina

Background imageDelle Collection: Javillo or antidote caccoon fruit, Fevillea cordifolia

Javillo or antidote caccoon fruit, Fevillea cordifolia. (Fevillea hederacea, Fevillea a foglie d ellera)

Background imageDelle Collection: Mexican cotton, Gossypium hirsutum

Mexican cotton, Gossypium hirsutum
Upland cotton or Mexican cotton, Gossypium hirsutum

Background imageDelle Collection: Changeable velvetberry, Stachytarpheta mutabilis

Changeable velvetberry, Stachytarpheta mutabilis
Changeable velvetberry, coral porterweed, pink snakeweed, red snakeweed or pink rat tail, Stachytarpheta mutabilis, Verbena mutabilis, Verbena di fiori cangianti

Background imageDelle Collection: Sugar kelp and other seaweeds

Sugar kelp and other seaweeds
Sugar kelp, Saccharina latissima 1, red seaweed, Delesseria sanguinea 2, Porphyra purpurea 3, and Osmundaria fimbriata 4

Background imageDelle Collection: Madam gorgon, Acicarpha tribuloides

Madam gorgon, Acicarpha tribuloides. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence, Italy, 1837

Background imageDelle Collection: Peanut worms, Sipunculus nudus, etc

Peanut worms, Sipunculus nudus, etc
Peanut worms, Sipunculus nudus 1, Siphonosoma cumanense 4, etc. Sipunculo nudo, Sipunculo microrinco, Sipunculo macrorinco, Sipunculo commestible

Background imageDelle Collection: Black leech, horse leech, etc

Black leech, horse leech, etc
Common black leech, Hirudo verbana, var. nigra. 1, horse leech, Haemopis sanguisuga 2, Nile leech, Limnatis nilotica 3, medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis. 4

Background imageDelle Collection: Medicinal leech species

Medicinal leech species
European medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis species 1, 2. Hirudo verbana 3, Erpobdella octoculata 4, 5. Mignatta, Latrobdella medicinilais viridis, tessellata, L provincialis, L

Background imageDelle Collection: Parasitic worms and tapeworms

Parasitic worms and tapeworms, Bothriocephalus coronatus 1, Bothriocephalus corolla 2, and pike tapeworm, Triaenophorus nodulosus 3. Bothriocefalo coronato, B. corolla, Trienoforo noduloso

Background imageDelle Collection: Florence, Italy - Cascine - Monument to an Indian Maharajah

Florence, Italy - Cascine - Monument to an Indian Maharajah
Florence, Tuscany, Italy - at the east end of the Parco delle Cascine - Monumento all Indiano (Monument to the Indian), more specifically the Monument to the Maratha Maharajah of Kohlapur

Background imageDelle Collection: Piazza Delle Erbe, Verona

Piazza Delle Erbe, Verona
A painting of the Piazza Delle Erbe, a market square in Verona, northern Italy, filled with figures walking in all directions, one is carrying a crying baby

Background imageDelle Collection: Piazza delle Erbe in Verona, ca. 1900, by Gierymski

Piazza delle Erbe in Verona, ca. 1900, by Gierymski
Aleksander Gierymski (1850-1901). Polish painter. Piazza delle Erbe in Verona, ca.1900. 19th Century Polish Art Gallery (Sukiennice Museum). National Museum of Krakow. Poland. Date: 2018

Background imageDelle Collection: Torre dei Lamberti, Piazza delle Erbe, Verona, Italy

Torre dei Lamberti, Piazza delle Erbe, Verona, Italy. Date: circa 1950s

Background imageDelle Collection: Piazza delle Erbe, Verona, Italy

Piazza delle Erbe, Verona, Italy. Date: circa 1950s

Background imageDelle Collection: Piazza Santo Stefano Bologna, Italy

Piazza Santo Stefano Bologna, Italy
Vintage 19th century photograph: Piazza Santo Stefano also known as Piazza delle Sette Chiese is a piazza of Bologna, Italy

Background imageDelle Collection: Aardvark and giant armadillo

Aardvark and giant armadillo
Aardvark, Orycteropus afer 1, and giant armadillo, Priodontes maximus 2. Oritteropo del Capo di Buona Speranza, Priodonte gigante

Background imageDelle Collection: Eastern quoll and water opossum

Eastern quoll and water opossum
Eastern quoll, Dasyurus viverrinus 1, water opossum or yapok, Chironectes minimus 2. Dasyurus Maugei, Dasiuro di Mauge, Chironette yapock

Background imageDelle Collection: Yellow alder, Turnera ulmifolia

Yellow alder, Turnera ulmifolia
Ramgoat dashalong or yellow alder, Turnera ulmifolia, Turnera a foglie d Olmo

Background imageDelle Collection: Spananthe paniculata

Spananthe paniculata Hydrocotyle spananthe, Idrocotile spanante

Background imageDelle Collection: False nettle, Boehmeria caudata

False nettle, Boehmeria caudata, Boemeria codata

Background imageDelle Collection: Hedyosmum bonplandianum

Hedyosmum bonplandianum Hediosmon bonplandianum, Ediosmo del Bonpland

Background imageDelle Collection: Sarcolaena multiflora

Sarcolaena multiflora, Sarcolena di molti fiori. Madagascar

Background imageDelle Collection: Tolumnia guttata orchid

Tolumnia guttata orchid. Epidendrum guttatum, Cymbidium guttatum, Epidendro macchiato

Background imageDelle Collection: Valerian, Valeriana dioica

Valerian, Valeriana dioica, Valeriane dioique

Background imageDelle Collection: Greater argonaut and winged argonaut octopus

Greater argonaut and winged argonaut octopus
Greater argonaut octopus, Argonauta argo 1, and winged argonaut, Argonauta hians 2. Polpo navigatore degli Antichi, Polpo di Cranch

Background imageDelle Collection: Blue field madder, Sherardia arvensis

Blue field madder, Sherardia arvensis, Sherarde des champs

Background imageDelle Collection: Muttonwood, Turpinia occidentalis

Muttonwood, Turpinia occidentalis. Turpinia paniculata, Turpinia pannocchiuta

Background imageDelle Collection: Melon cactus, Melocactus caroli-linnaei

Melon cactus, Melocactus caroli-linnaei. Cactus melocactus, Catto poponiforme

Background imageDelle Collection: Witch elder, Fothergilla gardenii

Witch elder, Fothergilla gardenii. Fothergilla alnifolia, Fotergilla a foglie d ontano

Background imageDelle Collection: Erythroxylum laurifolium

Erythroxylum laurifolium, tropical plant. Erythroxylon a feulles de laurier

Background imageDelle Collection: Gumbo-limbo, Bursera simaruba

Gumbo-limbo, Bursera simaruba
Gumbo-limbo, copperwood, chaca, and turpentine tree, Bursera simaruba, Bursera gummifera, Bursera gommifera

Background imageDelle Collection: Teaberry, Gaultheria domingensis

Teaberry, Gaultheria domingensis. (Epigia cordifolia, Gualthiera sphagnicola, Epigea di foglie cuoriformi)

Background imageDelle Collection: Common cotton bush, Berzelia lanuginosa

Common cotton bush, Berzelia lanuginosa, Brunia lanuginosa

Background imageDelle Collection: Antifever fontinalis moss, Fontinalis antipyretica

Antifever fontinalis moss, Fontinalis antipyretica, Fontanale incombustibule

Background imageDelle Collection: Quill moss or false fern moss, Cyathophorum bulbosum

Quill moss or false fern moss, Cyathophorum bulbosum, native to Australia. Leskea pennata, Hookeria pennata

Background imageDelle Collection: Skeletons of extinct dinosaurs Ichthyosaurus

Skeletons of extinct dinosaurs Ichthyosaurus communis 1 and Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus 2. Ittiosauro comune, Plesiosauro dolicodeiro

Background imageDelle Collection: Chinese primrose, Primulidium sinense

Chinese primrose, Primulidium sinense (Primula sinensis, Primavera della China)

Background imageDelle Collection: Papaya, papaw or pawpaw tree and fruit, Carica papaya

Papaya, papaw or pawpaw tree and fruit, Carica papaya, Carica papaja

Background imageDelle Collection: Hallers apple moss, Bartramia halleriana

Hallers apple moss, Bartramia halleriana. Bartramia dell Haller

Background imageDelle Collection: Curly mesquite, Hilaria cenchroides

Curly mesquite, Hilaria cenchroides, Ilaria cencroide

Background imageDelle Collection: Pipewort, Paepalanthus dendroides

Pipewort, Paepalanthus dendroides, Eriocaulon dendroides

Background imageDelle Collection: Junsai, Brasenia schreberi

Junsai, Brasenia schreberi (Hydropeltis purpurea, Idropeltide porporina)

Background imageDelle Collection: Selaginella jungermannioides fern

Selaginella jungermannioides fern. Lycopodium jungermannioides, Lycopodio a foglie di jungermannia

Background imageDelle Collection: Globe daisy, Globularia salicina

Globe daisy, Globularia salicina. Globulaire a longues feuilles, Globularia longifolia

Background imageDelle Collection: Clubhook squid, European squid and cuttlefish

Clubhook squid, European squid and cuttlefish
Common clubhook squid, Onychoteuthis banksii 1, European squid, Loligo vulgaris 2, and cuttlefish, Sepia species. Totano di Banks, Totano comune, Totano seppia

Background imageDelle Collection: Agelaea pentagyna

Agelaea pentagyna. Connarus pentagynus, Connaire a cinq styles

Background imageDelle Collection: Fossils of extinct scallops

Fossils of extinct scallops. Spondylus spinosus 1, etc. Plagiostoma spinosa, Pachite punteggiato, Diancora marginata

Background imageDelle Collection: Red root, Wachendorfia thyrsiflora

Red root, Wachendorfia thyrsiflora, native to South Africa

Background imageDelle Collection: Twin flowered agave, Agave geminiflora

Twin flowered agave, Agave geminiflora

Background imageDelle Collection: Sanguinaria or nevadilla, Paronychia argentea

Sanguinaria or nevadilla, Paronychia argentea. Illecebrum paronychia, Illecebro paronichia

Background imageDelle Collection: Whorl-leaf watermilfoil, Myriophyllum verticillatum

Whorl-leaf watermilfoil, Myriophyllum verticillatum
Whorl-leaf watermilfoil or whorled water-milfoil, Myriophyllum verticillatum. Miriofillo verticillato

Background imageDelle Collection: False fiddleleaf, Hydrolea spinosa

False fiddleleaf, Hydrolea spinosa. Idrolea spinosa

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